
Unfair Rebirth

"Unfair Rebirth" follows the extraordinary journey of two brothers, Georgie and Arthur, whose destinies are forever entwined by a mystical contract with the enigmatic deity, Yinuros. Georgie, a gifted track and field athlete, receives new found powers he will then use to protect his newborn brother, Arthur. They them embark on an epic adventure filled with wonder, peril, and brotherly love. This fantasy tale explores the mysteries of fate, the power of family bonds, and the resilience to protect what truly matters. As they navigate a world of ancient secrets and cosmic forces, Georgie and Arthur's journey is a testament to the unyielding spirit that shapes their extraordinary destiny.

Juscenti · ファンタジー
5 Chs

CHAPTER 2: Necessary Tragedy

With an unknown presence lurking in the community, the Wheelers continued their dinner, unaware of the potential danger just a few meters away. The warm glow of the dining room light bathed the family in a comforting hue as conversation filled the air. The rhythmic clinking of cutlery against plates punctuated the room, blending with the soft murmur of evening routines. Outside, the last light of dusk slipped beneath the horizon, casting long, eerie shadows across the neighborhood.

Suddenly, the kitchen telephone shattered the tranquility with its shrill ringing. James rose from his seat, brushing crumbs from his lap. "I'll take the call; you continue eating, honey," he said to Candice, his voice reassuring.

At that moment, baby Arthur began to cry, a tiny, insistent wail that cut through the domestic sounds. James smiled and gestured to Georgie, his expression softening. "Georgie, go see what's wrong with your brother. You haven't had the chance to hold him yet, have you?" he suggested, recognizing the spark of eagerness in Georgie's eyes.

"Okay, Dad," Georgie responded, his heart brimming with anticipation as he moved towards the crib. The cries grew louder, echoing in the small, cozy room.

Meanwhile, James picked up the ringing phone, pressing it against his ear. "Hello, James Wheeler speaking," he answered, his tone shifting to a more formal, businesslike demeanor.

The voice on the other end belonged to Mrs. Johnson, their concerned neighbor. Polite pleasantries were exchanged before she got to the heart of her call. "Are you expecting any visitors, like a brother-in-law, perhaps?" she asked, her voice tinged with curiosity.

James was taken aback. "No, why?" he replied, a sense of unease creeping into his voice.

Mrs. Johnson's words only intensified his unease. "There seems to be a strange fellow in a long coat pacing back and forth on your lawn… Oh, now he's swinging his hands around in a circle, like one of those baseball pitchers."

The mention of a baseball pitcher triggered a memory deep in James's mind, but he couldn't quite grasp it. "Do you know what it is? You know what, never mind. I'll check for myself. Thank you, Mrs. Johnson," James said, his tone tense as he prepared to investigate the situation.

Before he could conclude the phone call, a sudden crash shattered the kitchen window. The sound reverberated through the house, sending shards of glass skittering across the floor. James was taken aback, caught off guard by the unexpected intrusion.

The noise startled everyone, and as the fragments of glass settled on the floor, a strange noise followed—the sound of something crawling towards James. He glanced down, and a surge of fear gripped him. The memory that had eluded him now became all too clear—the unfound terror brother was an ex-baseball champion. What lay between James's feet was not a baseball, but instead, a grenade.

"CANDICE!!! TAKE THE KIDS AND GET OUT OF H—" James's desperate plea was cut short.


A deafening explosion rocked the kitchen, the force of the blast sending a shockwave through the house. The echo of the explosion reverberated through their once peaceful community, leaving a ringing in their ears.

Candice sat frozen, her fork suspended in mid-air as shock coursed through her veins. She sat still, petrified, as the severed wrist of her beloved husband flew into the room, landing near her ankle as if reaching out to her. She stared at it, her mind struggling to process the gruesome reality, the sight of the wedding ring still attached to the dismembered hand brought a cold, horrific clarity. A blood-curdling scream tore through her lips, shattering the silence.

The cries of baby Arthur grew louder as Georgie rushed into the living room, holding him tightly in his arms. His eyes widened in horror as he took in the scene. "Mom, where's Dad?" he managed to stammer, his voice trembling with fear.

Before Candice could respond, the front door burst open, revealing the mysterious figure. His long coat flapped like a dark, ominous cape, and in his hand gleamed a knife, its blade reflecting the dim light. A wave of uncontrollable rage emanated from him, a palpable force that seemed to taint the air with impending bloodshed.

In a state of panic, Candice shouted out, "Georgie, take the baby and run!"

Georgie bolted off with his newborn sibling clutched tightly in his arms. Candice, driven by a fierce maternal instinct, grasped a knife from the table, ready to defend her children with everything she had. But the intruder, moving with a predator's grace, anticipated her desperate attempt. He disarmed her with a brutal efficiency, the blade puncturing her neck in one swift, merciless motion. Blood sprayed from the wound as she collapsed to the floor, her life draining away.

Georgie, tears blurring his vision, sprinted through the back door. The cold night air stung his lungs as he raced towards the back wall of his house. Adrenaline coursed through his veins, lending him speed and strength. He gently placed baby Arthur on the thick wall, his heart pounding in his chest. Without wasting a moment, he climbed over the wall, his muscles straining with exertion. As he turned to retrieve his brother, Georgie's eyes widened in horror.

The menacing man had breached the wall and was now charging towards him, his voice a snarl of fury. "Get back here, you little bastard!"

Georgie knew he had to keep moving, but carrying Arthur made it challenging to navigate the cluttered back alley path. It was filled with obstacles—discarded boxes, overgrown weeds, and uneven ground—each hindrance threatening to slow him down. The pursuer's footsteps grew louder, a relentless rhythm that echoed in the narrow alley.

A cruel smile twisted the man's lips as he pulled out the same knife that had taken Candice's life. With a swift, practiced motion, he hurled it towards Georgie's calf. The blade bit into flesh with a searing pain, causing Georgie to stumble. His foot caught on a pile of boxes near the end of the alley, sending him sprawling to the ground. Arthur's cries intensified, a heart-wrenching sound that cut through the chaos.

Suddenly, a figure emerged from the shadows, rushing to Georgie's aid. "What the hell is happening here?" the figure exclaimed, their voice filled with concern. As Georgie opened his eyes, he recognized the voice and caught a glimpse of the figure's back.