
Unfair Rebirth

"Unfair Rebirth" follows the extraordinary journey of two brothers, Georgie and Arthur, whose destinies are forever entwined by a mystical contract with the enigmatic deity, Yinuros. Georgie, a gifted track and field athlete, receives new found powers he will then use to protect his newborn brother, Arthur. They them embark on an epic adventure filled with wonder, peril, and brotherly love. This fantasy tale explores the mysteries of fate, the power of family bonds, and the resilience to protect what truly matters. As they navigate a world of ancient secrets and cosmic forces, Georgie and Arthur's journey is a testament to the unyielding spirit that shapes their extraordinary destiny.

Juscenti · Fantasy
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CHAPTER 1: Abrupt Change

"THAT'S ALL FOR TODAY, GOOD JOB EVERYONE!" Coach Simmons called out, signaling the end of track practice. His voice echoed across the open field, mingling with the sounds of footsteps and distant traffic.

Georgie gathered his things, the late afternoon sun casting a warm glow on his blonde hair, making it appear almost golden. His green eyes sparkled with excitement as he quickly packed his bag. "Alright, bye everyone. I can't wash up with you guys today. I gotta go," he announced to his teammates, his voice full of anticipation.

Reynold, his playful friend with a mischievous grin, couldn't resist teasing him. "What's the rush, Georgie? You meeting up with Isabelle? Huh? Keke," he said with a sly wink, his laughter echoing in the crisp air.

Georgie chuckled, shaking his head. "Haha, nah, my mom is coming home with the new baby today."

Coach Simmons, a tall man with a commanding presence, chimed in, surprised. "Oh, that was today? Time sure flies, huh?"

Reynold added, "Tell Mrs. Wheeler I send my congratulations."

Coach Simmons nodded in agreement. "Me too."

Their other clubmates joined in, expressing their well wishes. "Us too!"

Georgie smiled, feeling the warmth of their support. "Yeah, okay. Anyways, guys, I really gotta go."

As Georgie jogged off, a sense of gratitude filled his heart. The cool breeze brushed against his skin, carrying the scent of cherry blossoms that lingered in the air. He felt lucky to have a loving family, friends, and a wonderful coach supporting his athletic endeavors.

The last rays of the setting sun cast a golden glow, painting the sky with hues of orange and purple. Georgie Wheeler, the star track and field athlete with almost inhuman sprinting speeds, jogged home along the riverbank. The tranquil sound of flowing water accompanied his footsteps, which echoed against the normally bustling streets, now strangely empty. The abnormally empty streets, with nothing but the rustling of leaves and the occasional distant car, created a sense of eerie solitude.

Georgie couldn't shake off the odd feeling that he was being watched. With a cold chill running down his spine, he instinctively tightened his bag strap and picked up his pace, sprinting home with determination, as if trying to outpace the unseen gaze. The sound of his breathing and the rhythmic pounding of his feet against the pavement filled his ears.

As Georgie drew closer to his community, sprinting past familiar faces, his keen eyes caught sight of his father's car pulling into their neighborhood. Excitement surged within him. Eager to join the family gathering, he decided to take a shortcut through the back alley. The narrow path was lined with blooming hydrangeas and ivy-covered walls. Agile and familiar with the surroundings, he navigated the back alley effortlessly. Leaping over the back wall of his house, he landed softly on the well-tended grass and darted inside, throwing his school bag in a corner. Eager to greet his parents and the new baby, he hurried to the front door.

"GEORGIE!" Candice called out, her voice brimming with joy as she held her newborn baby in her arms. Her face was illuminated by the soft glow of the living room lights, accentuating her radiant smile.

Georgie beamed at the sight of his mother, his heart filled with love. "Hi, Mom." He noticed the tiny bundle in her arms, wrapped snugly in a blue blanket. The baby's face was barely visible, but Georgie could see the small, delicate features peeking out.

"How are you, my darling boy?" she asked, her voice soft, filled with warmth and affection.

"I'm fine, Mom. Just got back from practice." Georgie grinned, his eyes filled with curiosity and excitement. "So, is the baby a boy or a girl?" Georgie extended his hand towards his newborn sibling, only to be interrupted by his father.

"Do not touch the baby with those filthy hands; it might get sick. Go wash up for dinner, and we'll tell you the details later," his father sternly commanded. James Wheeler stood tall, his dark hair slightly disheveled, and his eyes showing both concern and fatigue.

Georgie scoffed, feeling a pang of disappointment, but he complied nonetheless, sprinting to the bathroom to clean himself up. The sound of running water filled the bathroom as he scrubbed his hands, the soap lathering and rinsing away the dirt from practice.

"The baby is not an 'it,' James," Candice chided gently. "And don't you think you were a little too hard on Georgie?"

"Was I? I was just worried about the baby. I'll apologize when he gets back," James responded, realizing the impact of his words.

After roughly 25 minutes, Georgie emerged from the bathroom, freshly washed and eager for the long-awaited news. The scent of soap still lingered on his skin.

"Okay, I've finished washing up. Now you have to tell me the baby's gender," he declared, a hint of impatience in his voice.

Sighing, his father replied, "It's a boy, and his name is Arthur. Oh, and I'm sorry for raising my voice earlier, kiddo." He reached out to Georgie, his gesture laced with remorse and reconciliation.

As the family gathered around the dinner table, James announced that dinner was ready, and the aroma of freshly cooked food wafted through the air. Their faces illuminated by the warm glow of the overhead light. Georgie helped set the table, placing plates and utensils with quick, practiced movements. His mother, Candice, carefully balanced baby Arthur in one arm while serving food with the other.

"Here, let me take him, I'll place him in his crib upstairs while we eat" James offered, his voice softening as he reached for the baby. Candice handed Arthur over with a grateful smile, and James cradled his newborn son with surprising tenderness.

"Wait, what's he going to eat", Georgie asked.

"Your mother fed him on the way home, don't worry", James smiled.

Georgie watched, a smile tugging at his lips as he saw his father's usually stern face melt into one of pure affection. He admired the way his father gently rocked Arthur as he brought him upstairs towards his crib, the baby's tiny fingers wrapping around his thumb.

As they began to eat, the atmosphere was filled with the clinking of cutlery and the soft murmur of conversation. Georgie reached for the salad bowl and served his mother, who thanked him with a warm smile. He then poured water into everyone's glasses, making sure not to spill a drop.

Candice took a bite of her food and turned to Georgie, her eyes filled with curiosity and pride. "How was practice today, darling?"

Georgie, swallowing a mouthful of food, grinned. "It was great, Mom. Coach said I'm improving a lot."

"That's wonderful to hear," Candice replied, her pride evident in her voice. She reached out and gave Georgie's hand a gentle squeeze, a silent gesture of encouragement.

James looked up from his meal, his expression a mix of weariness and pride. "Just remember to stay focused on your studies too, okay?"

Georgie nodded, understanding his father's concern. "I will, Dad."

The conversation flowed naturally, interspersed with laughter and shared glances. Candice playfully tousled Georgie's hair, her touch filled with affection. James occasionally patted Georgie's back, a silent gesture of support.

Meanwhile, outside their cozy home, an unfamiliar figure silently strolled into the neighborhood, concealed beneath a hooded long coat. The figure moved with a predatory grace. Unbeknownst to the Wheelers, an unforeseen danger lurked just beyond their sight, having infiltrated their peaceful community.

In a hushed whisper, the mysterious figure murmured to themselves, "Found ya."

Little did Georgie and his family know that this mysterious stranger's presence foreshadowed an unexpected turn of events, threatening to disrupt the tranquility they held dear while casting an eerie shadow over Georgie's idyllic life.