
Meeting an Old Friend

(P.S. If you want to know the grades of the skills and Tickets, I will only reveal a part of them not all of them, they are on the author's note at the bottom of the chapter, enjoy!)

I then waited for an answer, I waited and waited and waited. It has been 20ish minutes? is she even here? I guess I will go back to pap-

'Who's there' A charming and mature voice entered my non-existent ears. So this is what Toriel actually sounded like, am I... falling in love!?! I quickly catch my breath steady my mind. The memories of sans not only did it give me part of his personality, but also his temperament, so I was able to cool down. I then tell the most common knock knock joke.

"Hatch" I replied.

"Hatch who?" the women's ask.

"God bless you" I answered

The voice then laughs, The voice seems to be very charming for to me. Is this what it feels to be in love? I never felt love. I was so preoccupied on getting my thoughts connected I rarely get in contact with emotions like love, this is a completely new experience to me.

"Toriel I got a question" I asked the women

"What is it sans?" Toriel answered

"Do you ever plan on opening this door?" I asked, Toriel suddenly became quiet. I feel like I asked the wrong question, I always somehow ask uncomfortable questions.

"Actaully never mind, I just head home to my bro, Papy-" Just as I almost finished my sentence, my back appeared to have lost its support and pressed against the ground. I looked up to see a goats face, it would have been normal if its a normal goats face, but this face was more refined, more charming, more... beautiful. I quickly got up and faced the women, we where staring at each other, studying each other. Toriel had white fur, a purple coat with a royal family crest on the chest, the shirt also has white sleeves. She didn't wear shoes, but the most noticable thing about which increased her charm for a large margin is the ruby red eyes. I decided to end the staring contest first.

"Uhh, hello my name is sans but you can call me D" I replied she immediately broke her stare, and was I just imagining it or was she staring at my ribs?

"Hello there, my name is Toriel, I am the caretaker of the ruins. Nice to meet you D. The way she replied almost shook my soul, I guess I really am in love.

"I am known as the lazybones of Snowdin, the towns people think I am funny because of my 'Sans'ational puns. She laughs hearing my joke.

"How you come in so we could have a nice chat?" she asked as ahe openned a way for me to enter. I was glad since my bones were getting cold.

"Sure, I was starting to get the chills you know? down to the bone" I replied, she laughed again to my hilarious joke. I then followed her down a purple hallway and approached to what seems to be birchwood stairs from the very light yellow color. I followed her up and found myself in a small ordinary, cozy house. I still continued to follow her to a room that holds a dining table with fancy decorations, a cozy chair and a fire place that is still burning. There was also a kitchen like my house connected to this room.

"Pretty cozy place you got here" I complemented

"Isn't it, I will prepare us for some butterscotch pie please wait on the dining table or read a book if your bored" she replied obviously taking my compliment as praise. Toriel then walks into the kitchen as I sit on one of the dining chairs. If you listen closely, you can hear Toriel cooking by the clashes of the pots and pans. Since she is busy I guess I will open some lottery tickets.

*Ding* Use 5 common lottery tickets? Y/N


*Ding* Opening...

*Ding* You got

2*Low Grade Upgrade Tickets

1*Skill Token

99*Wedding Rings

1*Rare Lottery Ticket

1*Random Low Grade Upgrade Ticket

First of all, why did I get 99 wedding rings? is this system trying to get me a harem? and apperently you can get higher grade tickets too. Lets see the description.

Item: Low Grade Upgrade Tickets

Description: Upgrade a skill's grade by 1, but if the grade is not higher than Grade E.

Item: Skill Token

Description: Gives a random skill with a random grade between the Grades G-C.

Item: Wedding Ring

Description: A ring you give to your loved wife or 'Wives'

Item: Rare Upgrade tickets

Description: A Lottery ticket that is able you to get human souls. Also, items that Is of the same rarity.

Item: Random Low Grade Upgrade Ticket

Description: Randomly upgrades a skills grade that doesn't exceed the grade E.

These are interesting lottery items. I am more interested about the skill token and Rare ticket, but th3 description on the wedding rings even hints about a harem! This system is not an ordinary system, it is a harem system in disguise! lets just use the skill token first to see what I get.

*Ding* Use Item: Skill Token Y/N


*Ding* You got...

1*Grade C Skill: Love

Description: Passively increase Charm and Charisma by 1000%, Active ability increase chance of fertility, Charm, love making, and charisma by 10000%

*Ding* Hidden Attribute unlocked=Charm

*Ding* Hidden Attribute unlocked=Charisma

What is this? This is useless! and what's with its ridiculous stat increase, I also had a secret Charisma and Charm stat? I guess it will help me get the love of Toriel but I now seriously think this is a harem system. I also have a other tickets but lets use them later. I then hear footsteps head toward my direction. I looked over to see Toriel heading over with a tray holding some plates, silverware, and a big orange pie in the middle. She put the tray and cut a big slice of the pie onto a plate and handed it to me along with a fork. I slowly lift my fork and stabbed it into the pie. It felt like instead of stabbing a ordinary pie, it seemed more like ice cream. The inside of the pie was like a yellow ice cream but not. I took a bite holy Jesus Christ it was good, It tasted like caramel, mixed into with butterscotch, chocolate, and banana.

"This I the best Pie I ever had! Tori you are amazing" I praised, but she seemed to be shocked. I tilted my head confusion.

"What's wrong?" I asked, is it because I said that she's amazing? After like 2 seconds did she smile again.

"I guess since I can call you by a Nickname you can called by nickname too." she replied,

oh it was about the nickname, if I remember correctly only Asgore the king of monsters

calls her Tori. After that we continue eating and talking to each other. We shared jokes, stories, expectations, a lot of things about our lives and goals. Time passed very quickly and almost 2 hours and already passed.

"Well I guess I gotta go now, if I don't my brother will come looking for me." I said as I put my fork down.

"That much passed already?" she asked in confusion.

"Yep well it was nice knowing you Tori, I will come by tomorrow" I replied as I got up from my seat and head to the stairs.

"Wait D! do you need help getting back home?" Toriel asked, Need help getting back home? that's a weird question.

"No thanks, I know a shortcut" I replied as I went down the stairs and immediately teleport home when I am out of blue. The only thing I didn't notice, was the small blush on her cheeks.

Grading system: From lowest to greatest/Top to bottom

Upgrade Tickets:





Lottery Tickets:




Unique(This one is different and special)



Skill Grades:









FerretLovercreators' thoughts