
Settling In

A/N: I don't know why but only this chapter is cut all over the place. Sentences are cut in the middle and the rest make another paragraph. Some words just decide to be alone and cut off and make a whole new paragraph. The problem is I can't fix it without deleting the entire chapter and redoing it. So it will be like this until rework will be done. Enjoy the story


"You ok sa- I mean D?" Papyrus asked in confusion, not that I don't understand. It must have been hard saying a loved ones name so many times and have to change it, I would have been confused too.

"I am ok bro" I replied with a calm tone.

"Just 'Dead' tired" He looked at me with


"Did you just say a pun or my nonexistent

ears messing with me?" His eye sockets

turned into his comedic googly eyes again.

I might never get old of that face.

"What? can't you see I am 'D'etermined to say

puns again?" I smile as he seems to get more

frustrated by my poor jokes.

"You are completely fine! I am going to make

our dinner spaghetti, how you help me in the

kitchen?" He seems pretty energetic when he

is about to cook spaghetti, I guess he is a

fanatic about spaghetti, I replied.

"Sure bro, but do you know what? I with you

and me working together making spaghetti-"

"Sans don't you dare!" he yelled

"it will be" I smile even wider as I shrunk


"SANS DON'T YOU DARE!" he yelled louder

"pre'pasta'rous" He kneeled to the ground and


"NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO" I laughed internally in my head. No wonder sans kept messing

with his brother, it's hilarious. Let's mess with

him more.

"what's the matter bro? are you feeling a little bit 'saucy'?" I said with a wide grin.

"Because I feel like we are gonna have a

'skele-TON' on fun" I continued, papyrus

couldn't keep up with my antics

"sigh* just come into the kitchen if you want to help" Papyrus said in a surrendering tone. I followed him the kitchen. I looked around and saw cooking utensils on the counter with a fridge and stove next to it. There seems to be already boiling water on the stove.

"Whoa pap, you already boiling the water?" I

said in surprise. I never saw him go into the

kitchen when I woke up.

"Of course Sa-D! I thought that I would

prepare some spaghetti when you woke up so

soon!" Papyrus replied. So he prepared to

make spaghetti when I was asleep? I stepped

forward and took the spaghetti box from

his hand.

"Hey pap, let me cook this time" I asked, turns

to me in disbelief.

"You sure brother? I am sure you never

learned how to make spaghetti?" He replied


"It's fine pap, I have seen you so many times making or 'Trying' to make it. I am sure I will make it work somehow" I said as I opened the box of spaghetti noodles. I know how to make spaghetti since I am the one helping my mom cook all the time. My dad is too busy working while my sister doesn't even bother to lend a hand, so there is only me. After a while, you learn a few tips and tricks of cooking. One time I even cooked spaghetti to my past family and it was better than my mom's spaghetti. I first put the spaghetti in the boiling water. Then I get out a two pans and heated them on the stove. I then proceed to get the tomato sauce and Meatballs out the fridge and freezer, along with a metal spatula.

First, I have to move the spaghetti so it doesn't stick to the bottom of the pan. Second, I heat up the two pans till when I put my hand over it, it feels warm. Third, I put tomato sauce in one pan and the meatballs one the other. Fourth, I proceed to mix the tomato sauce and flip meatballs. Also, during this step I mix the boiling spaghetti noodles again. The reason why I cook the meatballs and the tomato sauce separately is because so that the meatballs don't fuse with the taste of tomatoes. If you cook them together, there would only be one flavor, at least the way I am cooking there will be a juicy beef taste along with it. Fifth, after the tomato sauce and meatballs, and noodles are cooked, I then get a drainer which is a metal bowl with tiny holes. I put the drainer in the sink nearby and pour the spaghetti noodles into it. I then proceed to wash the spaghetti with cold water. Sixth, I hold the drain with the spaghetti in it and shake it up and down, this is so that I get the excess water out of the noodles. Fun Fact: while draining the spaghetti, you do not want to drain all the water. If you drain to much water the noodles with be very dry and almost inedible. Seven, I then put bring out two plated and set the spaghetti with noodles on the bottom, tomato sauce in the middle, and then meatballs at the top, and served them on the dining table that is also in the kitchen. Papyrus watched and look in astonishment and disbelief.

"D, you actually can cook spaghetti?" he barely spoke a sentence.

"Yea pap, can you get the silverware?" I asked

"Right away!" He yelled as he ran to another cupboard. He then returned with two metal forks and gave me one.

"let's dig in!" I said as Papyrus lift up a forkful of spaghetti and eat it. The moment he took the first bite the atmosphere suddenly changes. From one moment it was a normal homely mood, but now it feels like the next moment a bomb was about to explode. How long has it passed? 10 seconds? 1 minute? 1 hour? It felt like I was an eternity before...

"IT'S SO GOOD!" Papyrus yells out in an loudest voice I ever heard. He then eats the spaghetti as if it's his life line. I also took a bite, the taste was good, but the flavor is a bit off, I could make better spaghetti than this with the right ingredients. After we finished, we then proceed to clean the dishes.

"I am sorry brother for my... embarrassing behavior" Papyrus apologies.

"Its ok pap, I didn't expect my spaghetti to be so good" I wasn't saying this to make him feel better. I was genuinely shock on how Papyrus react to my spaghetti, so much so that I was a bit touched. When we finished the dishes I then head towards the door.

"Where are you going?" Papyrus asked as he put the dishes back in the cupboard.

"To take a walk around town you know, to get some fresh air" I replied as I open the door.

"Ok but come back soon! I do not want you to sleep again outside in the snow!" he yelled from the kitchen. I closed the door behind me and walk down the porch steps. I continued walking and listening to my surroundings. Back then, when I couldn't connect my thoughts, I walked and it calmed me down. I lose a sense of time and surroundings when I walk so I always almost run into dangerous situations. I walked and walked until I felt something different under my feet. I focused more on my eyes and found I was on a bridge, the very same bridge sans and frisk first meet. If I am here that the door way to the ruins is ahead. I continue walking as I eventually cam to purple door that had the monster royal family crest. I then sit down and lay my back against the door. I then ask a joke.

"knock knock"