

As a Blasian girl in Japan, Daitan'na Hitsuji explores adolescence, buried trauma, and relationships. Her goal is to make the workplace an equal place for females. In the meantime, she needs to grow as a person and a hero. After all, it's not easy being a sheep in a wolf's world. And life can get heavy, so expect some giggles. Cause if you can't laugh at life, what can you laugh at?

GiaRouge · アニメ·コミックス
8 Chs

Our Teacher, the Butterfly

Daitan'na lightly sketched in one of her smaller sketchbooks, already done with reviewing a few subjects on the way to school. She peacefully enjoyed the quiet among students in the room.

But when a spectacled student came in—well, she noticed a bag at the desk he walked over to, so he must've been here and stepped out for a second—and saw her, the beautiful silence was broken.

"Why is your blazer open? That's an incorrect way to wear your uniform," he turned on his heel, adjusting his glasses as he approached.

Her gaze stayed cool and she gave a charming smile, "It's more practical for my Quirk instead of a style thing."

"Oh. I apologize—"

She laughed softly, "No need. You didn't know, as far as you knew you were just helping me out, I appreciate it!"

He held out his hand stiffly, "My name is Tenya Iida."

Her smaller hand gripped his, a polite shake, "Daitan'na Hitsuji."

He glanced at their hands, "Quite the grip you have there, very strong."

As they let go, Daitan'na smiled, "Thanks. Lots of grip training."

He bowed at a perfect 90-degree angle, "I look forward to learning this year with you, Miss Hitsuji!"

She chuckled awkwardly, not used to such a proper bow, "Yeah, me, too –But we're the same age, no need to call me, Miss..."

The door slid open again a couple of minutes later and in walked a spiky-haired blonde.

He was familiar to Daitan'na for some reason.

He caught her gaze as he paused in the doorway, eyes narrowing like hers before it clicked for them both.

"You're the boy from TV!"

"You're the bus bitch from TV!"

She pouted, "I don't think that word was necessary."

He moved to his desk the row in front of her, plopping into the chair, "Didn't you stop a bus or something and get house arrest for it after?"

Dai offered a shrug, "Yeah. That's what I get for helping."

"That was a bullshit move. No one was there."

"Yeah, but...it wasn't entirely legal. Wrong or not--And you're Bakugo Katsuki, the one who got attacked by that sludge villain, right? I'm sure that was scary."

He scoffed, "It was far from scary, I handled it just fine!"

A smile tugs at her lips, "Well, that's good that you did. Most people would've been. Must mean you're pretty strong, huh?"

"Hell yeah, I am! Gotta be if I'm gonna be the number one hero!"

She rested her chin on her hands, "That's a good goal to reach for. Good luck to you, then."

She went back to her light sketch and Katsuki leaned back in his chair, kicking up his feet.

And that's when all hell broke loose.

Iida marched over to Bakugo's desk.

"Ah, shit," Dai muttered under her breath.

The door opened just as Iida began to chew out the blonde.

"Take your feet off of that desk now!"

Katsuki gave him a snarky grin, "Huh?"

"It's the first day and you're already disrespecting this academy by scuffing school property, you cretin!"

"You're kidding me, right? Your old school put a stick up your ass? Or were you born with it?"

"I see the insults aren't exclusive," Dai muttered to herself, gaze trailing to the green-haired kid by the open door, before refocusing on her…flower? (Who knew what it was at that point)

She didn't blame him, if she weren't already in here, she wouldn't have wanted to risk getting dragged in either.

"Uh—" Iida cut himself off, placing his hand on his chest, "Let's start over. I'm Tenya Iida from the Somei Private Academy."

Daitan'na rolled her eyes at the name, Somei was one of her old rival schools. Even though she was at a completely new one, it was hard to break a habit of annoyance enforced by the faculty.

"Somei, huh? So, you must think you're better than me," Bakugo instigated with a cocky grin, leaning forward a bit, "I'm gonna have fun tearin' you a new one."

Iida gasped, "You would threaten me? Your own classmate? Are you sure you're in the right place?"

Bakugo leaned back again, "Ha!"

That's when the two boys finally notice the timid boy at the door.

Tenya recognized the broccoli human, "Huh? It's him."

The other students in the room all looked over at once, making the brocco-boi freeze at all the attention.

His cheeks flushed into a faint pink as he avoided looking at anyone, "Uh, hi."

"Good Morning!" Iida greeted, marching toward him, "My name is Tenya Iida fro—"

The smaller boy cut him off with a stutter, his hands in front of him in defense, "Yeah, I-I know," he lowered them, "I'm Izuku Midoriya. It's super nice to meet you."

Suddenly Iida's voice turned solemn, "Midoriya. You realized that there was something more to the practical exam, didn't you?"


Iida's shoulders were hunched in shame, "You must be very perceptive. And I completely misjudged you, I admit," it seemed his expression shook like he was embarrassed to say the words, "As a student, you're far superior to me."

"Hey, I think I recognize that messed-up hair!" a girl brightly spoke from behind Midoriya, "Falling boy!"

He turned at the sound of her voice, gasping aloud.

"That punch was amazing!"

Dai put away her sketchbook, now that she knew for certain who she heard was coming to her classroom. Her teacher. It sounded like he was shuffling on the ground, but why? Hm, she'd care later.

She stared at her desk, grimacing as she remembered how this even happened.


"Um, Daitan'na?"

The teen peeked around the wall, "Yes, ma'am?"

Her mother's perfectly trimmed brows were furrowed as she waved four envelopes at her daughter, "These are from a few different schools. A few more wanna get you to enroll."

She sighed, trudging over, "Are they more no-name schools or preppy ones? I swear everyone's been so desperate to enroll me ever since I got off house arrest."

"Well, you might be interested in one for once, babe, one of 'em is from U. A."

Daitan'na's eyes widened, "I—Seriously?!"

Her mother handed her the envelopes, the one from U.A. sticking out like a sore thumb.

Ignoring the other envelopes, she felt around the U.A. envelope feeling a letter and a small disk.

"Mom. Is it okay if I check it out first and show you after?"

"Yeah, I'm sure you're excited."

"Yeah… I didn't expect this at all," Dai grinned, rushing up the stairs.

"Slow down," her mother scolded from the kitchen.

"Yes, ma'am! Sorry!"

With a fond smile, her mother continued to make lunch.

The girl plopped onto her pillowy bed, opening the envelope with patience.

She took out the letter first, reading it aloud.

'Dear, young Hitsuji!'

"This...sounds familiar..." she continued the letter warily.

(Many high schools have been practically at war to enroll you due to your heroic action earlier in the year.

Although, there are some that chose not to because you used your quirk without a license...Our principal has kindly overlooked this and instead wants to focus on your great potential for heroism, we believe U.A. Highschool is the best place to nurture this. We do hope you consider us!)

Then she moved on to the disk, a hologram appeared and she blanched at who showed on the screen.

"Mr. Yagi?"

"Hello, young Hitsuji! It's been a while. As mentioned in the letter, I do hope you consider our school for your future. Due to your unique case, we tweaked the rules a little bit," he let out a booming laugh, "You have been recommended by your previous school already, but your heroism shone a spotlight on you, so that recommendation has been accepted as long as you haven't already chosen another school!"

Her brows furrowed, "He's teaching there? Well, that'll be awkward for him."

"You have been put into the hero class that got to you first, 1-A, but due to this being last minute, the class number will be uneven—do not fret, we are prepared for this outcome! Please respond to us before the end of this week, so you can be caught up on designing your hero costume and such! Hopefully, I will see you soon!"

"This is cra— "

All Might glanced around, she supposed to see if anyone was looking, "And tell your mother I said, Hello!"

The hologram ended.

"I...think I'll just let her read the letter and catch her up on the rest..." she cringed.


Dai zoned back in to hear the girl who shared a trait with Russian nesting dolls.

"I can't wait to meet everyone!"

A rough voice spoke up from behind the bubbly brunette, "If you're just here to make friends then you can pack up your stuff now."

He scared the utter fuck out of everyone at the door as they turned to see a scruffy-looking man in a sleeping bag.

"Welcome to U.A.'s hero course," he shuffled in his sleeping bag, the zipper going down just enough for him to drink a yogurt packet.

The three students by the door seemed horrified.

The man stood, zipping the sleeping bag the rest of the way down, "It took 8 seconds before you all shut up. That's not gonna work. Time is precious. Rational students would understand that."

Daitan'na liked him already, he was practical, that's good.

He turned to the rest of the class blandly, "Hello, I'm Shota Aizawa. Your teacher."

Most of the students gasp in surprise that the worn-out-looking man was a teacher.

"That's Eraser head. I'll have the advantage of analyzing his quirk more with him being a teacher of mine, good," Dai mumbled under her breath.

Aizawa dully dug a hand into his sleeping bag, pulling out a uniform, "Right, let's get to it. Put these on and head outside."


"What? A Quirk Assessment test?" Most of the class collectively exclaimed.

The bubbly girl showed concern, "But orientation! We're going to miss it!"

"If you really wanna make the big leagues, you can't waste time on pointless ceremonies," he debunked the tradition without a blink.

Dai repressed a smile, quite amused by this teacher being straight to the point. Reminded her of her mother in certain ways.

"Here at U.A., we're not tethered to traditions. That means that I get to run my class however I see fit."

Some of the students gasp again.

Aizawa turns to the side, "You've been taking standardized tests most of your lives. But you never got to use your Quirks in physical exams before."

He showed them the screen on a phone, showing the activities they would be doing, "The country's still trying to pretend we're all created equal by not letting those with the most power excel. It's not rational. One day, the Ministry of Education will learn."

He turned his attention to Bakugo, "Bakugo, you managed to get the most points on the entrance exam. What was your farthest distance throw with a softball when you were in Junior High?"

"Sixty-seven meters, I think."

Dai hummed, impressed.

"Right. Try doing it with your quirk."

Bakugo moved to a big, white circle on the dirt ground, staring forward after he'd been given the ball.

"Anything goes, just stay in the circle," Aizawa informed, "Go on, you're wasting our time."

Bakugo stretched his arms a little, "All right, man, you asked for it."

He seemed to get into a pitcher's position before tossing it with all his body, he growled out the word, "Die!"

In an explosion, the ball flew away.

"All of you need to know your maximum capabilities," Aizawa spoke to the class as the ball finally landed.

There was a beep before he turned to them, "It's the most rational way of figuring out your potential as a pro hero."

He showed them Bakugo's distance on his screen.

More gasps.

"Woah, 705 meters, are you kidding me?" a boy with darker blond hair and an electric bolt highlight, apprehensively spoke up.

A girl with pink skin and hair excitedly clapped her hands together, "I wanna go! That looks like fun!"

A boy with precariously straight teeth clenched his fist in enthusiasm, "This is what I'm talkin' about, usin' our Quirks as much as we want!"

"So, this looks fun, huh?"

The students who were excited were suddenly hesitant.

"You have three years here to become a hero. You think it's all gonna be games and play time?" his voice darkened, "Idiots. Today you'll compete in eight physical tests to gauge your potential. Whoever comes in last has none, and will be expelled immediately."

The students were horrified.

Dai watched them all, not surprised by the naivety.

"Like I said, I get to decide how this class runs," he combed a hand into his hair revealing more of his face, "Understand? If that's a problem, you can head home right now."