
Under Hiatus

Cider, a mere Level designer assistant for an otome game, Thorny Roses, was vexed to find that the development team altered the role and characterization of her character, Cynthia Darlene Aletheia, into a villainess. Disappointed about the injustice Cynthia must have felt all throughout the game, Cider wished for another chance to change her character's fate. Unexpectedly, Cider becomes the villainess herself and and walks down a dark path as she struggles to survive. Cover by: Liphy Updates: Weekly

Mellize · 歴史
1 Chs


I've decided to take down all chapters of my novel and will be putting this in a month's notice hiatus; I plan to revise all of my chapters and I'll be making major changes in some of them. Along with the revision period, I'll continue working on this novel and will be republishing them next month or so.