
Some Accusations

"And what might that be, Arch-Mage?" Igmund inquires.

"The Blood Moon is deeply connected to Hircine, and only appears when a 'Great Hunt' occurs. I believe the recent incidents weren't just random fights between Daedric servants, but an organised event that each Prince participated in via their Champion." Savos explains.

"Hm, seems plausible," Ulfric mutters while cupping his chin his thought.

"This still doesn't explain Michael Tahlin's relationship to it, if you were correct in your assumption then Michael himself may be one of these 'Champions'" Torygg says.

Elenwen perks up at this, seeing an opportunity to change the tone of the discussion, "It's likely, especially with his recent actions. The arrival of those 'Eredar' and the Moon Sickness are too close together to be coincidental. He's probably the one behind all of this if I had to guess."

"Of course you'd think that, you've only spent this entire meeting trying to get him executed or declared a criminal. All while sweeping your own crimes under the table ." Ulfric sourly retorts, despite the reasonability contained in the Altmer's words.

"Be that as it is, Ulfric, we must consider everything... If Michael does have a hand in this, we may be in more danger than I first thought. Never before has someone possessed so many Daedric Artifacts at one time... If he triumphs in this 'hunt', then wouldn't he possess even more artifacts?"


The thought of Michael turning out to be some evil mastermind was a terrifying one, especially with how much influence he'd gathered during his relatively short time in Skyrim. Not to mention the Eredar that might just serve as his personal army. Small in number they might be, but word of their talent has already spread far and wide.

Dengeir, Jarl of Falkreath shakes his head, "If Michael is a traitor then you might'as well string up everyone in this room. That boy has done nothing but help the people of Skyrim, unlike the elf-bitch who's lording over us and even our gods damned High King!"

Brynjolf nods, "I'm with you on that, Jarl Dengeir. The law of the land is to be innocent until proven guilty, all we have now are speculations, theories, and the insistence of a rather biased foreign dignitary."

Torygg lets out a sigh, "I'm not claiming to know if Michael is at fault or not. Only that the potential chaos that it might cause should be discussed. Solitude owes him, but even so, we must plan for the worst."

Igmund sniffs in disdain, "Forgive me High King, but if that's the case, shouldn't we prepare for yourself being responsible for all of this then? What if you are the one who's been subverted by Daedric influence?"

Igrod glares at him, "That sounds an awful lot like treason, Igmund, I'd warn you to watch your mouth."

Igmund shakes his head and ignores the hag, "Without just and proper evidence, any accusations can be made, whether they be true, false, ridiculous, or completely impossible. My statement just now is almost as plausible as the one you've levied towards Michael Tahlin. Divines, we could even speculate on the Emperor being the Prince of Destruction's thrall!"

Sybille, who'd been watching all of this with crossed arms speaks up, "Jarl Igmund, it seems that your gratitude towards Michael Tahlin has fogged your mind. The Emperor being a Daedra's thrall and Michael potentially being involved in this mess are nowhere near similar. I am fond of the boy despite the short time I've known him, but we must set emotions aside and let reason prevail."

Savos keeps quiet at the side, deciding to not illuminate Sybille's status as a Vampire, one of Molag Bal's 'children', to the rest of the room. She might be able to keep that fact hidden via many-layered illusions, but to him, it was clear as day, or should he say night.

"Enough! We're getting nowhere like this. Michael Tahlin is innocent until we find true evidence, even then, we'll have to find him... Does anyone know of his location?" Ulfric says and the people in the room shake their heads.

"I believe his last sighting was during his battle here in Solitude..." Torygg states unsurely before looking at Korir. "He resides in Winterhold, does he not? Has he returned since?"

Jarl Korir shakes his head, "No, High King."

"Then let's leave this matter for now and actually discuss solutions, or ways to prevent this from happening again." Balgruuf pauses, "I believe that the Vigilants of Stendarr could act as the first line of defence, as they had done in Whiterun again a summoned horde of Dremora... They would need more men and gold however, their recent losses weren't light."

Igrod agrees, "The Vigilants have always stood against the Daedra, perhaps we could open temples of Stendarr in each Hold? Conscript people to it for a limited time?"

Brynjolf shakes his head, "That's great in theory, but have you forgotten that there's a war going on?" he asks, looking between Ulfric and Torygg.

Dengeir grouses, "Just make the compromise and kick the fucking Thalmor out of Skyrim! Torygg can continue to rule and we'll be rid of our greatest enemy!" he says, sending a harsh glare at Elenwen who return it with spite.

"That's not how it works, Jarl Dengeir. Remove us from this Province and the Empire will have to take action. The White-Gold Concordat is crystal clear in this case."

Dengeir slams his fists onto the hardwood table and stands, "Fuck that cursed-shight! WE NORDS NEVER AGREED TO IT, AND IF THOSE PANSIES IN CYRODIL THINK WE'LL CONTINUE TAKING IT UP THE ARSE THEY'LL SEE ANOTHER THING FUCKIN' COMING!" he roars, jabbing a furious and accusing finger at the elf.

"Sit down you fool! You're making a scene of yourself! We've already heard this codswallop from the traitor!" Igrod grouses.

Torygg palms his face and lets out a tired sigh, "I believe we should end this session for today. Let our tempers cool... We'll begin again tomorrow at noon." he quickly says, not wanting any fights to break out, especially with the tensions already souring the meeting... Should a fight break people may get hurt, or if one of the rebels ended up maimed or dead, his honour would be called into question.

Hope you bois liked the chap, if I missed anything please let me know. Thanks!

Also, thanks to my patrons for their support :



Faruk Ereng

Niggrosscreators' thoughts