
Snow White Prince

"The Prince has been wounded!" Ralf Kaliker shouts from the top of the palace, alerting all the loyalists who were all currently restraining the surrendered Reconquista guardsmen.

The man carefully picks up Prince Wales body and glides down to the ground level atop his dragon, laying down the Prince as he continues to struggle and sputter in an attempt to defy the wound damaging his body. Ralf's dragon flies away afterwards, not willing to sit around and wait for its master.

Judging by the way he was trying to gasp for breath, Michael suspected that one of his lungs had been punctured. Which he didn't think was something that medieval medicine could heal... Though, magic was always a wild card.

Julius rungs over and tears the Prince's clothes open, revealing the bloody wound deeply cutting across his torso. The knight sucks in a breath at the sight, his eyes squinting as he quickly looks around, "The Prince needs aid immediately! Are there any Water Mages present!?" he frantically asks as the Water element allows for healing magic depending on the user's skill.

Michael feels Tiffania's gaze hit him as they watch the Prince slowly start to bleed out, her determined look making him start to regret coming here... He knew what she wanted to do but, it seemed like a waste to him...

"Ah-I, I can heal him." Tiffania announces from the side, her quiet voice sounding thunderous in the ears of all those who were listening.

Julius, Ralf, and the other loyalists' eyes shoot towards her with pleading, almost pitiful looks on their faces. "If this is possible, I beg of you! Save our Prince!"

The muscles in Tiffania's jaw firms as she nods and walks over while retrieving her Fairy Fire from between her breasts. The small object glows and glimmers in the light, and while those watching feel slight suspicion on her intentions, they allow her forward nonetheless.

He drops to her knees beside the Prince and takes a moment to examine his face, marvelling at the similarities between him and her father.

After a moment of nostalgia, she carefully pushes the Fairy Fire into the Prince's chest, specifically where the wound lays. It crushes under her hand, and a bright green light envelopes them both in an aura, causing not just Prince Wales' wound to heal, but also removing Tiffania's fatigue.

In fact, she'd misused the item, as it was only supposed to heal the person who crushes it. Her crushing it against the Prince's body has split the healing energies between the both of them. This still allows it to heal him, but, it isn't nearly as effective as it should have been.

Once the glow subsides, Tiffania stands and takes a step back, looking down at the now less severe wound on the Prince's chest. His lungs and ribs had been healed, but the damaged flesh and skin still make it look quite severe, despite most of the danger passing.

"D-did it work?" Julien cautiously asks, as he watches his Prince start to breathe more evenly.

Tiffania chews her lip, "I-I don't know." she mutters.

"It seems your treatment is much to be desired, but fret not, I will render aid if you'll allow me!" a new voice states as a hooded man walks into the square, looking no worse for wear despite the chaos occurring around the city.

Julien stares at him, his instincts wanting to protect the Prince against this foe, but his reasoning forces him to think rationally. Even if the Prince manages to survive in this state, without help from a healer he'd likely eventually succumb to an infection of some sort. Nevertheless, he'd already allowed the hooded girl to try heal the Prince, so he'd let this stranger try, though, while keeping an extremely close eye on them.

Michael feels the hairs on his arms raise up in response to the stranger, but his stifles it for now, not really knowing why they evoked such a strong reaction from his body.

"If you can heal him, then please, sir." Julien states, gesturing at the Prince while tightly gripping his sword in case of any treachery.

The hooded man nods, walking over and kneeling beside the Prince, immediately beginning to cast some spells on him. Luckily, all of these were Water healing magic, causing the Prince's wound to quickly close shut, leaving nought but the blood he'd previously shed as the skin knits itself closed.

"And there you have it," the man says while brushing off dirt from his knees, "The Prince is fully healed, would you like for me to wake him?" he asks, and Julien quickly nods. "We owe you a huge debt, sir. If there is anything I offer, please, do not suffer on decorum."

The hooded man nods and waves his wand at the Prince again, causing a thin film of water to massage his face, it seeps into his skin, and a moment later Prince Wales eyes shoot open. "Wha!?" he gasps, sitting up and breathing heavily as he holds his chest, memories of getting stuck by a spell still recent in his mind. He quickly calms however as he notices a few familiar faces watching around him.

He easily recognises Michael, Agnes, and a few of his loyalists, and breaths a sigh of relief as he glances around and realises that things seemed to be over. He looks to between Julien and the now burning capital city and can't help but ask, "Tell me of the events that led to this..." he trails off, feeling somewhat distraught at the state of the city that he and his family had ruled for many generations.

Julien lets out a sigh, knowing that explaining that most of the destruction was caused by the loyalists in an attempt to save him wouldn't go over well. "Prince, it started when you were captured by Cromwell and his men, we loyalists we in disarray at the news and-" he starts, explaining his actions and the events that led up until now, the Prince having not known any of this due to being kept under lock and key in the dungeons.

Hope you bois liked the chap, if I missed anything please let me know. Thanks!

Also, thanks to my patrons for their support :




Jack Allen

Faruk Ereng

Nathaniel Clayton

Niggrosscreators' thoughts