
Hero time.

Loutiel observes as Michael sprints towards the city gate and sprints away. The guardsman left the gate open to help people flee from the tornado, which allowed him to exit unimpeded.

This was the correct decision on Michael's end anyway, with this blatant terror attack from Albion or the rebels residing their, troops would soon be dispatched by the capital to Antomiers. Specifically, the air forces like Griffin Knights and Dragon Knights were the only units capable of attacking Albion without an airship on standby.

It'd be a shame if Michael stayed and ended up getting executed... His favour would end up going to waste. He wouldn't be able to intervene either, as his future plans would be in disarray if he became a criminal.

He shakes his head and whips his wand in Michael's direction, casting an Air Element based whisper spell. "Michael, head South-West to La Rochelle in Gallia if you truly wish to go to Albion. It is the closest Airship port, and is unlikely to be attacked like Antomiers... Of course, you could head to the one in Germania, but that would be weeks of travel... Good luck! And, remember your debts." he explains before cutting off the spell, now glancing over at the tornado raging through the city.

There were a few mages in the city trying to deal with it, but all of their attempts were useless, or simply made the situation worse... Some fire mage even tried to 'burn' it, causing the tornado to momentarily become a spiral of fiery death for a couple of seconds.

"Seems like I'm the only wind mage present...?" Loutiel mutters in a low tone, a slight grin forming on his face as he plans out how to deal with this... First, he'd wait for the other mages to retreat, and allow the tornado to cause more damage. Then, once all hope seemed lost, he'd intervene.

He glances over his shoulder at Samara who was standing in the doorway while wearing a maid outfit that was slightly too big for her gaunt form. "Girl, gather the others and have them take refuge in the basement."

She nods but pauses just as she's about to leave, "Y-es... Sir... Is h-he-... Michael, going to be okay?"

Loutiel chuckles, "Certainly. I sent him out on a mission before this attack occurred. Don't mind yourself worrying about someone like him. I doubt he could die if he tried." he explains as he stands, opens the window, and levitates himself to the roof.


Marquess Guiscard Carmel pales as his strongest spell peters out against the monstrous force of the tornado. He was a fire mage, with smaller affinities concerning Earth and Air. Yet, none of his spells seemed to work against it.

The Airship must have been carrying a huge payload of Wind Stones to cause this amount of damage. He was sure that once this was over, he'd wage war against those Albion bastards for this!

With no way to stop the tornado, Marquess Guiscard Carmel just retreats with his entourage, but just as he's about to stage refuge in his keep. Shouts of elation and surprise occur from behind him. He turns to see if the tornado was headed their way, but is dumbfounded as a huge, visible blade of airstrikes the tornado, literally splitting it in half.

The tornado reforms of course, but the windspeeds generated by it had certainly slowed! He looks over to where it'd come from and spots a handsome white-haired man with glasses, raising his wand for yet another spell.

"Mountain Carver! HHAAArrrgh!" Loutiel shouts, doing his best to make this spell look as difficult to cast as possible... He wasn't as intensive as he made it look, but it was better for people to see his 'effort'. With the incarnation, he swings his wind horizontally and causing a larger blade of air than last time to strike the tornado once again.


Again, the wind speeds lower, and people start crawling out from the ruined city to cheer Loutiel on. It only takes three or four more Mountain Carvers to completely dissipate the tornado. To everyone's eyes, Loutiel had single-handed saved the city, and he wouldn't allow anyone to say otherwise.

Marquess Guiscard Carmel and his entourage quickly make their way over to the street that Loutiel gracefully lands in. "S-sir! You have saved our city! What is your name!?"

Loutiel smiles and bows slightly to the Marquess, "My name is Loutiel Outous, a humble merchant in this fine city." he states, and people immediately start cheering his name. Thanking him for saving their lives, and the lives of their families.

The Marquess is mildly annoyed that Loutiel had taken all the responsibility for removing the tornado, but isn't able to argue against the civilians. Instead, he walks over and gently clutches Loutiels arm, raising it up high for everyone to see. "The city of Antomiers thanks you, Loutiel Outous, for your incredible feats of magic! I will see that you are justly rewarded for your service! A feast will be held in your na-"

Loutiel just passively nods his head at the Marquess abrupt speech but cuts the man off before he's able to spew any other platitudes. "Excuse me Marquess, apologies for interrupting, but shouldn't we concentrate our efforts on repairing the city and saving lives instead of celebrating?"

The Marquess chokes slightly at Loutiel's abrupt rejection but nods anyway as people cheer with more intensity than before at seeing their saviour deny rewards to help with the rebuilding efforts. "O-Of course! The feast can be held later! Once we've saved our friends and families under the rubble! Come, everyone! spread out and look for survivors!"

Loutiel inwardly grins as he begins making a big show of clearing rubble and saving those trapped beneath it. "Hmm, hmm, hm! All according to plan."

Hope you bois liked the chap, if I missed anything please let me know. Thanks!

Also, thanks to my patrons for their support :



Nazlican Erdem



Jack Allen

Faruk Ereng

Nathaniel Clayton

Niggrosscreators' thoughts