


A humungous blue laser fires from the top of the Spire and sweeps across the now charging vanguard of the Imperial forces, turning everyone struck to ash on contact with the eye-searing light. (Imagine everyone hit as Rorschach)

Once the laser does its first sweep, it does another, aiming for those behind the vanguard... And then those behind that, and so on. It's on the second sweep that the Imperials realise just how fucked they are, and begin fleeing in the opposite direction despite all the attempts of Rikke to keep them fighting.

Indeed, Rikke couldn't fault them for fleeing however, from what she could see there was literally no way to win this now that this weapon had been revealed... Due to the Spire's height, it had an aerial view over the entire battlefield... Everyone was at risk, and everyone would die if they attempted to fight against it.

Even she, an honourable Legate of the Imperial Legion, fled in the face of this weapon.

Vrijeme was no different, boosting his Temporal Pace to the max and vanishing from where he was standing. The magical energy released by the laser alone was enough to fry his brain if he got close enough, let alone the damage the actual laser would cause. This thing was an ultimate weapon, and he hazards to guess that even gods should be wary of it.

A mage killer, army killer, and god killer rolled up into one ridiculously powerful weapon.

Michael smirks as the laser follows the fleeing Imperials like the beam released from the Eye of Sauron. "Go on! Run you daft cunts! Try invade my fucking city again!" he cackles, loud enough for the retreating men to hear him over the sounds of their friend's wails of death.

"You've got problems, Partner..."

"Shut up, sword..." he replies, idly wondering if he'd get exp from everyone the Spire kills... He wasn't receiving any souls so, probably not? Which meant he should keep any dragons away, or risk losing their souls.

A few Winterhold soldiers wanted to chase after the Imperials to get a bit of revenge, but those thoughts were dashed as the laser continued frying people from above their heads...


With the battle concluded, the survivors got the work, first burying the dead and then overseeing the damage caused to Winterhold and the College. The Thalmor infiltrators had burned a good portion of the town, with the exception of the few Eredar properties that had been protected due to them being made from stone and enhanced with enchanted gems.

The College itself was actually on its last legs... A good portion of it had been damaged by the Thalmor naval forces, but that wasn't even mentioning the damage to the foundation's structural integrity... Even now bits and pieces were dropping off from it, as if whatever protections that were still holding it up had been used up.

Once the Arch-Mage regained consciousness, he'd actually forbid any of the Masters or Apprentices from accessing the College for fear of it suddenly collapsing. During this, Michael too the opportunity to tease the Dunmer for his loss, something Savos took in stride... While also tossing the occasional prank spell his way.

Jarl Korir hired any willing hand to help dig up the remnants of the Thalmor navy for parts and whatever else they'd sunk with... In particular, were the Fire Salts the Thalmor were using to fire their cannons, they'd last underwater for a while on their own, and a much larger length of time if in a sealed container like a barrel. A good amount of Fire Salt alone would completely fund the repairs for the city.

The fact that the Thalmor had sent a navy to flank them during the battle had sent a few citizens into a frothing rage, they were, of course, restrained and had Calm spells cast at them to chill out and stop them from trying to swim to the Summerset Isles in their anger.

Speaking of anger, Michael soon discovered that Charlotte had been attempting to assault his Spire, along with Illococoo being injured in the process... Tiffania had to stop him from using the Vessel of the Hunt and tracking her down, as it would impede his preprepared plans.

There was another issue too... Apparently, Umnii had gotten kidnapped by the Thalmor. Tiffania and the others had first heard of it, and after asking the Eredar, they couldn't find her either, confirming it.

So, a day after the battle, Michael headed out again, using the Vessel of the Hunt to track down Umnii and her Thalmor captors...


After the battle, Ulfric actually had a group of Stormcloaks waiting behind the Imperial army. Which, once they fled, ran straight into the arms of their angry Nord friends, who killed everyone who refused to surrender.

Legate Rikke was captured along with many of her men and dragged to Windhelm to be interrogated and imprisoned. With so many Imperial soldiers dead, the rebels were actually in a prime position to press their advantage.

They swept forwards and retook Dawnstar, killing any defenders there and reinstating Stormcloak rule. That wasn't all however, as they continued and sent a force to probe Morthal's defences, the 'Swamp Province' as some called it, wasn't all that greatly defended, but the swamp itself would make getting a large force through difficult.

General Tullius had also sent half of Solitude's forces to reinforce Morthal after hearing of their failure to take Winterhold. He'd also sent a request for aid to Cyrodil but, any troops that were sent would take a while to arrive...

As for Jarl Elisif's reaction to all of this? Well, let's just say that any glassware the Blue Palace had was reduced by around eighty percent. Incidentally, the number of injured servants had also increased proportionally to that... What a surprise.

Hope you bois liked the chap, if I missed anything please let me know. Thanks!

Also, thanks to my patrons for their support :



Faruk Ereng

Niggrosscreators' thoughts