
Ubran cultivator: unleashing professions

In the bustling cityscape, Ethan, a diligent agriculture student, stumbles upon a clandestine system of cultivation that grants him access to multiple professions as his mastery deepens. In a world where the existence of cultivators remains concealed from the ordinary populace, Ethan's journey unfolds against a backdrop of secrecy and intrigue. As Ethan ascends through the ranks of cultivation, he forms alliances, navigates rivalries, and discovers unexpected romances, building a harem of individuals with unique talents and desires. Yet, lurking in the shadows are governmental agencies and ancient adversaries, both eager to exploit or eliminate those with cultivation abilities. Faced with mounting dangers and moral dilemmas, Ethan must wield his newfound powers responsibly while uncovering the truth behind the urban cultivator's existence. His choices will not only shape his own fate but also determine the future of cultivators in the modern world. "Urban Cultivator: Unleashing Professions" is a gripping tale of discovery, ambition, and romance, inviting readers into a world where ordinary students wield extraordinary powers, and where every decision carries weight in the balance between secrecy and revelation. Join Ethan as he embarks on a quest to master his abilities and redefine the destiny of urban cultivation.

WorldWanderer · 都市
25 Chs

Chapter 9: Surviving the Midnight Hunt

"So, newbies ready getting all scared silly again out there tonight?" Veteran acolyte Dirk gave Rita an affectionate nudge across crowded hall tables before empty plates were cleared in preparation for the special occasion.

The Summer Solstice Midnight Hunt ritual loomed close - when teachers opened the sanctuary's deepest forest relic sites for temporary free exploration. Novices were tasked journeying towards an illuminated central grove before dawn's return, forging pathways through ancient wards twisting minds and bodies alike. Success required courage and quick thinking under disorientation. Failure carried consequences...

"If anyone falters this round you'll be hearing my taunts all year!" Dirk grinned at Rita's challenging scowl. Her retort cut short by another senior acolyte leaning over.

"Best make sure your little brother behaves tonight!" Camellia teased archly, throwing a saucy wink Ethan's way that still raised flustered temperatures across his cheeks. "Can't have our prodigy lovebird losing heroic status because he got handsy traversing dark tunnels with a pretty girl!"

Raucous laughter carried the joke further down mess tables. Ethan withered internally against discomfort growing since coming under Julia's direct mentorship earned extra attention also exposing perceived immaturity. Some Forward disciples whispered Ethan depended on guardian string-pulling and fleeting romance with Emma more than actual achievements...

Doubts threatened festering until Jack slapped his back firmly. "Let doubters wag tongues! I'll gladly repeat what any sparring opponents endured facing your fangs before respect emerged!" His easy smiles buoyed Ethan's spirit like the sun clearing stormy skies. Jack blazed confidence mastering both healing and combat spells as Guardian Trenton's top apprentice.

"We'll all watch each other's backs same as last year." added little Zain through mouthfuls of chocolate pudding piled precariously. Clever conjuration prodigy faced more bullying than Ethan over shy nature before their tightknit group formed. Now Zain would walk through flames beside sworn friends against any adversity.

Determination banished brooding as Ethan raised goblet towards three precious comrades sealing silent oath. Hearingsetpoint discourse meant far less with their stalwart support lighting pathways forward together. Which reminded getting to the shadowed candor course before headaches mounted further...

"Very well, candidates! Assume your packs and prepare entry!" Chief Examiner Rho's magically amplified voice boomed through the anxious queue of students adjusting equipment along the perimeter gate. Ethan took deep breaths, triple checking medicine, cloak and tools while nodding encouragement towards other nervous teams.

Past the carved archway, eerie darkness swirled unnatural patterns nocturnal beasts ignored. Chittering laughter, odd melodies and will 'o wisp orbs floated randomly through the rows prompting uneasy murmurs what additional tricks were planted this year ready exploiting hesitation or confusion.

"Activate Wayfinder stones before blind conditions overwhelm!" Instructor Rho ordered with finality. The quartz pendants issued all participants flared in response - four resonating brightly from Ethan and his comrades in silent solidarity. Rho nodded approval. "May fortitude reveal safe passage! Now enter the Mapless Marsh's embrace until dawn!"

Shapes blurred instantly. The gate's torches still burned normally mere steps behind yet their beacons already refracted oddly as if viewed underwater. Ethan blinked hard dispelling double vision. "Ignore the distortions, we trained for this. Somewhere ahead lies a true path!"

Jack took lead wielding axe inscribed by fiery runes lighting their way as Rita attuned orientation spells and Zain fished curious instruments adjusting viewfinder lens clarity. Ethan reached out with agricultural abilities nurturing harmless trailing creepers that counteracted illusion wards seeking to misdirect the group.

Trust proved vital navigating the swamp's castle tricks. Deceptively solid land could plunge initiates into mortifying situations so relying on strengths bolstering collective weaknesses prevented stumbling unawares past guarding perils. Many horror stories seasoned the Midnight Hunt's notorious legacy.

Four hours of squelching onwards found the squad approaching a tranquil pond sporting too tempting rest pleasures to ignore for novice wanderers. But Zain's modified monocle cut through charming camouflage revealing a stilled surface actually hid ravenous aquatic beasts awaiting tasty prey! A hurled stone provoked the creatures into shattering illusions before attacking.

"Well spotted!" Rita gasped in relief after their narrow avoidance. "We'll rest once beyond these spirit snares. I swear each year the mentors enhance new atrocity welcoming gates!" She shot Ethan a rueful smile that still fluttered his core admiring her graceful poise framed by moonlight.

Onward the team pressed navigating increasingly unnerving landscapes. Sections of marsh abruptly switched between foreign alien vistas and ruins from erased civilizations scattered across surreal planes. Bouts of unnatural weather battered the squad seeking refuge inside hollow trees or conjured sanctums.

Finally the beguiling grove manifested past endless illusory tangents - a raised ring of carved monoliths with rotating sigils floating serenely under violet auroras. Many disciples had found deliverance here before sunrise terminated disorientation spells embedded all through the marshlands.

Four young heroes staggered up stone steps into the central altar circle, their Wayfinder pendants synchronizing while casting weary yet triumphant figures as towering shadows across inward faces. They endured the Mapless Marsh's bewildering dangers through loyalty and teamwork. Another grueling trial passed forged stronger ties against whatever future feud or fear.

Instructor Rho's stern visage softened into a rare smile as the passage gate opened next dawn. "Well done initiates! You have cast yourself admirably as one synchronised entity successfully navigating the marsh despite its affinity eroding the isolated. Take pride in your unified accomplishment - few apprentices demonstrate such solidarity their inaugural exposure to the Midnight Hunt!"

Behind Rho, even Elder Trenton nodded approvingly regarding Jack's confident stance. "You shepherded them well, my student. Perhaps greatness incubates within this cohort under your fraternal guidance. We shall monitor their development with interest..."

Ethan and comrades met happy gazes all around, bonds steeling further against time's coming tests. The horizon blazed bright with camaraderie warming weariness from a night well endured.

Sorry readers due to some reason I am not able to upload 2nd Chapter. I will upload 3 Chapter tomorrow

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