
Ubran cultivator: unleashing professions

In the bustling cityscape, Ethan, a diligent agriculture student, stumbles upon a clandestine system of cultivation that grants him access to multiple professions as his mastery deepens. In a world where the existence of cultivators remains concealed from the ordinary populace, Ethan's journey unfolds against a backdrop of secrecy and intrigue. As Ethan ascends through the ranks of cultivation, he forms alliances, navigates rivalries, and discovers unexpected romances, building a harem of individuals with unique talents and desires. Yet, lurking in the shadows are governmental agencies and ancient adversaries, both eager to exploit or eliminate those with cultivation abilities. Faced with mounting dangers and moral dilemmas, Ethan must wield his newfound powers responsibly while uncovering the truth behind the urban cultivator's existence. His choices will not only shape his own fate but also determine the future of cultivators in the modern world. "Urban Cultivator: Unleashing Professions" is a gripping tale of discovery, ambition, and romance, inviting readers into a world where ordinary students wield extraordinary powers, and where every decision carries weight in the balance between secrecy and revelation. Join Ethan as he embarks on a quest to master his abilities and redefine the destiny of urban cultivation.

WorldWanderer · Urban
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25 Chs

Chapter 10: Ethan Blooms Bonds

Ethan gently misted the leaves of his latest botanical creation, a vivid purple flower with ultra-fragrant blooms the size of grapefruits. He had meticulously cross-pollinated the giant rare jungle orchids over three painstaking years to create this striking new hybrid variety.

The nuances of color, the intricate veining on each petal, the smoothness of the petals all reflected his aptitude for bringing out the best attributes of different species. As he studied the new flowers, Ethan felt a glow of accomplishment. This type of work required intense patience and persistence, but the final results made it worthwhile.

"My word, those are magnificent!"

Ethan turned with a start to see Emma, a senior initiate, gazing admiringly at the exotic flowers. Her sudden presence flustered him and he felt himself blush, unaccustomed to attention from one so highly ranked. Emma's golden hair caught the sunlight as she leaned closer to examine the orchids.

"I've been experimenting with interspecies hybridization using some rare specimens from our conservatory," Ethan explained, willing his voice not to crack. "By selectively cross-pollinating particular traits over multiple generations, I can direct the expression of specific genes to achieve desired morphological and biochemical outcomes."

"Fascinating," murmured Emma, gently touching a petal with her graceful fingers. "I have dabbled in similar work optimizing plant-based alchemical ingredients, but never so aesthetically. Your techniques seem remarkably effective!"

Ethan's nervousness faded as they spoke animatedly about biosynthesis pathways, polysaccharide configurations, reactive metabolites, and genetic inheritance. He felt thrilled to find someone who shared his passions and could discuss the intricate details for hours on end.

Emma's quick intelligence and curiosity electrified him. The way she bit her lip while analyzing his tissue samples under the microscope, her mellifluous voice questioning him enthusiastically about his methods, the brightness in her hazel eyes when she grasped a new concept - it all sent Ethan's mind and heart racing out of control.

Over the next few weeks, Ethan welcomed Emma's frequent visits to his personal nursery. She delighted in analyzing his exotic hybrids and offered insightful feedback on stabilizing desirable traits. In turn, he was eager to hear about her alchemical agriculture projects using concentrated plant extracts for various initiatory potions.

"The ancients mostly used trial and error when combining botanical ingredients," Emma explained. "But I believe our advanced understanding of biochemistry and medicinal metabolites enables more targeted approaches."

Ethan nodded, leaning closer as she spread out charts of enzymatic pathways across his work table.

"Precisely!" he agreed enthusiastically. "Traditional alchemical recipes certainly pass down substantial wisdom worth preserving. But by adapting the formulations using modern analytics, we can fine-tune the concentrations and synergistic effects."

Emma tapped her notes, face alight. "My goal is to identify specific enzymes and bioactive compounds to combine. Our library's Old Texts describe healing elixirs with incredible regenerative capacities. I must decode how the ancients derived such potency solely from plants."

Their hungry minds explored every tangent of their mutually fascinating work, oblivious to the passing hours. When Emma casually rested her graceful fingers on Ethan's forearm as she examined a new fungus hybrid under his microscope, it felt thrillingly scintillating. The touch was professional, yet intensely personal nonetheless.

One late evening, their conversation drifted from biochemical analysis into more intimate personal reflections. The nursery's lamps burned low as Emma confessed her frustration with the initiatory order's strict rules against romantic attachments.

"I understand why such bonds are discouraged," she said wistfully, absentmindedly twirling a lock of her long hair. "Our occult studies and alchemical work demand utter devotion and willingness to sacrifice individual desires for the greater good. But doesn't it seem excessive to outright forbid even casual dalliances? Where is the line between commitment to the advancement of human knowledge and denying our fundamental humanity?"

Ethan hesitated, afraid to reveal too much even in this intimate, hushed moment. "Perhaps certain fleeting experiences provide insight into the full range of the human condition," he acknowledged carefully. "Bringing greater empathy, compassion. But deeper personal entanglements also introduce complications that may impact our wider service and duties...." He trailed off awkwardly, realizes he had revealed more sentiment than intended.

Emma bit her lip alluringly as she contemplated. "Life is complicated no matter what paths we follow," she mused. "I may pursue elevated studies of mysteries beyond ordinary existence for the greater good, but I remain just a woman, subject to... certain desires."

A tense, highly charged moment passed as their eyes locked by the dying nursery lamps. Both leaned incrementally closer, the space between them suddenly electric yet also uncrossable. Ethan noticed Emma's quickening breath as their lips nearly brushed...when the greenhouse's chime rang out the late hour, breaking the spell.

They jerked back, flushed and flustered. Ethan's face burned with embarrassment and his heart pounded in his ears. He busied himself rapidly tidying his notebooks and tools to avoid meeting Emma's eyes directly again. Hesitantly he realized their close friendship had slipped across boundaries that spelled disaster. As junior initiates themselves, they both knew violating their covenants risked severe sanctions from the order's unforgiving elders.

"Forgive me, I spoke recklessly," Emma whispered as she gathered her things. She gazed at Ethan regretfully. "I nearly forgot myself. You deserve an exemplar, not someone subject to human foibles. From now on at least, I shall comport myself strictly as a senior initiate should...no matter my inner thoughts."

Ethan nodded numbly, sadness and relief mingling within him. As Emma turned reluctantly away to leave, Ethan impulsively caught her hand, unable to bear parting so abruptly.

"Our talks mean profoundly much to me," he said gently, willing her to understand. "Whatever comes hereafter, I hope we can always retain our close friendship, at least."

Emma squeezed his hand tightly for a moment, eyes glimmering with emotions too complex to articulate. "Of course," she whispered. "Our extraordinary bond shall persist always, one way or another." Their joined hands seemed to convey what could not be spoken - that both would now focus their utmost passions solely towards their initiation duties rather than any vain, flowering desires never meant to fully bear fruit.

Over the next year, Ethan threw himself zealously into his plant hybridization work to distract his conflicted mind. He cross-bred increasingly rare and challenging botanical specimens, achieving wondrous results that caught the eye of even the order's highest elders. His blossoms' trapped refulgent sunshine and starlight itself, or so praised his fellow initiates.

The rigorous demands of his experiments and studies granted little time to socialize. In rare moments of repose, Ethan's thoughts inevitably drifted to Emma - where she might be, how her studies progressed. Once he spotted her golden hair passing through a far courtyard. Yet they did not speak beyond formally cordial greetings when their paths crossed by chance. The space between them in public was icy and remote now, almost as if they were strangers.

Only late at night when he tended his nursery did Ethan allow himself to reminisce over their precious, fervent conversations and her melodic laugh. The memories brought more heartache than solace. But the short season of Emma's exhilarating companionship lingered like the sweet traces of a rare perfume. Both painful and exquisite to recall after the bloom had faded.

Nearly a year later, Ethan presented his revolutionary new midnight black rose hybrid to the elders themselves. Its darker than black petals smelled of mysteries beyond the stars. As the assembled elders marveled at the strange, breathtaking flower, Ethan spotted Emma observing from the chamber's curved balcony above. Catching her proud, wistful gaze across the crowded room electrified his soul. In that suspended moment, he knew her thoughts mirrored his, remembering brighter days that now seemed to belong to another world entirely.

Before Ethan could recover himself, the chief elder drew his attention to discuss propagating cutting for the initiatory conservatory. When he next could glance up, Emma had gone. But the elders' uncommon praise, and the sad-tinged joy of creating something both beautiful and ephemeral, reminded Ethan yet again why alchemists traditionally focused their formless longings into tangible expressions meant to uplift, transform, and inspire.

As seasons turned again, Ethan progressed rapidly from junior to senior initiate rank. His accomplishments became known even beyond the ancient order's hidden halls. As his arcane knowledge deepened, Ethan chose to specialize solely in botanical disciplines - realizing how fleeting this mortal coil remained compared to Nature's enduring wisdom. The eternal green spoke its own language older than himself, whispering life's ineffable secrets.

On the evening celebrating his advancement to senior alchemist status, Ethan retreated early while his peers caroused drunkenly around bonfires late into the night. Their newly unbound powers tended to manifest in flamboyant fire spells. As he walked moonlit paths towards his familiar greenhouse, strange loneliness filled Ethan's breast. In this moment, none shared the profound gladness and melancholy of realizing just how far he had traversed since first arriving as a youth full of impossible dreams.

To Ethan's surprise, flickering lamplight already glowed within his nursery's glass walls when he entered. Turning the corner past climbing vines, he stopped short - for there stood Emma like a vision, gently caressing luminescent flower petals that stirred under her touch.

"Forgive my intrusion..." she began quietly. "I merely wished to pay respects to an old friend upon his deserved success."

Ethan stared wordlessly, astonished to see her again so unexpectedly on today of all days. As if his very longing had conjured her.

Approaching slowly, Emma gave a wry, self-conscious smile. "By tradition we stand aloof," she admitted with a tinge of bitterness. "But I never stopped admiring your gifts. Indeed I missed our camaraderie greatly... So I simply wished to say, well done."

Impulsively she clasped Ethan's hands in heartfelt warmth - then hesitated at his stunned lack of reply. "Forgive me, I overstep again..." Mortified, Emma moved to withdraw.

But Ethan held her fast, struggling to find words. "No!" he rasped at last, nearly overcome. "I cannot say how much it means for you visit tonight of all nights... How I wished..." Overwhelmed, he simply embraced her slender form at long last.

Emma hugged him tightly in return, face pressed close against his chest for a long grateful moment. At last she peered up, eyes brighter than the flowers surrounding them.

"My dear friend...in truth you were often in my thoughts as well," she confessed softly. "Never believe otherwise."

Their relieved laughter dispelled the years between as they meandered amidst Ethan's glorious blooms. Emma praised his accomplishments, lamenting her duties kept her far afield these two years past. In turn Ethan described his research, sharing botanical discoveries not uttered aloud before.

If their hands clasped a few moments longer than proper upon parting, or their gazes held intimate memories of that wild summer's night long gone, neither remarked upon it. The solace of reconciliation was enough.

At last Emma drew regretfully away towards the doorway. But there she paused, playfully letting one loose lock of hair escape its restraints.

"My foolish friend, we speak of destiny...but never believe the fates immutable," she whispered back to him with a meaningful look. "Reality shifts shape not just from grand rituals, but small everyday deeds ripening slowly over time..."

With that cryptic remark, Emma vanished into the darkness. Her final smile seemed to hint these two kindred spirits might yet meet again, when sooner or later the ordained seasons turned. If the fates willed, their extraordinary bond just might find expression beyond the realm of pure ideas. For the rarest hybrid seeds persevered underground sometimes for generations before finally emerging. And the most glorious flowers, like forbidden desires, often bloomed unseen in life's forgotten corners. Where they simply awaited the right catalyst to call them forth into the light.

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