
Tyrant system in one piece

*** Read my novel " Detective Max 007 . *** John Keyenes came to one piece world and bound to the Tyrant System. After many years of hard work as bounty hunter he completed the opening task of system and got PARAMECIA --BLACK HOLE FRUIT in novice spree. Now watch how John dominates one piece world. #no romance #no harem #system flow #not follow luffy * 5 chaps/week (except Mon, Thus) ************** Support me on Patreon and read "FIVE advance chapters " of Tyrant System in One Piece  along with advance chapters of my other novels .  patreon.com/Daddy_strikes_ * the first half translation is slightly lacking, might edit later. * Buy me a coffee ko-fi.com/daddy_strikes_

Daddy_strikes_ · アニメ·コミックス
210 Chs

Aokiji is offered a bounty!

"Damn, you little devil, did you even kill that crazy woman BIGMOM?"

Kaido changed from a state of sadness to a state of rage, exuding an extremely terrifying aura.

That is the breath of beasts, and it is the strongest blue dragon among beasts!

The invisible Conqueror's Haki erupted, whizzing out as a tsunami shock wave.

The surrounding pirates were attacked by Conqueror's, their brains were shocked, their eyes rolled, and they fell to the ground unconscious.

" John Kyenes , do you actually want to unify the New World?"

Kaido looked at the newspaper in his hand and kneaded it into powder.

Then the huge palm deformed, and cyan dragon scales grew on the skin.

With a roar of a blue dragon, Kaido turned into a huge blue dragon soaring into the sky, directly smashing through the ceiling of the cave and rushing into the clouds in the sky.

Dark clouds gathered over the entire ghost island, and lightning flashed and thundered.

The blue dragon transformed by Kaido wandered freely in the dark clouds, and countless lightnings fell on him, as if massaging him.

This is the strongest creature on land, sea and air, Kaido, captain of the Beasts pirate group.

The defense is even more terrifying than the steel balloon of the Four Emperors aunt.

As soon as he got angry, he directly changed the sky climate in a radius of more than ten kilometers, as if the end was coming!

Likewise, the last of the Four Emperors Redhair is keeping an eye on Keynes too.

On an island in the New World, the entire Red Hair Pirates are stationed here.

The redhair sat on a log, holding a newspaper in one hand, silent.

He was the first Four Emperors to pay attention to Keynes, and also the first Four Emperors to perceive Keynes' ambitions.

Today, Keynes is completely out of control.

"First Naval Headquarters, then BIGMOM Pirates, and now Keynes, no one can stop it!"

Shanks looked at Keynes in the paper, shook his head and sighed softly.

He knew that no matter how hard they tried, everyone at Red Hair Pirates combined would not be able to stop Keynes.

"Who would have thought that we, who are known as the Four Emperors in the New World, would one day become the target of being hunted by others?"

Beckman blew a smoke ring, feeling a little amused and a little self-deprecating.

"The defeat of Naval Headquarters is to cut off Marine's involvement in the New World, in order to prevent them from being attacked when the war with the Four Emperors begins, and to solve future problems."

"After this, Keynes went to war with BIGMOM, who had hatred, and started the war to unify the New World |||

The redhead stared intently at the photo of Keynes, his eyes sharp and cold.

"He's very smart, he's organized, he has a plan for fighting, he knows how to push step by step and has a long-term plan."

"He's more terrifying than any enemy we've ever encountered, even more terrifying than the Rocks!"

At this moment, the redhair's expression was unprecedentedly solemn.

It's not scary to be strong, and it's not scary to be ambitious.

If you don't have a brain, you are a fool after all.

No matter how powerful and ambitious you are, you will eventually fail, just like the Rocks back then.

What is truly terrifying is that a person is not only terrifying in strength and ambitious, but also intelligent!

Such people will make arrangements before doing things, take ten steps in advance and can exert all their strengths to the ultimate, ensuring that they will be victorious in every battle.

John Keynes, no doubt , is such a person!

At this moment, the Shanks felt a burst of powerlessness, remembering the content of his secret conversation with the Five Elders, his mood fluctuated for a while, not knowing whether his decision was right or wrong.

At the same time, Naval Headquarters naturally held an emergency meeting for the first time.

"Gentlemen, the war between Keynes and BIGMOM is over."

In the conference room, Marine Marshal Kong sat in the first place, looked around and said.

"As Fujitora said, BIGMOM was defeated and killed by Keynes."

"Now, the BIGMOM Pirates have been completely defeated, and the remnants have been captured by Keynes."

"Keynes, who has gained this power, has once again skyrocketed in power.

"It can be expected that Keynes will continue to expand the territory of the Kalo Empire even more unscrupulously, until it annexes the territory of the original BIGMOM Pirates and connects it with the current sea area."

Kong's words made many Marine executives in the conference room look solemn, and many people breathed a sigh of relief, secretly saying that they were fortunate.

Fortunately, Marine did not intervene in the Four Emperors battle this time, otherwise he would suffer another heavy loss.

It's just that the situation of watching the enemy's strength getting stronger and stronger has made many Marine executives unable to hide their anger.

It is impossible to stop the sin, but to see him grow up step by step.

The feeling of powerlessness was so unpleasant that it was simply torture.

"Can't we just watch and do nothing at the moment?"

A hawk Marine Vice Admiral asked in a low voice.

Keynes's strength is already terrifying, if he is allowed to develop further, will Marine still be able to beat him?

The longer it took, the slimmer Marine's odds became.

Now, there is even no hope in sight.

"At present, Marine's strength is not enough, we can only do nothing."

Kong shook his head helplessly.

"But as Keynes gets stronger, we Marines get stronger too, in preparation for the war that is bound to happen in the future."

The Holy Land "has issued an order, and the recruitment order for World Government will not stop, it will continue forever.

"Marine would recruit the righteous from all over the world and muster all of them to fight the evil of Keynes."

"Not only that, but Marine's science unit has to speed up research.

With that said, Kong looked at Admiral Momousagi.

After Kizaru's death, Momousagi succeeded Kizaru as the commander of the Marine Science Corps.

"Momousagi, what is the current state of the Marine Science Unit SSG?"

Kong asked in a low voice.

"All research is planned, and the Ph.D. has achieved a great breakthrough."

Momousagi responded calmly.

"That's good, the power of technology can sometimes exert infinite power. "

Marine's SSG unit was established by the Holy Land with countless funds, and the research and development project is to completely calm the sea.

The pacifists who appeared in Summit War were just a prelude, just a batch of experiments.

As for the experimental product, it can already match the pirates with a bounty of over 100 million.

If the finished product is successfully developed, the combat power will be even more terrifying.

The pacifist is just one of the scientific research results of the SSG unit.

"For the Keynes group, the Holy Land's order is to stay put for now and not to touch it lightly."

Kong said in a deep voice, "It's just that they still have to inform the world about their evil deeds."

"He, has the reward order been formulated this time?"

Kong looked at Crane Vice Admiral and asked.

"It's settled."

Crane Vice Admiral took a reward order from the adjutant, took out the first one, glanced at it, and shook his head slightly.

"I have been a Marine for so many years, and I have never seen such a high bounty. The future of the world is really worrying."

Saying that, Vice Admiral Crane handed the reward to Kong.

The first one is Keynes's latest reward order.

Killing tyrant John Keynes, the world's most brutal criminal, has a bounty of 7.05 billion Baileys.

Compared with the 6.05 billion Baileys above, Keynes's bounty has increased by another billion.

This is not an amount set by Marine, but a bounty set by the Holy Land Five Elders himself.

In addition, the core cadres under Keynes also have new bounty orders, and the amount of the bounty has increased.

Bullet, Enel, Weibull, Marco, Shiryu of Rain, and more.

One by one the bounty is ridiculously high.

What's more, a new name has appeared on the bounty list.

" Aokiji ".

Support me on Patreon and read "FIVE advance chapters " of Tyrant System in One Piece  along with advance chapters of my other novels . 


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