
Twilight:The King Of Death

A man dies and gets reborn in twilight as the original Vampire. Only thing I own is my OC’s. (OCxOC)

HiTherefic · 映画
16 Chs

Chapter 2

(3 days later.)

It has been three days since I bit them now the two men and I are waiting for them, I kept these two alive because I knew they would be thirsty.

I have made sure to scare them and tell them they will suffer the same fate as their past friends.

I hear a sound and look over.

"Finally," I say while standing up.

The man and his wife are now standing up and looking at me.

"Welcome back," I say with a big smile.

I notice her eyes go to the two guys that were drowning her, the next thing I know it sounds like they both are choking I look at them and their face resembles that of someone being choked.

'Her gift, it makes people feel like they are drowning, incredible' I think to myself.

"I have forgotten to ask for your names before I turned you?" I ask.

"My name is Arion, and my wife's name is Kyra," Arion says while looking at Kyra who is still Using to get gifts on them.

"How old are you?" I ask.

"I am 19 and my wife is 17," Arion says.

I close my eyes and I turn on the gift from Marcus, I see a bright gold string attached to the two in front of me. If I am not wrong gold means they are true mates.

(not sure if that is how it works but we are gonna go with it.)

"You must be thirsty, why don't you have a drink," I say while picking up the two men from the ground, as soon as I say this they both speed towards the men and sink their fangs into their throats.

After a couple of minutes of me explaining who

I am and my goal, they chose to follow me on one condition, Arion wants me to turn his brother, he was Arion's last living relative so I agreed with his request, only if his brother agreed.

One hour later, we arrived at a house inside Sparta, we walk in and I saw a giant man that was at least 6'8 super buff.


After a while of explaining and making sure we wants this life, he agreed so he could stay with his brother and his sister-in-law.

I decided that it would be best if I turn him in the woods far from the city, as we were walking out of the city, Aris brought us to the Market before we left saying he wanted to eat one last thing which we all laughed about, but as we were leaving the market we passed a clothes shop and I saw some cloaks that would be perfect for us I bought us all a cloak so we would have something to wear.

(5 months later.)

Arion and Aris got into a little argument and had a bet about who would last longer against Kyra and her gift, she can use her gift on multiple people they just have to be in her field of vision, and she tried to use her gift against Arion and Aris.

It worked on Aris he fell to the ground holding his throat, but Arion just sat there like nothing was happening.

Kyra stopped using her gift.

"No fair, why didn't you use your gift on him?" Aris says frustrated.

"I-I did it didn't work It was like I was hitting a wall," Kyra says.

"He's a shield," I say with a grin.

"Do you mind?" I ask.

He knows what I'm referring to, I told them a while back that I can copy skills, I look at him and he falls two the ground holding his throat.

I stop using the gift so I don't torture him for too long.

"Why did it work when you did it?" Kyra asks while looking down.

"I'm guessing here but more than likely since I am the original Vampire, but that's just a guess," I say.

(1700 A.D)

I decided it is now time to go to Volterra And take my place as the King of the Vampires.

Aro POV.

My Brothers and I have been waiting for Agis our King ever since the day we separated, we have been growing in strength for a while now waiting for our King we have told our Coven about him but most think he is a myth, it has been a while but my brothers and I know he is still alive not only can we feel him but, when we were in front of him we could feel his strength.

We have made a giant throne for him behind ours waiting for the moment he returns to rule over all Vampires.


My brothers and I look at the door, Demetri walks in and goes to the middle of the floor, and starts to speak.

"Masters, we have found a Vampire with Golden eyes," Demetri says while looking down.

"Bring him in," I say.

After a couple of minutes, Jane and Alec walk in with a Blonde hair gold eyes Vampire.

"Name?" Caius asks.

"Carlisle, Carlisle Cullen," Carlisle says with a calm demeanor.

I stand up and start to walk toward him.

"May I?" I say while holding out my hand.

He looks confused but puts his hand in mine.

After a couple of seconds, I come back with a smile.

"What is it, brother?" Cause asks.

"He's a vegeta-" before I could finish there was a loud sound.


I look over and see Felix flying through the door, Marcus and Caius stand beside me while Jane, Alec, and other members of the guard stand in front of us.

I start to hear sinister laughter.

"HAHAHA, so this is how you welcome your King." a voice that sounds familiar but I can't place it says.

My brothers and I look toward the door and we see three Vampires come out in red cloaks then behind them is one with a black cloak.


He raises his hood and I see who he is my heart was about drop if that was possible anymore.

I notice that Caius and Marcus see him to, we immediately run in front of our guard and knell.

"Thats more like it." Agis says.

To be continued.