
Twilight: The Children of the Moon

In the Twilight World, werewolves stand among four supernatural species alongside shape-shifters, vampire-human hybrids, and vampires. The Children of the Moon, known as true werewolves, are humans transforming into fearsome wolf-like creatures under the full moon's influence. Unlike shape-shifters, these werewolves possess formidable strength, capable of single-handedly challenging vampires. However, their lack of control over the transformation makes them dangerous. Our main character, a transmigrater, unwittingly becomes a target for vampires after surviving a near-death encounter with a monstrous creature. Little does he know, he's infected with werewolf venom, marking him as prey for the vampire hunters.

AmouxCreationsX · 映画
5 Chs

Chapter 1

I'm Jay, an orphan who doesn't seem to know who I am. Well, that's because I'm a transmigrator as well. It's really terrible to be lost somewhere in the woods without knowing where to go. And it's hard to navigate through the woods on an empty stomach. In the end, I lost consciousness due to overconsumption of energy without food or water. Well, at least I gained sympathy from an unknown middle-aged man who helped me. He fed me and tried to assist me in finding my way home. However, what can he do when I don't even know who I am? I'm only 14, I suppose.

Later, I became more of a burden to him as I begged him to take me along with him. I offered to do every laborious task as long as he could feed me. What can I do when I'm lost in someone else's body? When I reached his home, I found my only hope is a nomad man who doesn't even have electricity, and more importantly, he works as a woodcutter. Then I thought of my promises and my past life, spent lazing around with a laptop and smartphone. What can I do? I don't want to die again, so I should live with what I've got, hoping the future won't be the same.

Two years have easily gone by, no tension, a simple life but it totally sucks. I literally hate my new home, but still, I'm much better off than my former life without any job-related tensions. Literally, all I have to do is help the men clean the woods or remain at home, nothing much. He brings food on time, so there's no need to worry about going hungry, but occasionally, he won't be home at night and is late to return the next day. Even though I ask him what got him to be late, he remains silent, as he is not inclined to answer. Anyway, who am I in the first place to ask?

But I'm curious about the outside world and confused about why I transmigrated as an ordinary boy in the first place. As a transmigrant, I don't have any abilities, or maybe I have some hidden identity that I don't know.

In the end, all I can do is eat and sleep. But life won't always be the same. 

Jay glanced through the window from time to time as he waited for his food delivery, but Old Man Jain was nowhere to be seen. Jay remained close to the window, muttering, "Not again." As he gave up on waiting, he decided to sleep so he could forget about not having had dinner. Walking towards his bed, he suddenly heard a loud noise from outside, making him run back to the window.

Jay tried to see around, but nothing was visible as it was late at night. Old Man Jain had always warned him not to leave the house late at night, no matter what, due to the higher chance of encountering wild animals outside. However, curiosity got the better of Jay, leading him to leave the house. As he climbed down the wood, he saw Old Man Jain's truck crashed into a tree.

Jay hurried towards the truck, concerned for the old man's safety. But what awaited him was different. When he got closer, he could see that the old man was unconscious. So, he extended his hand towards the old man to check if he was alive. However, Jain bit Jay's hand the next second. Jay struggled to remove his hand from Jain, who bit him like an animal.

In pain, Jay tried to grab a stone from the ground while Jain held onto one arm, biting. With all the strength he could muster, Jay hit him. The impact caused Jain to release his arm. Jay crawled on the ground as he tried to get away. When he looked around, he could see Jain slowly transforming into something else in the car. Out of fear, Jay ran as fast as he could towards the house, hoping to escape the monster.

Before Jay could reach the house with his injured arm, he heard a strong howl as the full moon embraced the sky. Jay had a lot of thoughts running through his mind. After shaking his head, he entered the house and turned off the lamps, fearing that the monster would be attracted to the light. However, he didn't think that his blood would act as an attraction.

Jay hid in the kitchen, holding a kitchen knife, momentarily forgetting that he was bleeding out of fear. While hiding in the kitchen shelf, he tried to look around through the gap, but nothing seemed to be strange and quiet. Jay remained in the shelf, hoping something might happen the next second, but nothing seemed amiss. Time passed, making Jay irritated. So, he slowly started to open the shelf, but the creaking sound of the shelf door scared him, making him look around while still inside the shelf. Seeing that there was nothing wrong, Jay stepped outside the shelf.

Then, he started to hear a growl from above him. Fear gripped him as he turned to look above slowly. What he saw terrified him. The only word he could think of was "werewolf." The werewolf looked at Jay as if sizing up the prey while clinging its claws into the roof, remaining upside down. Jay didn't wait for the next second to run towards the storeroom, which had an exit.