
Chapter 8 - What now!?

Thalia POV

I was in the kitchen while we signed Malcom and Natalie up for school telling them to not reveal what they are to anyone.

But then I sense Bella outside with the Cullens, what the hell?

I walked out the kitchen to the front door.

Bella: How many times do I have to say leave me alone?

Edweirdo : Bella my love, you belong with me.

Bella: Not after you left me, we broke up, so it's over!

Edweirdo: She's gotten into your head!

Thalia: what the fuck is going on here?

Bella: Nothing, Edward was just leaving.

Edweirdo: Not without you!

He grabbed Bella by her arm and I sped to punch him off her as he was send to the ground.

Thalia: Touch her again, and I'll enjoy tearing you apart.

Edweirdo got up to snarl.

Edweirdo: This is all your fault! You turned her against me!

Thalia: Yeah you left her alone dumbass, you think she'll wait for you when you said move on.

Edweirdo charged at me as I grab him by his throat to drag him to the woods as I punch him again and again until I kick him away.

Thalia: Stay away from Bella Eddy, this is my last time tell you or I'll kill you to put you out of everyone's misery.

Edweirdo got up to growl to run off into the woods while I see the Cullens kids.

Thalia: Now how can I help you guys?

Alice: We came to visit, we tried to hide it from Edward but read our minds.

Thalia: Fime come one in but we have kids here now so that vampire hunger thing needs to be put on wraps.

They nodded as they came in as I walked back to the kitchen to get Bella's food to bring to her.

Bella: Thank you.

Thalia: So how are things?

Rose: Well, besides Edward being annoying, Victoria is still out there.

Thalia: I've got to do something about her.

Emmett: She keeps coming on and off the territory which is getting annoying.

Jasper: The wolves are the same really.

Thalia: Well we got bigger problems, mainly Zeus.

Alice: Zeus, like lightning bolts?

Thalia: Right, I didn't introduce myself but yes the Olympian Gods are real and I used to be on the Olympian guards well I was in charge of the Royal Guards until I was betrayed as I took something from Zeus.

Emmett: Woah, can I fight a God?

Rose hit him.

Thalia: You can try but you have to be careful, they still have powers.

Emmett: Alright!

Jasper: Well I'm glad the Denali's are coming for a visit this week.

Bella: More vampires?

Alice: Yes but Edward always seems to make them mad.

Thalia: I can see that.

I finished to sit in the living room with everyone else.