
Twilight: Inhuman Human

Vampires. A perversion of nature and an unnatural predatory added to the food chain. They'd run rampent for millennia, killing and playing with humans however they see fit. But not anymore. Gaia, the Spirit of Earth, had had enough. She would not stand by as the Humans were preyed on anymore. Thus, he was born. A human with the power to rival a Vampires. An inhuman Human. Impossibly strong and fast. Impossibly vigorous and energized. The perfect human. But what Gaia didn't know was that she was manipulated into this action by an even higher God who'd just granted some wishes for a reincarnator. Said reincarnator was reincarnated as this so-called perfect Human. Yet unlike what Gaia wanted, a force to combat the Vampire infection on her planet, she got a reincarnated martial artist who just wanted to live his life again while romancing hot chicks. Quite the opposite to what Gaia wanted, honestly. But she couldn't change anything, so he was free to do what he wanted. And so he did. (A/N - Right, so this novel is gonna be a 'Rosalie x MC' novel because there are so little of them out there. Oh and if you're against the notion of the MC being Bella Swan's brother, then don't read this. He's gonna be her brother and he's gonna be a decent brother to her. So that means he's not gonna be an arsehole to her. You know, the basics.)

The_Strongest · 映画
13 Chs

New Life

Taking a deep breath, I looked over the damp and wet place me and my sister Bella were going to be living in from now on. But despite what you'd think, I was excited about coming to live here.

A place that despite it's boring appearance, was going to be a place so full of excitement in a few months. I couldn't wait.

Where exactly was I? Forks, Washington. Well, not IN Forks, just yet but at an airport about an hours drive away from Forks.

Anyway, what was exactly exciting about a small town in Washington? A town that had a population in the thousands and was probably one of the wettest places in the US? Well, for starters, a Coven of Vampires lives here and so does a pack of Shapeshifters. Pretty interesting and exciting, right?

Me? I'm a human. 100% pure bred. No hybrid physiology or magical powers. I'm just a human...who's the perfect example of what a human should be. Or rather the perfect example of what a human could be if instead of focusing purely on brain power back in the caveman days, we instead chose to fight with our fists and physical prowess against all the animals we could find...and somehow survived long enough to evolve into the perfect fusion between brains and brawn. Basically, I'm the perfect warrior. Superhuman warrior, to be exact.

How did I know I was this? Because that's what I asked of the God who reincarnated me. I also asked for a gifted-level brain and IQ so I wasn't a total knuckle-dragging caveman who solved everything with his fists and I asked for as Humanoid a body as I could get while also being conventionally attractive.

What? When you get to cheat the system, cheat the goddamn system! Don't settle for anything less than perfection.

Sadly, my wishes were limited in the sense that I could only wish for wishes that were on the same level as the world I was going to. So, in this case, Twilight. It sucked ass, I guess, but I still made myself strong enough to fight Vampires and Shapeshifters. I even asked specifically for my physical ability to be equal to a Vampire AND have the ability to extend my physical prowess even further via extensive training.

So, I had it sorted, honestly.

Why was I reincarnated? No idea. Why didn't I ask? Because you don't look a gift horse in the mouth. It'd just be bad manners to be a typical curious human to the God who was reincarnating me. Who knows, if I annoyed him(it?), I would've lost my chance at being reincarnated.

So, I just took it as it is and accepted the deal. If I get pulled into some kind of war later on in life, then so be it. Consider it the price for getting another shot at life and some kickass powers to go along with it.

"Hellooo? Earth to Jason?" I snapped out of my thoughts when I saw a pale and slender hand being waved in front of me.

"Yeah?" I turned to my sister, Bella, lifting an eyebrow in curiosity at what she wanted.

Seeing my obliviousness, she sighed before gesturing with a slightly fed-up expression, "He's here. Pick up your bag and stop looking at that puddle over there like you've never seen one before," she gave a smirk, trying to rouse me up by teasing me. Hearing her, I put on an overly dramatic expression as I picked up my bag.

"What? Where? There's a mythical puddle?! My god, I've never seen one having lived out in the dry and arid Arizona deserts for all my life," I said in mock exhilaration, only getting a pair of eyes rolling at me from Bella and a short chuckle from dad who'd walked around to the back of his police cruiser.

"Good to see you're still a little comedian, Jason," he said with his usual stern face but with a small smile that spoke volumes about how glad he was to see us again.

Walking toward him as he popped open the boot, I smirked as I gestured to his mustache, "I see you've been busy growing that mustache, huh, dad? Bet it's a real hit with all the ladies," I teased as I easily lifted the suitcase and put it into the boot as dad rolled his eyes before giving me a mock chiding look.

"I see you haven't stopped your teasing of other people either," he gave a chuckle before he took Bella's bag from her and lifted it into the boot.

"What? Teasing? I was being completely serious, dad. Looks good on ya," I said with a laugh, slapping him on the back before calling out, "I've got shotgun," I smiled before walking to the passenger seat.

Bella and dad were...way too alike. Put them in a room together and they'd both just be awkward messes, stumbling over their words. There's definitely father-daughter love between them...but they just have trouble showing it. Especially seeing as the time spent apart from one another definitely didn't help. So much so that Bella doesn't even call dad, well, 'dad'. I've tried talking to her about it but she just shrugs it off. Whatever. Hopefully it can change if I help them along.

...Oh, yeah. Bella Swan, Charlie Swan--and me, Jason Swan. Bella Swan being the original female lead from the original Twilight books. I didn't wish for that, either. Let's just call it...a happy coincident. Yeah.

Honestly, I'm glad I can be here in Forks (or about to go to Forks, to be specific) because it's probably the most exciting place I know of.

And I'm a sucker for excitement. Bungee jumping, skydiving, cliff climbing and base jumping--I'll do them all even if it's just for a short thrill or burst of adrenaline. But even that's become boring after a while. But fighting Vampires? Fighting Shapeshifters? Maybe even romancing a Vampire? Goddamn! That sounds pretty fucking exciting, you know?!

Of course, I'm not an idiot. I know that this is real life. It isn't a book.

(A/N - Hahahahahahahahaha!)

This is real life for me and messing about with Vampires or Shapeshifters could easily be my death. Which is why I know I need to play it safe and slow. I don't need to rush into it guns blazing. Maybe befriending the main cast and following the events of the first movie would be...clever. But I'm of conflicting sides at the minute. One side wants to rush into it and make a mess, and the other side knows that stupid and wants to take it slow and just live a nice life.

...But that's boring. Both of them are boring. So, instead, I'm just gonna play along while helping out. I'll get to fight what I want and I'll get to romance a Vampire. I really hope there's some single and needy (read; horny) female Vampire out there. But hey, that's just wishful thinking...or is it~?

Getting into the cruiser, I leaned back into the comfy seat before reaching over and turning on the radio, putting on some popular song that'd came out last week. Catchy, I guess.

Closing my eyes while I listened to the music, I wondered what I'd end up doing in this life.

I'd prepared a lot for these next few days...let's not make a fool of myself, yeah?

. . .

As we pulled up to the house I'd spent so much time at in the past, I smiled and got out of the car just as the car came to a full stop. Walking around to the back of it, I popped the trunk and took out the two suitcases, easily lifting them out and into the air.

Just as dad saw this, he gave a whistle before chuckling, "Football must've done something massive for your arms, Jason. Looks like you're lifting shopping bags and not 20-something kilo suitcases," he laughed and I laughed along with him, shrugging and playing it off as it really wasn't that big of a deal.

"Just some suitcases, dad. Nothing too heavy. I trained with barbells way heavier than this back home," I mentioned, not telling a lie exactly, as I had lifted and trained with things much heavier than a measly 20-something kilos.

Like bicep curling a homemade 300kg weight with a single arm as a warm-up exercise before I moved onto picking up massive trees and rocks. This was a few years ago as well. Nowhere near the level I was at now.

So, suitcases weren't exactly that heavy to me anymore.

Moving toward the house, I placed the cases down on the porch as dad opened the door and I quickly entered before kicking off my muddy shoes and leaving them next to the coat rack. Once that was done, I picked up into a slow jog as I went to the stairs. I remembered the layout of the house perfectly - benefits of a good brain, I guess - and once at the top, I placed Bella's suitcase in front of her room before opening the door to the room I used to stay in.

It hadn't changed other than there now being a double bed in here. New sheets and some bigger pillows. Other than that...it was a den of nostalgia.

Posters of bands and superheroes were plastered all over the wall and I couldn't help but smile.

Meanwhile, in the other room, Bella's room, I could hear dad and Bella having an awkward conversation about her room and whether she liked it or not. Chuckling, I got to removing some of the posters on my wall. Some of them were a bit...I don't know how to say it, childish? I only had them up there to have a room that befit someone of my age at the time. But now that I was 17, nearly 18, I felt that I could finally take them down.

Putting them all together in a pile on my desk, I looked through them a bit before chuckling to myself at the pure nostalgia being back here was giving me.

It was nice to be back. Both for personal reasons and for the exciting events that would soon happen.

"Everything good in here, son?" I heard dad ask from the doorway and I turned to smile at him, giving him a nod.

"Yep. Just taking down a few posters...I think I've outgrown a few of 'em," I gave an awkward smile as I held up one of them which was about 'Ben 10'. Good series but a bit embarrassing to have a poster about it as a 17-18-year-old.

Dad gave an 'oh' of understanding before he awkwardly got out, "I, uh, didn't want to take anything down before you, Jace*...it's your room and all," he gave an explanation as he scratched the back of his head.

(A/N - Jace being short for Jason, obviously.)

"Don't worry about it, dad," I waved my hand at him before putting the poster down and walking toward him, "You see the game last week? We really messed up in the 2nd Inning, didn't we? Even more important, we gonna be watching the next game?" I laughed, remembering the latest terrible display from the Baseball team both dad and I supported, and how dad probably reacted to it. Instantly upon hearing me, dad's awkwardness floated away as he rolled his eyes and began to talk about sport, the two of us walking downstairs.

Though as soon as we got to the bottom of the stairs, we heard a car pulling up onto the driveway.

Huh, they were a bit quicker than I suspected they'd be. Looking to dad, he just walked toward the door and opened it showing a boy, younger than me but still decently tall at about 5'10", he had long black hair and copper toned skin. His eyes were just as black as his hair. But he still had a bit of baby fat around his cheeks and chin, making him look a bit too immature despite his height.

Even with his height he had a lanky figure and was quite thin. Not a lot of muscle on him at all, honestly. But I knew that'd change at some point soon.

This was Jacob Black.

And the man he was helping out of the passenger seat of the orange truck and into a wheelchair, was Billy Black. Billy was a heavyset man, with a deeply wrinkled face and dark russet skin with black eyes and hair just like his son, Jacob.

I knew these two both from my own memories in this life and from watching the films and reading a bit of the books in my past life.

Walking out of the house, I was greeted by Billy looking me up and down before smiling, "Is that the little Jason I used to take on fishing trips? God damn! You've really shot up, kid!" he gave a deep rumbling laugh as he wheeled up to me. I smiled in turn and bent down, pulling him into a hug - he was like an uncle to me, why wouldn't I give someone who was practically family to me a hug?

Billy returned it, laughing before I pulled back and nodded to him, "Well, you're looking good, Billy."

"Yeah, I'm still dancing, kid," he laughed and I looked to Jacob who looked a little timid.

I put out a fist, gesturing for a fist bump, "It's been a long time, man. How you doing?" I asked with a smile. Seeing this, Jacob seemed relieved and returned the fist bump with a smile. Seeing his reaction, I quirked up an eyebrow, "What's with that relief, Jake? You think I'd forget one of my best friends?" I gave a laugh as I walked toward him and pulled him into a headlock, laughing as I continued speaking, "Looks like you're still all-hair no muscle, huh?" I teased him as he tried to free himself while laughing himself.

Billy and dad looked at us and laughed, probably reminiscing about how we reminded them of themselves when they were younger. Well, dad wishes he was as tall as I was but other than that we were pretty similar. I had his black hair and mom's piercing blue eyes, and I looked a decent amount like him...just, you know, much more handsome, obviously. I was about 6'4" as well, so about four inches taller than dad.

Just as I let Jacob go, he locked up while looking toward the doorway for the house. Sending an unnecessary glance, I confirmed the obvious when I saw Bella there.

I held back a sigh as I knew I'd no doubt be dealing with a heartbroken Jacob in a few months.

But for now, I hid such feelings and smiling waved Bella over, "You remember uncle Billy and Jake, right, Bella?"

"Um...huh?" she was brought out of her daydream as she looked away from the truck and toward me and Jacob, "Uh, yeah, totally," she replied, obviously not remembering either of them but she put on a brave front and moved forward and shook Billy's hand and exchanged an awkward nod with Jacob.

Dad, showing a rare case of emotional intelligence, stepped in and slapped the side of the truck, "What do the two of you think?" he asked, getting a surprised look from me before I looked to the truck and saw something in the back that nearly had me squeal out like a girl.

Quickly getting to the side of the truck, I grabbed the side and threw myself up and over the side and onto the back where it was carrying what I supposed was for me.

A proper motorbike. A legitimate, fully functioning motorbike.

...Ah, man, dad's are the best parents. Mom wouldn't get me one even after I passed my test because she said it was far too dangerous but dad? He'd gone and brought me one. This return to Forks just keeps getting better.