
TVD/TO: The Original Husband

What happens when a modern day dude is dropped into the TVD Universe? Will he become a Vampire? Or is he a Werewolf? Or maybe he is a Witch? Read this fanfic to find out more. Male OC X Rebekah Mikaelson Forgive me if the characters are out of character. The story starts from 999 A.D. !!! Caution: I know some people are dissatisfied with the front portion of this fanfic, but please be patient. I assure you it will be worth it. At least read until chapter 20 before deciding to drop this fanfic. !!! (I don't own anything except my MC, and I am new to this so if there's any grammar, spelling or constructive criticism you want to let me know, feel free to leave a comment.)

TheOneAtTheMoon · テレビ
24 Chs

Runnin' Home To You

[Time skip: A few weeks later]

Leaning against the doorway, Kara's smile was gentle, but her eyes betrayed a hint of concern as she asked, 

"Cass, are you sure you need to leave?"

I stood in the doorway, my heart heavy with conflicting emotions. Kara was trying to hide her true feelings behind her nonchalant persona, but after three decades of knowing her, I could see through her tough exterior.

Taking a deep breath, I tried to steady myself. 

"I have to go, Kara. I need to find my wife," I said, my voice filled with determination.

"But before I leave, I just want to say thank you. For everything. For the house, the food, and most importantly, for saving my life."

Kara rolled her eyes, but her gaze softened ever so slightly, revealing the depth of her emotions.

"Well, someone had to do something. You practically begged me when I found you dying," she teased, a small smile playing on her lips.

I couldn't help but crack a smile in return, the familiar banter between us bringing a sense of comfort. As I reached out for a handshake, Kara surprised me by pulling me into a hug. Caught off guard, I shifted my stance to return the embrace, but Kara had already switched back to a handshake. We both laughed awkwardly, but eventually settled for a proper hug.

As we held each other, I could feel Kara's warmth enveloping me, her familiar scent bringing back memories of our time together. And though I knew I had to leave, I couldn't help but feel a pang of longing. Kara had been more than just a friend and confidante for me; she had become family. Now, as I ventured into the unknown, the thought of leaving her behind tugged at my heart.

"Don't die out there." Kara whispered softly, her words barely audible but enough to stir my emotions.

"No promises," I replied, my voice wavering slightly.

Stepping back, I waved at her and said, 

"If you ever need me, tear the paper." Ignoring her puzzled expression, I tapped into my mana, the magic coursing through my veins, and visualised my destination.

In a flash, I vanished from Kara's sight, leaving behind a small scrap of paper bearing the symbol of a nightshade flower and skull. Kara will always hold a special place in my heart. However, now it's time for me to move forward, to do the one thing I set out to do all those years ago. 

(A/N: The Paper)

[In New Orleans]

Finally, after what seemed like an eternity of apparitions, I arrived in New Orleans. Wand clutched tightly in my hand, I whispered an incantation, feeling the surge of Mana through my body and into the wand.

"Point me to Rebekah Mikaelson," I commanded, watching as the wand spun violently for a few seconds before settling in a direction.

With a mixture of excitement and nervousness coursing through me, I followed the wand's direction through the crowded streets. It had been too long since I had seen Rebekah, and I was filled with a sense of urgency to reunite with her. Finally, the wand led me to a grand mansion in the French Quarter, its double doors beckoning me inside.

As I stood before the door, I couldn't help but feel a surge of nervousness wash over me. I knew I had to prepare myself before meeting Rebekah, and I took a moment to gather my thoughts.

"What should I say to her?" I muttered to myself, quickly dismissing the thought of the cliché line that came to mind.

As I paced back and forth, trying to gather my thoughts, I caught sight of myself in a nearby window. I was dishevelled and worn out from all the apparitions I had done to get here.

With a flick of my wand, I conjured a mirror and began to fix my hair, feeling a bit more confident in my appearance. I then conjured up a bouquet of roses as a gift for Rebekah.


Taking a deep breath, I opened the door to the mansion, but what I saw inside left me reeling. It was a sight I was not prepared for, not in a million lifetimes.

With a trembling hand, I pushed open the grand mansion's double doors, brimming with excitement at the thought of seeing my beloved wife. But as I stepped inside, my world shattered into a million pieces. The sound of an all-too-familiar voice moaning someone else's name echoed through the courtyard.

"Marcel...yes. Ah... Marcel..."

Catching my attention, my eyes darted to the source of the sound, and there she was, entangled in the arms of another man, sharing the passion I thought was reserved only for me. A surge of anger mixed with despair and sadness filled me, and tears welled up, making my vision blurry.

As I struggled to control my emotions, I felt a lump form in my throat. My attempts to hold back tears were futile, and my hands trembled with anger and betrayal as I watched my wife and her lover continue their forbidden act.

My heart grew cold, the kind of coldness that comes from being deeply hurt. It was as though a thousand knives were piercing through my heart. All the love and trust that I had placed in my wife now felt like nothing more than a cruel joke.

I wanted so badly to scream and shout, to lash out at her for betraying me. But I could do nothing except watch as my world crumbled around me.

The anger that had been simmering within me exploded, and I felt like I was being consumed by a black fire that burned away everything in its path. With a sudden burst of emotion, the bouquet of roses I had brought for Rebekah disintegrated into ash as my magic lashed out uncontrollably. I could no longer bear to watch as my wife and her lover continued their forbidden act, and with a quick apparition, I found myself in a remote town, kneeling on the ground, sobbing in defeat.

My usual calm facade crumbled and centuries worth of pent-up emotions came out. Regardless of how strong I was, the sight of seeing my wife loving another man shredded my heart into millions of pieces.

As tears streamed down my face, the rain began to pour down, matching my heart's pain. The thunder boomed and the lightning cracked as if the heavens were crying out in sympathy for my anguish.

My mind was consumed with thoughts of my wife and Marcel, replaying their betrayal over and over again. Every memory of our past now felt like a lie. I had loved her with every fibre of my being, fought through hell to get back to her, and yet she had thrown it all away for someone else.

The pain was overwhelming, suffocating, and choking the life out of me. I wanted to hurt her the way she had hurt me, but my love for her was too great.

Amidst the tempestuous storm that raged on around me, a familiar and unsettling feeling crept over me. A sense of sorrow and fury, intertwined with something far more ominous and sinister, stirred within. It was a desolate emptiness, a boundless void of impenetrable darkness that I had encountered before.

And then... BOOM!

[In Kara's Cottage]

As Kara stood in her kitchen, preparing dinner, a sudden tremor caught her attention. Instinctively reaching for her wand, she cautiously made her way to the living room, her heart racing with fear. 

Had someone broken into her cottage?

But as she scanned the room, her eyes fell on the Ascendent, which was shaking violently on her study desk. Something was wrong - very wrong.

With a sinking feeling in her stomach, Kara quickly began to cast a protection charm, muttering under her breath as she raised her wand.


Just in time, obsidian black smoke exploded out of the Ascendant, creating a shockwave so powerful that Kara was sent flying into her walls as her entire cottage fell apart. The blast sent furniture pieces, shattered glass, and chunks of plaster flying in every direction, leaving the air thick with dust and debris.

As Kara slowly picked herself up, she coughed and rubbed her eyes, trying to clear her vision. It was then that she noticed the black smoke - it was still there, swirling and writhing like a living thing.

She watched in horror as the smoke began to coalesce into a thick, writhing mass.

It was the Obscurus, and it was free.

With a deafening roar, the creature shot up towards the sky like a rocket, leaving behind a trail of smoke and destruction in its wake. The ground shook beneath Kara's feet as the beast unleashed its power, causing trees to uproot and houses to crumble.

Kara knew that she had to act fast. She gathered up the things she needed and prepared to depart, determined to find Cash before it was too late.

[Back to the remote village MC is in]



The sky tore open, and I gazed blankly at the torrents of black smoke and liquid energy barrelling towards me. Its malevolent energy crept closer, and I recognised it instantly - the Obscurus I had once locked away. But now, due to my own erratic emotions, it must have sensed my vulnerability and broken free of its confinement.

With a deafening roar, it slammed into my body, rattling my bones with the force of the impact.

After Mikael. After Dahlia. After Rebekah. After everything I went through for the past centuries.

I was left with no one to fight for, no purpose to live for. And so, I embraced the darkness like an old friend.

Succumbing to the darkness, the Obscurus's energy ran wild, spiralling out of control. Its power grew stronger with each passing moment, luring me in like a moth to a flame. The village around me was plunged into chaos as people ran in fear and desperation. But I felt no fear or remorse - instead, I reveled in the power and control it gave me.

As the beast's power grew stronger with each passing moment, it fed off my anguish and magic. Gradually, I changed. My eyes widened and merged with the darkness, my voice deepened to a hoarse growl, and my face twisted into an expression of pure malevolence.

As time ticked by, I became more like the Obscurus, and pandemonium erupted around me. The air crackled with electricity as the creature unleashed its full power, causing the ground to quake and houses to topple. The apocalypse had come to Earth.

And as the dark force within me reached its peak, I unleashed a wave of energy that originated from me. It obliterated everything and everyone in the village, leaving only destruction in its wake.

As the swirling dust began to settle, I emerged from the chaos and destruction that once would-be known as a town called 'Madre Linda'. But now it has become nothing more than just a pile of rubble and debris, a victim of my pain.

As time passed, the town earned a reputation that would haunt it for generations. Its name, whispered with fear and trembling, became synonymous with unspeakable tragedy and unbridled terror. The people called it "The Devil's Descent". For it was here that the very embodiment of the apocalypse took on human form.

A/N: I know some of you guys might think it is unfair for Rebekah since she doesn't know that Cash is alive. And I totally agree but bear in mind that Cassius has literally been through hell to get back to Rebekah only to find her having sex with another man. Therefore, I think it is valid for him to be slightly pissed.

Btw the 'Point-me' spell he used to find Rebekah only works in a certain range, not like TVD Witch's locator spell which can track someone from across the country.

Okay, guys. The next chapter would be a straight time skip to present-day Mystic Falls.

All the unexplained stuff will be explained in the future, I promise.