
TVD: Death is inevitable

Born to a father of great strength, human at the core but many agree on one fact he cannot be human. Witches do not dare to cross or betray him, vampires fear him, humans respect and fear him, wolves would rather stay in their mountains then cross him. “What do you know of him?” Someone once asked “Do not hide do not run he will enjoy the chase because at the end of the day when ‘HE’ chases after you. Death is inevitable,” ---- Second world: supernatural I do not own anything from The vampire diaries/ The originals. Nor do I own anything from Supernatural.

Booggie · テレビ
40 Chs

The second hunt

I drove aimlessly for a while, I didn't have a real destination in mind but I knew I wanted to visit some places.

The conversation I had with Crowley was still fresh on my mind, in my home world, the devil never existed neither did angels. In my book, it doesn't even mention angels.

How am I supposed to fight that? From what I have gathered from this world is that there are beings far stronger than I have faced.

Far more cunning and resourceful, which means I have to be far more cunning and resourceful than ever. With the actual Devil after me, the challenge just got harder but, at the same time more interesting, with someone like the devil looking for me, I can potentially run into someone with the knowledge to help me in my strange situation.

I drove speedily across the road, it was two in the morning so there were only a few cars on the road, my music blared from the stereo and my windows were down.

I gently tapped my steering wheel to the catchy rhythm of the song playing, and the wind blew my hair backward as well. I was enjoying the ride, I was enjoying the night sky as I speedily drove.

I don't remember the last time I enjoyed driving, the last time I enjoyed something so small compared to my troubles back home.

It was liberating, the feeling of no attachments, no one to protect, no kingdom to build.

I felt so wild and free.

And I wanted this feeling to stay.


It's been a couple of weeks since I was in New York, I mainly spent my time researching on the supernatural and reading material I haven't seen yet.

Some of the stuff is useful but, some other stuff is really a waste. Like how garlic kills vampires, that's not true in both of the worlds I've been to.

Currently, I sat in a bar located in Seattle Washington, I came back to Washington because of the simple fact that I like the rainy weather here.

As I sat at the bar I sipped some Sake, still, this one wasn't nearly as good as my collection back home.

My heart still aches for my collection.

As I read the newspaper an article caught my eye, 'George Barkley convicted of killing his coworkers says he didn't even go to work that day?'

Now if that didn't scream shapeshifter enough the article goes on to say this is the second murder in which the culprit says he was there at all.

Shapeshifters were one of the first things I read about, I was interested in finding one. Well, it looks like Tacoma Washington is my next stop.

I paid for my drinks and left the bar promptly, getting a new car was easy when you know how to steal a car. The smart way with a new license plate and everything.

As I drove to Tacoma recited what u knew about shapeshifters in my head, they are weak to silver, and their eyes show a retinal flare.

They are commonly known as the most human-like monsters seeing as they were once human and still share many characteristics, like greed, envy, and lust. It's obvious this one is a little more into the whole killing humans thing, I don't really care about the deaths but the hunt will be interesting.

Shapeshifter is such a weird concept to me. And now that I really think deeply about this world I need to make sure that these monsters can't find a way into my world.

They need to stay here.

I drove past a welcome to Tacoma sign, my music still loudly riveted throughout my car, as more cars drove past me I got some weird looks because the window is down on the highway.

I drove for a bit longer, and finally, I reached the scene of one of the crimes, the office. I parked and then gently opened and closed the door.

Walking around back I popped open the drunk, inside was a trenchcoat I put it on. The trench coat was black as night, with many pockets for hunting weapons.

I began to walk forward, right up to the crime scene the cops blocked off, "sir; you can't pass through," a cop said trying to stop me his hand was on my chest

I looked down at his hand, lightly I smacked it away and pulled out my ID, I applied some of my aura onto him putting him on edge, "F.B.I, names Taban Khan,"

He shakily took the ID, "alright you c-an pass,"

I nodded and walked forward, I heard him mumble something about the F.B.I hiring creeps.


As I walked through the gruesome crime scene I look for clues, "sheriff Daley," I heard someone say behind me

Turning around I saw, the cop from earlier pointing at me, the Sheriff then began to approach me.

I calmly looked into her eyes, she seemed apprehensive.

"Good you're finally here, I will need the tapes from this scene and any you have from the other," I told her then turned around and began to walk forward

She ran up behind me, "who do you think you are?" she whisper shouted

"An F.B.I agent, I'm taking over the investigation. Call this number if you want to talk to my supervisor," I told her passing her a card

She took the card but didn't take out her phone, walking next to me she grumbled, "fine but only because this case is an obvious open and shut one."

We looked around for a little while, I got the tapes then we both headed back to the station, I wanted to talk to the suspect.

Parking in front of the police we both got out, I opened the door for her then she lead me to the interrogation room.

Opening the door to the room I sat across from him, we both looked at each other, he seemed scared and nervous. I could feel the dear wafting from him.

"Bill Conners, tell me what happened," I promoted

"No one believes me, you won't believe me," he mumbled looking down at his shoes

"Try me," I replied calmly sipping on a cup of coffee

He hesitated before leaning in closer, "I didn't even go to work, I won't up late and didn't feel good so I took a vacation day, then I went to my mom's. She can verify I'm telling you! I didn't do it! I didn't even go to the office man, I didn't even go," he kept mumbling 'i didn't even go' as tears cascaded down his eyes

I sighed, "I understand, thank you for telling me your story," I got up and began to leave

"You will help me right?" His voice sounded so broken

I stopped, "I will try,"

*click* I opened the door and left the room

There was no way I could help him even if I found the shapeshifter, he was screwed.

"Told you he was crazy," the sheriff said to me shaking her head

I looked at her, "aren't we all," I replied and began to leave the station

I grabbed another cup of coffee before leaving, I drove back in search of an hotel, I still want to check the footage.

There has to be a way he is choosing his targets.

I rolled into the parking lot of a fairly nice hotel, exiting my car I walked in and asked for an available room.

Paying in cash I headed up to my room, once on the third floor, I searched for the number, *306* Inserted my card.

Pulling my laptop out of the bag I was carrying I began to watch the footage, I stopped it when I saw the flash of his eyes. Going to the next video of the different crime scene I did the same.

I didn't interrogate the other guy because he killed himself. After all, no one believed him and he was treated as a criminal. That would drive many to the same solution.

I then began to research the ones the shapeshifter impersonated, I kept finding nothing, at every turn this whole thing seemed random.

But, why did I not believe that?

As I was about to stop, I found something.

Now everything made sense.
