

What had once been Cao Hong's peaceful resting place was desecrated by blood and gore. Even the tranquil willow tree had its trunk and leaves splattered with the rotting fluids of decaying corpses. Only Liu Sumeng and Yuan Xuelan were left standing there, with the soft moonlight finding its way through the forest canopy.

This scene was much too similar to one of Yuan Xuelan's terrible dreams. Only it was real, and he wouldn't be able to wake from it to escape.

A bitter smile twisted Yuan Xuelan's lips. If the Ivory Sword Saint refused to laugh at his foolishness then he would do it himself! "Fuck. I'm really pathetic. I can't believe I let that piece of shit Peng Jipei get the better of me. How…was I so fucking blind! It was damned obvious from the start!"