
True Hybrid System : Blood of Human, Dragon, Phoenix and Angel

Orion, A mythical world which gave birth to various Species and Races. The world created many realms as the extension of its consciousness but due to this a mythical energy was created within its inhabitants called Mana. This Mana caused the inhabitants to evolve faster and without any restrictions. After countless years many different Species and Races were formed each with their own uniqueness. This Races founded countless ways to use mana. –––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– Lucas, a lost soul somehow breaking the laws of the universe came into this world but this transmigration caused a lot of chaotic energies to be created in his soul. In the last desperate moments he made a mysterious egg into his vessel. The chaotic energies didn't disappear and instead caused more damage to his soul. His soul was so damaged that his consciousness was split into two parts but for better or worse it was a good thing. The primary consciousness went into a deep slumber without any of his past memories while the secondary consciousness with his past memories but without any will reformed the chaotic energies from flaws to pros and attached itself with the primary consciousness. This led to the creation of a system. This was supposed to be a good thing but everything comes with price. The mysterious egg was that of a dragon but due to the consequences of the system formation, his blood reached its truest and purest origin leading into the creation of a species which is hated by every other species :- Hybrid. –––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– Author here~ This novel is a system novel but unlike most of the systems which have features such as level up and others this system is a bit unique. I thought that I should inform this but I would like to avoid the use of the system as much as possible as I have seen many novels which revolve completely around the system. Except for that, this is my first contest. I was confused at first as to whether to choose the WSA contest or the writing prompt but decided to go along with the writing prompt as I found the inspiration to write this novel so please support this novel if you like it. Yes, according to the title, the protagonist has the blood of a human, dragon, phoenix and angel but even if he is overpowered he is not broken. If you have read the synopsis you might have noticed that nothing he got came without a consequence. –––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– - Daily updates if not any problem. - Chapter length - 1000 to 2000. - Not my image if you want it to be removed or want credit please comment. Extra chapter :- 5 power stone - 1 chapter 10 power stone - 2 chapter 20 power stone - 3 chapters

DukeofDemon · ファンタジー
26 Chs

7 years old

In the private garden of the sapphire palace, where there are green grasses and beautiful flowers. A boy can be seen practicing alongside a maid.

No matter from which angle you look the maid was clearly a milf but even though she was a maid and a milf she had an aura of superiority that will even put the nobles to shame. She was holding a sword while sparing against the boy. Even though she was wearing her maid outfit she can be seen moving fluently like a veteran swordsman.

The boy seemed to be in the age of 7 with pitch black hair which were darker than night and sapphire blue eyes which resembled true sapphire gems due to them being jewel eyes. Anyone at one single glance can tell that he would be a lady killer in the future.

This was obviously Lucy and Lucas. They were training swordsmanship and even though Lucas was not as natural and fluent as Lucy he was way better than normal swordsmen.

Lucas wanted to go to the dungeons to level up but he received a direct declination by Leon. According to Leon even though Lucas had the theoretical and conceptual knowledge he was still lacking in something called experience.

Yet due to Lucas's constant nagging Leon found a middle way of this problem. Lucas was asked to fight against Lucy and whenever Lucy thinks that Lucas was strong enough she would allow him. It has been two whole years yet Lucas has not managed to even scratch Lucy. In short, Leon has tricked Lucas.

Lucas was angry at first then he also recognised that he was too weak. He has been using dragon eyes alongside training to observe the footwork and techniques more understandably. After two years Lucas had completely learned Lucy's attack pattern but he can't replicate them.

Dragon eyes gives you observation and memorization like no other but that doesn't mean you can overcome your physical limitations.

Yet due to constant training with Lucy Lucas have become a lot stronger than before. He has also been practicing to use dragon eyes in direct battles. Even though dragon eyes are overpowered they are not broken. He will require constant training and experience to be able to multitask using dragon eyes.

Lucas has also been training magic but he refused Leon's offer. Lucy was a physical fighter and she can't use mana except for some specific training. That's why Leon wanted to assign the Royal Archmage as his teacher. Lucas refused it as he was able to understand most of the things through the theoretical part. Secondly he didn't want to trust an outsider by giving him a way to measure Lucas's strength.

Leon understood Lucas's reasoning and allowed him to study on his own. After all, at that time even the maids of the castle couldn't be trusted. All the servants of the castle are either from noble origins or the most talented people in the empire who graduated from top universities in the empire. He also allowed Lucas to ask him any questions he needed. Even though Lucas didn't know, Leon was called as the second strongest emperor in the chronology of past emperors.

" Your highness, his majesty, has asked for your presence for lunch." Lucy said while bowing in front of Lucas giving him a clear view of her cleavage.

They had just stopped training and were sitting at an outdoor table. Lucas with the training of Lucy has become completely noble from his way of speaking to the way of his seating. Even now he was sitting on a chair with such elegance while slowly sipping tea.

Lucy received the call of Leon from her own personal communication bracelet. Lucas at first flustered profusely and asked Lucy to stop this behaviour at once but Lucy retorted saying that it was a part of his training. He should be completely able to resist the temptations of any woman as a prince.

" Fine," Lucas replied. He had gotten so used to Lucy in the past two years that he didn't even give her a glance. Actually he didn't even believe the reasoning that Lucy had given him about the temptation training, he just thought that this mischievous maid needed to tease him one way or the other. And his thinking was right as Lucy pouted a bit by Lucas's lack of interest.

Lucas was thinking more about the reason behind Leon's sudden summon for lunch because it was rare for Leon to even talk to him as he is always busy. Lucas had started to get depressed about the idea of being the emperor but he will find a solution to it, probably.

Lucas simply stood up and started walking towards the entrance of the palace and Lucy followed behind him like a proper maid. The other maids of the sapphire palace barely talk with Lucas due to the difference in status. Lucas always thought about Lucy's origins at that time. Really, how come this maid just not talk freely with an imperial prince but also tease him !?

Lucas changed his clothes to some normal palace clothes with a short pants, shirt and suspender. Except for that he wore a brooch on his pocket and a bracelet he always wears.

Lucas simply stood there while Lucy stood near him. Lucas sent a bit of mana in his bracelet activating it which caused the gem on the crystal to glow. A magic circle with countless runes appeared on the floor and it also started glowing until the circle vanished alongside Lucas and Lucy.

They appeared in the hallway leading to the dining hall of White palace and they started walking towards the entrance door.

Lucas used an artifact to warp from one place to another. You can only travel to specific coordinates set on the bracelet. The bracelet allows you to travel in some specific coordinates within the imperial castle. It is limited to imperial castles only and can only be used by the members of the imperial family who carry their bloodline.