
True Beast: I Am Reincarnated As A White Wolf

[Nature is brutal, Only the strongest survives] A world where innocence is a distant memory, a pure soul is given a second chance. A child's life is cut short after witnessing unimaginable evil, but fate intervenes, offering a new beginning. Reborn as a wolf pup, this innocent spirit must navigate a treacherous new world, confronting the darkness that haunts it. Will its pure heart be enough to overcome the shadows, or will the weight of its past crush its hope for a brighter future? DING! [EVOLUTION COMPLETE] DING! [YOU ARE NOW THE TRUE BEAST]

Shadowwarrior_007 · ファンタジー
29 Chs

Chapter 18: Rite of passage

A month had passed since the death of the white bear, a monumental event that had marked a significant turning point in the lives of the small pack. The bears had not stopped coming, their relentless pursuit a testament to their unyielding ferocity. But Malakai, the young wolf, had risen to the challenge, his skills honed to perfection as he faced each new battle with unwavering courage.

The bears came in numbers, some in pairs, their strength and ferocity a formidable force to be reckoned with. But Malakai was not intimidated, his knowledge of their weaknesses etched in his memory like a battle plan. He knew they were slow, their poor eyesight a hindrance in the face of his lightning-fast reflexes. He knew their limited agility made them clumsy, their vulnerable neck and sensitive nose vulnerable to his precise attacks.

With every kill, Malakai grew stronger, his confidence and prowess in battle evident in every movement. He was no longer the scrappy pup he once was, but a powerful young wolf, his skills honed to perfection. And as he fought, he grew up, his transition from adolescence to adulthood marked by his unwavering dedication to his pack.

Tonight was a special night, a night of celebration and milestones. The young wolf pup, Malakai's sister, was to receive her name, a rite of passage that marked her entry into juvenilehood. And for Malakai, it meant he was to officially reach adulthood, a status he had earned through his bravery and unwavering commitment to his pack.

It was hard to believe that the two siblings had been born in the same litter, their developmental paths diverging in ways that seemed almost unimaginable. Malakai's evolution had been accelerated, his growth and strength a testament to his unyielding spirit. And as he stood on the threshold of adulthood, his sister was just beginning her journey, her future bright with promise.

The pack's dynamics had shifted, their bond stronger than ever as they faced the challenges that lay ahead. Akira, the mother, watched her children with pride, her heart full of joy and her spirit at peace. She knew that Malakai was ready, his skills and strength a testament to his unwavering dedication. And she knew that her young pup was ready to begin her journey, her future bright with promise.

As the night wore on, the pack's excitement was palpable, their joy and anticipation hanging in the air like a palpable force. The naming ceremony was a celebration of new beginnings, a recognition of the pup's growth and Malakai's ascension into adulthood. And as they gathered around the den, their hearts full of love and their spirits high, they knew that this was just the beginning of a new chapter in their lives, a chapter marked by triumph and victory.

Their mother led them outside the den, into a world bathed in the soft, silvery glow of the full moon. The bright lights cast a magical spell, illuminating the landscape with an ethereal beauty. The air was alive with the sweet scent of blooming wildflowers, their delicate petals swaying gently in the breeze.

As they arrived at the designated spot, their mother turned to her daughter, her eyes shining with a deep love and pride. "Now, sweetheart, shout to the moon," she whispered, her voice barely audible over the distant howling of wolves in the far-off woods. "Howl to the Goddess, and receive your name."

The young pup, now a juvenile, listened intently to her mother's words. She took a deep breath, her small chest expanding with excitement, and opened her mouth. A small, tentative howl emerged, like a whispered secret to the universe. She tried again, her voice growing stronger, and a more confident howl echoed through the night air.

Malakai felt an inexplicable urge to join in, as if his body was being moved by an unseen force to acknowledge the naming ceremony. He heard his mother's howl, her voice dominant and powerful, shaking the trees and sending shivers down his spine. He let go of his restraint, and a mighty howl burst forth from his throat, his voice different from the others, domineering and clear. The trees shook, their branches creaking in protest, and the earth rumbled beneath their feet, as if acknowledging the being that stood upon it.

The howls blended together in a haunting harmony, a chorus of wolves celebrating the naming of the young pup. The moon, now a silver crescent in the sky, seemed to glow brighter, as if joining in the celebration. The night air vibrated with the energy of the pack, their bond stronger than ever, as they welcomed the newest member into their fold.

The howling continued, a symphony of sound that echoed through the forest, a declaration to the world that a new name had been given, a new life had begun. And as the last notes faded away, the pack stood in silence, their hearts full of joy and their spirits at peace, knowing that they had just witnessed something truly special – the birth of a new name, and the beginning of a new chapter in their lives.

Suddenly, a blue lotus appeared on the young pup's forehead, its delicate petals unfolding like a tiny flower. Malakai saw his mother stare in shock, her eyes wide with a mix of amazement and confusion. He didn't know what the lotus meant, but he stared in curiosity, his tail wagging slightly as he leaned in closer. He lifted his paw to touch the intricate design, his fur standing on end as he felt a strange energy emanating from it. But before he could do anything, his body went limp, his legs giving way beneath him as he collapsed to the ground.

The world around him grew hazy, his vision blurring as a strange, tingling sensation spread through his body. He felt himself being pulled into a vortex of colors and patterns, the blue lotus on the pup's forehead glowing brighter as he was drawn closer. Malakai's mind raced with questions, but he couldn't form words, his thoughts jumbled and disjointed as he tumbled through the void.

The last thing he saw was his mother's worried face, her eyes shining with a deep concern as she reached out to him. Then, everything went black, and Malakai was lost in a sea of darkness, the blue lotus the last thing on his mind as he succumbed to the unknown.


In a dark space that was blue and filled with purple and white stars that shone like the moon instead of a sun, Malakai slowly raised his head, his eyes adjusting to the ethereal light. He wasn't unfamiliar with this place; it was his second time coming here, and he knew that he was supposed to find a beautiful goddess within its realm. The air was filled with an otherworldly energy, and Malakai's heart raced with anticipation.

"I'm glad you find my appearance lovely," a melodic voice sounded, echoing through the vast expanse of the dark space. The voice was like music, gentle and soothing, yet powerful and commanding. When Malakai turned around, he saw the same beautiful lady with wolf ears and white hair, dressed in a flowing white gown that seemed to shimmer and glow in the starlight.

Her eyes were like pools of moonlight, shining bright and full of wisdom. Her skin was as pale as the moon, and her lips were painted with a gentle smile. Malakai was struck by her beauty, his heart skipping a beat as he gazed upon her. He felt a sense of wonder and awe wash over him, and he knew that he was in the presence of something truly divine.

The goddess's eyes seemed to bore into his soul, as if she could see the very depths of his being. Malakai felt a shiver run down his spine as she gazed at him, her eyes filled with a deep understanding and knowledge. He felt small and insignificant in her presence, yet at the same time, he felt a sense of connection to her, as if they were bound together by some unseen force.

Malakai's heart raced with excitement and wonder, his mind filled with questions and doubts. He knew that he had been brought to this place for a reason, but he didn't know what that reason was. He could only wait and see what the goddess had in store for him, his heart pounding in anticipation.

"Calm down, Malakai," the goddess said with a soothing smile. "I understand that reaching adulthood can be exciting, but we have more pressing matters to attend to."

Malakai's ears perked up as he asked, "Goddess, do you know what happened to my sister?"

Mene's smile was reassuring. "Your sister is going through a similar transition, but with a different outcome. She has her own unique gift that will make her special in her own way."

Malakai's curiosity was piqued. "Does that mean she has what I have?"

The goddess's smile faltered for a moment before she replied, "No, Malakai. Your situation is unique. Your sister will have her own path to follow, and her evolution will depend on you."

Malakai's mind raced with questions, but before he could ask, Mene continued, "I know you have many questions, but our time is limited. Let me show you something that will help you understand your journey better."

With a wave of her hand, a display screen appeared before Malakai. He gazed at it in wonder, his eyes fixed on the list that seemed to glow with an otherworldly light.

No stage: N/A [Normal]

1st Stage: Omega

2nd Stage: Advance

3rd Stage: Master

4th Stage: Grandmaster

5th Stage: Lord

The list seemed to hold secrets and mysteries that Malakai was eager to uncover. He felt a surge of determination and ambition, his heart racing with excitement.


Mene's smile returned, and she said, "I see you're eager to start your journey." With that, she vanished as suddenly as she appeared, leaving Malakai alone in the dark space, the list still floating in front of him like a beacon calling him to adventure.