
True Beast: I Am Reincarnated As A White Wolf

[Nature is brutal, Only the strongest survives] A world where innocence is a distant memory, a pure soul is given a second chance. A child's life is cut short after witnessing unimaginable evil, but fate intervenes, offering a new beginning. Reborn as a wolf pup, this innocent spirit must navigate a treacherous new world, confronting the darkness that haunts it. Will its pure heart be enough to overcome the shadows, or will the weight of its past crush its hope for a brighter future? DING! [EVOLUTION COMPLETE] DING! [YOU ARE NOW THE TRUE BEAST]

Shadowwarrior_007 · ファンタジー
25 Chs

Chapter 1: Glimmer Of Hope


In the Dark City of Tenebrous, where the sun never seemed to shine, the air reeked of despair and hopelessness. This forsaken metropolis was notorious for its treacherous streets, where gang wars raged like wildfires, leaving innocent civilians caught in the crossfire. The once-asphalt roads were now cracked and broken, a testament to the city's decay.

Corruption had seeped into every pore of Tenebrous, infecting every aspect of life. The authorities, supposed guardians of justice, were instead complicit in the chaos, their pockets lined with bribes and their eyes blind to the suffering. Politics, law enforcement, and even the judiciary were all tainted by the stench of corruption.

Amidst this urban wasteland, a few fortunate souls managed to eke out a meager existence in modest homes, their windows boarded up against the dangers that lurked outside. But for every family that found solace in their humble abodes, countless others were forced to navigate the treacherous landscape, their lives a constant struggle for survival.

In this bleak world, where darkness seemed to suffocate the light, the city's residents lived in a state of perpetual fear. The sound of gunfire and screams punctuated the night, a grim reminder that in Tenebrous, life was cheap and death was always lurking around the corner. And yet, amidst this unrelenting bleakness, a glimmer of hope flickered, a beacon of light that refused to be extinguished...


As the torrential rain poured down like a deluge, soaking the city streets, a frazzled woman hastened her pace, her small black umbrella struggling to shield her from the downpour. Her raven hair, usually neatly tied back, now cascaded down her back like a waterfall, framing her bespectacled face. Her office attire, a professional skirt and blue blouse, clung to her shivering body, utterly drenched.

With a sense of urgency, she rushed through the flooded streets, her eyes fixed on the school building in the distance. She had always been punctual, never wanting to keep her son waiting, but today the unexpected rain had caught her off guard. Like everyone else, she had underestimated the storm's ferocity, and now she was paying the price.

As she splashed through the puddles, her mind raced with worries about her son's safety and the difficulties of her own job. She worked tirelessly, but the company's corrupt practices and embezzlement schemes had reduced her salary to a mere pittance. She felt trapped, unable to quit due to the scarcity of jobs in the city. The thought of finding another position was daunting, and the fear of unemployment kept her bound to a job that barely covered her family's needs.

Despite her efforts, she struggled to make ends meet, and the constant stress was taking a toll on her well-being. Yet, she pushed on, driven by her love for her son and her determination to provide a better life for him. As she finally reached the school gates, she quickened her pace, her heart pounding with anxiety, praying that her son was safe and sound...

She stood outside the school gates, her knuckles white as she banged on the metal door, the sound echoing through the desolate streets. The once-vibrant building now stood as a testament to the city's decay, its walls cracked, and paint chipped. The iron gates, rusted and creaky, seemed to groan under her frantic knocks. BANG! BANG! BANG!!! The thunder boomed in unison, as if mocking her desperation.

Her husband, Carlos, had fallen victim to this city's brutality, caught in the crossfire of a gang war two years ago. He had been forced into a life of crime to provide for their family, but the streets had ultimately consumed him. The memory of his death still haunted her, the sound of gunfire and screams etched into her mind like a scar.

Now, her son, a bright 12-year-old in the seventh grade, was her only family, her reason for survival. The school, though far from ideal, was the only option in this forsaken city. The streets were a war zone, where gangs and criminals roamed free, preying on the innocent. Kidnappings, organ harvesting, and pedophilia were rampant, striking fear into the hearts of parents like her.

As she waited for a response, her anxiety grew, her mind racing with worst-case scenarios. The wind howled, whipping her hair into a frenzy, and the rain pounded against her like a thousand tiny drums. She flinched as lightning illuminated the dark sky, the flash casting eerie shadows on the walls. The air reeked of wet earth and decay, a morbid reminder of the city's putrefaction.

Her hands trembled as she fumbled for her phone, her fingers numb and cold. She dialed the teacher's number, her eyes fixed on the school door, willing it to open. The phone rang, rang, rang, but the silence was deafening. No answer. No reassurance. Just the ominous silence of a city that seemed to swallow hope whole.

Her breath came in short gasps, her heart racing with fear. The world around her seemed to darken, as if the shadows themselves were closing in. She clenched her fists, her nails digging into her palms, as she prayed for a miracle, for her son's safety, for a glimmer of hope in this forsaken city...

Tears streamed down her face, mingling with the raindrops that already soaked her skin. Her sobs were silent, as if her body was too exhausted to produce any sound. She stood there, a statue of despair, her eyes fixed on the school door that refused to open. The rain poured down like a deluge, washing away her hopes and dreams, leaving only the bitter taste of reality.

She thought about her life, about the choices she had made, about the circumstances that had led her to this moment. She had never wanted this life, this constant struggle, this fear that gripped her heart every time her son was out of her sight. She had wanted a simple life, a happy life, a life where her family could thrive, not just survive.

But fate had dealt her a cruel hand. Carlos, her rock, her partner, her everything, was gone. Taken from her by the same streets that now threatened to consume her son. She felt like she was drowning in a sea of grief, unable to find a lifeline. Her mind was a jumble of memories, of what could have been, of what should have been.

She remembered the day Carlos had told her he was involved with the gangs, the fear that had gripped her heart, the pleas she had made to him to leave it all behind. But he had been trapped, caught in a web of violence and deceit, and she had been powerless to save him. And now, she was powerless to save her son.

Her body shook with sobs, her face contorted in anguish, as she thought about the life she had lost, the life she had never had. She wanted Carlos back, she wanted her family back, she wanted her hope back. But the rain kept falling, the thunder kept booming, and the school door remained shut, a constant reminder that some doors can never be reopened...

But before she could bang at the gate again, she heard the sound of a lock clicking, and the creak of the door opening. She didn't hear the woman's approach, too caught up in her own despair. The woman's voice was like a slap in the face, stern and unforgiving. "How can we help? It's raining and it's not safe outside for us to be busy giving you attention." The scorn in her tone was palpable, and Selene felt a surge of defensive anger.

But she pushed it down, her eyes fixed on the woman's face. "I'm Selene," she said, her voice barely above a whisper. "I'm the mother of Malakai Gomez. I'm here to pick up my son." She wiped her eyes, the rainwater mixing with her tears as she gazed up at the woman.

The woman's expression didn't change, but she nodded curtly. "Follow me," she said, already turning to walk back into the school. Selene followed behind, her heart still racing from the fear and anxiety that had gripped her. She couldn't shake the feeling that something was wrong, that her son was in danger.

As she walked, she took in the dimly lit hallway, the peeling paint and worn floors a testament to the school's neglect. The woman's shoes clicked on the floor, the only sound in the oppressive silence. Selene's mind raced with worst-case scenarios, her imagination running wild with thoughts of her son's safety. She quickened her pace, her eyes fixed on the woman's back, her heart pounding in her chest...

She looked around, her eyes scanning the dimly lit hallway, taking in the graffiti-scarred walls, the worn floors, and the faded posters that hung limply from the ceiling. But she didn't linger on any of it, her focus fixed on one thing: getting her son and herself home, safe and sound. She followed the woman's straight back, her eyes fixed on the neat bun at the back of her head, her mind fixed on the thought of Malakai's bright smile and warm embrace.

The hallway seemed to stretch on forever, the silence between them oppressive, punctuated only by the sound of their footsteps echoing off the walls. Selene's heart still raced with anxiety, her mind still reeling with worst-case scenarios, but she pushed it all aside, her sole focus on reuniting with her son. She quickened her pace, her eyes fixed on the woman's back, her breath coming in short gasps, as if she was running instead of walking.

Finally, they turned a corner, and Selene saw it: the classroom door, with its faded number and worn handle. Her heart leapt with joy, her eyes fixed on the door as if it was the gates of heaven itself. The woman pushed open the door, and Selene's eyes scanned the room, her heart pounding in her chest, until they landed on a familiar figure, a bright smile, and a pair of warm, loving eyes...