
Triangle of Love

Having spent their childhood together, Evelyn and Diana were the best of friends, sister's from different Mothers some would say. However things started to turn for the worst when Diana found herself catching feelings for her best friend's boyfriend, even going as far as to sleep with him behind her back. What will happen when Evelyn finds out? Will she continue to see her best friend in the same light? Will she continue to date her boyfriend or will she find herself being swooped away by a past forgotten love... "What if I said I want you?". He said to Evelyn, looking deeply into her emerald eyes. "Huh?". For a moment Evelyn's mind lagged, it took her a while to slowly discern what Eric said and when she finally did... "Y-you!... Didn't I just say I have a boyfriend!?". Said Evelyn, try to avoid speaking to loud since they were in a library. 'What's wrong with this guy?, it's like he lives on another planet'. "I don't care about your boyfriend, I want you Evelyn". He said in an unrushed pace, in a way that seemed as if it were a royal decree by the king himself. 'Now he sounds like a spoilt brat'. Thought Evelyn to herself. "You don't get it do you?. Why me though?". She asked, quite curious about his actions, 'It doesn't make any sense, we just met and he had already developed feelings for me. Is this the so called love in first sight?. No, that can't be it, this isn't a romance novel'. "Why you?". Asked Eric back, Taking a step towards Evelyn. "Yes, Why me?. I mean there's plenty of single girls out there drooling for you and willing to do anything to earn your attention. So, why me?". Asked Evelyn taking a step back. "You still don't remember?". Asked Eric, taking another step forward. "Remember?.... Remember what?". Asked Evelyn with furrowed eyebrows, she could no longer take a step back as her back touched the bookshelf behind her. Eric slowly approached and placed one of his arms on the bookshelf, while placing one of his legs between her's. He trapped her. "W-what are you doing?" Her voice came out low and small, almost hard to hear. As for why she had a sudden change in tone, it was because of Eric's presence. He was close, dangerously close. So close that she could smell his masculine scent, she could feel his hot steaming breath brushing against her face and lastly his eyes... Looking into them, she could see the emotions he was trying to portray. There was longing, joy, obsession and lastly... Love, not just any love though, the kind of love he gave off was overwhelming, so overwhelming that Evelyn didn't even know what to do. Eric slowly raised his other hand and gently placed it on Evelyn's cheek. He could feel her warm soft skin on his palm. He slightly lowered his hand and held her chin, raising it up so that she faced him. He could see her small red lips and briefly wondered what they would taste like, he traced them with his thumb and felt their softness. He then lowered himself, deciding to satiate his curiosity... When Evelyn felt the bookshelf at her back, she briefly entertained the idea of running away but, before she could she was locked in place. She could have pushed him away if she wanted to, but she couldn't or more like she didn't want to. Feeling Eric's palm on her cheek and his thump later tracing her lips made her spine tingle and knees to feel weak. And then she saw him lower himself to her. She knew what was going to happen and she also knew it was wrong because she had a boyfriend but, she couldn't help but want this...

Dr_Tepesh · 都市
7 Chs

Chapter 1 - Lustful

It was another beautiful morning in X City, as residents were walking to and fro, either going to work or coming home from their Night shifts.

# : Statham Residence.

Time: (07:05)




Within a neatly cleaned bedroom, with pink walls and stuffed animals, an alarm clock was continuosly Beeping, trying with all it's might to wake up it's owner. Just then a fair slender hand from within the white bedsheets slowly reached out for the alarm clock and pressed the off button, stopping the Beeping noise.

Following the hand, the bedsheets got pushed back as the individual underneath them finally revealed themselves. It was beautiful teenage girl with night black hair and emerald green eyes, wearing a pair of SpongeBob pajamas.

She groggily got off the bed and stretched herself, she then walked up to her window and opened the curtains and window, allowing the cool morning breeze to enter her room and brush past her face.

"Another beautiful morning in X city". Said Evelyn as she got lost admiring the scene outside but, after a while she regained her composure. "And now it's time to go to school and meet 'him'. She said with a bright smile.

She then walked to the bathroom, brushed her teeth, took a bath and dressed up to start her day.

Currently Evelyn was looking at herself in the mirror and admiring her bodily proportions, whilst only wearing her underwear, 'Damn I'm Sexy, perfect sized breast, thick thighs and a perfectly round ass and to top it off, A beautiful face. What can I say, God must truly love me', thought Evelyn to herself as she giggled at her own thoughts.

After Evelyn stopped narcissistically admiring herself, she decided to wear her school uniform which consisted of a Green blazer, white shirt, green tie, black stockings and a green skirt. After dressing for school, she went down stairs for breakfast. As she walked down the stairs, the smell of food tickled her nose. When she entered the kitchen, she came upon a beautiful middle aged woman, with green eyes and black hair, she looked like an older version of Evelyn. She was wearing a white apron, while setting up the table for breakfast.

"Good morning mom!". Said Evelyn as she took her seat.

"Morning sweetheart. I made your favourite, scrambled eggs, toast and a glass of warm milk". Said Mrs Statham, as she also took a seat opposite to Evelyn.

"Thanks, your the best!". Said Evelyn as she started eating along with her mother.

"By the way, where's Dad?. Did he leave for work already?".asked Evelyn.

"Well, your father had a new case that opened up and had to leave early to access the situation of the crime". Said Mrs Statham, In a partially complaining tone, considering that her husband left before he could have breakfast with her and Evelyn.

'Here we go again', Thought Evelyn to her self as she rolled her eyes but, just as she was drinking her warm milk.

"So who's this boy I've been hearing about?". Asked Mrs Statham without any warning, the result...





Evelyn spat out all the milk she drank, and then started coughing uncontrollably, while trying to hide her blush, which she failed miserably at, since her whole face was beet red. "M-mom, what boy are your talking about?". Asked Evelyn, while looking down, completely forgetting the mess she just made on the floor.

Mrs Statham smiled, looked at the spilt milk on the floor, and then back at Evelyn. "So there's no boy trying to court my lovely daughter, such a shame , I was really looking forward to playing with my grandchildren tsk tsk tsk". Said Mrs Evelyn, while trying to fake a sad face.

Evelyn knew what her mother was getting at, so she did the only thing she could think of, run. She grabbed her bag, and then ran out of the house. Leaving Mrs Statham alone in the dinning room.

'I wonder who it is, it better not be that Freeman boy, he gives me weird vibes'. Thought Mr's Statham to herself, as she went to get a mop to clean up the mess her daughter had left behind.



As Evelyn was walking to the bus station, she saw the Figure of her best friend, Diana, (Diana is a teenage blondie with sky blue eyes) waiting by the bus stop while happily talking on her phone. She was also wearing a uniform similar to that of Evelyn's, with the only difference being that she wasn't wearing stockings but, white socks instead. Seeing The smile Diana was making got Evel curious to know who could make her friend smile like that. So she cheekily sneaked behind Diana and listened in.

"I know you love me, but you have to prove it to me first".

"What do you mean by 'what should you do?'. Obviously you have to leave her".

"What do you mean you can't?".

"It's either me or her".

While Diana was having an argument with the person on the other line. Evelyn was standing behind her carefully listening in, something she doesn't regret considering the juicy gossip she's getting. She eventually decided to stop and announce her presence...


"AHH!". Surprised by the sudden exclamation, Diana accidentally dropped her phone, which Evelyn luckily caught. Evelyn then hurriedly checked who Diana was talking to, but the person had already hung up, she was lucky enough to see that the number was saved as 'Cupcake',before Diana hurriedly took her phone back.

"Evelyn!, I told you to stop doing that". Spoke Diana, grumpily. While hurriedly making sure the person on the other line hung up, seeing that he did, she sighed in relief. Though she was worried that Evelyn might have recognised the number.

Evelyn completely ignored what Diana was saying and asked what was on her mind. "So who were you talking to?". Asked Evelyn, with a cheeky smile.

" I-its nobody", replied Diane with a stutter as her cheeks turned partially red. 'It seems she didn't see the number'. Though Diana to herself.

"Uh-huh, then whose Mr Cupcake". Evelyn threw another question at Diana, while enjoying her friend's embarrassed expression.

Just as Diana was trying to think of a perfect lie, she was saved by the arrival of the bus.

"We should get going". She then hurriedly got on the bus, leaving Evelyn no other choice but to follow behind her.


[Mountain view High]

Time: [08:20]

Mountain view, a prestigious high school located in X city that focuses on producing star pupils that will make a change in the world. A school famous for grooming the best students in the country.

Just then, a bus came to a halt near the mountain view school gate, followed by Evelyn and Diana stepping out.

"You really won't spill the beans, huh?". Said Evelyn.

"Like I said, I don't know what your talking about". Said Diana pretending not to know what Evelyn was talking about.

Just as the girls were talking, a boy with brown hair and eyes, walked over to them. He was wearing a white shirt that was tucked in his brown pants and a green tie.

"Wassup girl's". He greeted them, and then kissed Evenly on the cheek.

"Hey Mael". Said Evelyn with a shy smile, while avoiding looking at the man in the eyes.

"Hey, Mishmael". Said Diana, trying to control her tone of voice, as for why, only she knew.

Mishmael quickly shot a look at Diana and then went back to Evelyn. "So ahh Evelyn, I saw you called last night, I must have missed it, since when I got home I immediately hit the sheet's. I was wondering what you wanted to talk about". Asked Mishmael.

Hearing about last night, Diana's cheeks turned partially pink as she looked away, pretending to see something interesting.

"Oh, I just wanted to remind you that you forgot your Jacket". Said Evelyn as she pulled out a black jacket out of her bag and handed it over to Mishmael.

"Yeah I did forget that didn't I?, thanks". Said Mishmael as he took the jacket, just then.


The school bell rung, signalling the beginning of a new school day at Mountain view, forcing the group to hurriedly go to class. But as they entered the school hallway, Diana said that she needed to go to the bathroom first. And since Evelyn and Mishmael weren't in the same class they went their separate ways.

"See you at lunch time" said Evelyn as she went into her classroom. Unknown to her that Mishmael didn't plan to go to class yet.


[Girls Bathroom]

Diana was standing in the girls Bathroom while looking at herself in the mirror, thinking about something deeply, with a frown. Just then, the door to the bathroom opened, but she paid it no heed.

The opening of the door was followed by a pair of strong arms wrapping around a her waist, but she still didn't react.

"Still angry?". Asked Mishmael, while kissing Diana on the neck. But she said nothing nor did she react to his actions.

"I'll work on it okay". Said Mishmael, stopping with the kisses.

Diana turned around while in his arms, and looked him in the eyes, "Why don't you just leave her?" asked Diana, her eyes teary.

Seeing that she turned around, Mishmael didn't reply instead, he picked her up and put her on the basin, and then roughly kissed her.

But she didn't reciprocate, so he used his jaw to open her mouth, Once he gained access... He inserted his tongue in, allowing him to taste her sweet saliva.While doing that, his hands started to roam around her body.


Not being able to handle the continued assault of Mishmael's tongue and hand's, Diana moaned. Just then...