
Traveling through horror cinema, start with Supernatural.

What would you do if you could travel after horror films? This option would be easily rejected by others, but what if it were your only option? Follow Henry who woke up in his favorite series but with a special golden finger. . - (This novel won't have an MC who comes to power out of nowhere just because he gains power, it will be more realistic and full of tragedy and plot, and things won't go as the MC plans. This novel won't have an MC who knows everything, can do everything and thinks of everything. If you're looking for a novel with a gradual evolution, where you can see the MC's personal improvement, this novel is for you. No harem, by the way. The MC will have friends and companions, this romance won't have a super-powerful and lonely domineering MC who only has slaves!]

MRCAT66 · 映画
65 Chs

unfamiliar place Cap 1

Brazil, São Paulo, August 19, 2023.

"Fuck Sam, you don't believe this bitch!" says Henry when watching his favorite supernatural series for the second time.

Taking the opportunity to taste a buttered popcorn and a beer, even knowing what would happen in the series can not help but blame some useless and dumb choices of the Winchester brothers.

Ignore weapons that would be useful in various situations, not learning spells or just learning when in extreme urgency, among other things.

"Seriously, you have the largest supernatural arsenal in the world and use only in emergencies, foolishness!". I sighed as I thought of the powerful weapons and spells forgotten by the series.

Turning off the TV, getting up towards the bathroom, Henry takes a quick shower and goes to his room to rest.

Taking advantage of before to observe his beautiful figure one meter and eighty of height, muscles visible throughout the body is tan color.

Hair as dark as night is blue eyes as the ocean." I see that Muay Thai is Taekwondo classes were worth it" thinks Henry,observing his figure with a narcissistic look.

Lying in bed, before closing his eyes Henry ends up remembering what he suffered with his parents eight years ago. Only survivor of a collision of a drunk driver and his parents' vehicle.

Suffering from post-traumatic depression, he ended up without motivation to move on after the accident.

Henry found on the recommendation of colleagues his hope and strength in martial art, making many friendships, strengthening his body and mind as a result of seven years of constant practice.

Now 21 years old, he lives in the city of São Paulo where he works with pizza delivery, a mediocre life by saying.

"But all this is past.... I have to move on"

The memories dissipate when drowsiness takes over his body, relaxing his mind Henry ends up in deep sleep.

Waking up terrified with a mind-blowing pain and a feeling of nausea, he gets up from bed just to open his eyes and feel his heart accelerate dramatically.


He screamed loudly after realizing that this was not his room, his familiar bed and resting place now replaced by an unknown location.

Going on alert and getting up devargar, Henry focuses his attention on any movement as he calms down, after a few minutes observing the old room made of unknown wood.

"I was kidnapped? How did you get me so easily? I have to go out and locate where I am, as there was no movement outside the door I can assume that I am alone or some trap".

After opening the bedroom door slowly keeping his guard for any event, what welcomes him and a room also made of wood and with only a key sauce on the wall.

An armchair made of leather remained in the room and an old fireplace covered in spider's web, informing that it was not turned on long.

Watching outside the cabin he found an old 2003 Chevrolet covered in dust, shrouded in a bustling little town with a sense of antiquity.

"What the hell is this place?"

Henry twitching his face thought, watching the place could not find anything else suspicious.

[ Congratulations on activating the world crossing system ]

A robotic voice without emotions sounded in his head, making him look around quickly and find nothing but silence.

"Am I crazy? Did the voice speak system?" I thought only to have a clear blue screen appearing in my vision, it contained more precise simple information.

[System of world crossing]

[ Congratulations on activating the system, Distributing newbie pack..... ]


[Congratulations on receiving]

- Unlimited cash card (Usable on any plan)

- Language translator(Translates any language into native language)

- World identity ( Usable on any plan)

[ Current world ]

[ Statistics ]

[ Inventory ]

[ World Missions ]

[ Shop ]

"Shit,this is just like those anime systems," I thought Looking at the gift package, I couldn't help but get emotional looking at the newbie package, after all who doesn't want a card with unlimited cash?

Even not being a true fan of animes he had already watched some that had something similar to the system, watching the screen after a few minutes where he decided to press the part that said "World".

[ Current world: Supernatural Serial( Lawrence,Kansas - August 13, 2004 ]

"FUCCKK!!!" exclaims Henry with a confusion of feelings, fear, happiness and anxiety to know that he was in his favorite show.

Even knowing that could die around the corner and that the world would be could end dozens of times with the familiar quarrel of angels, demons and monsters, taking the great villain, the cursed "God" (Chuck) of this world.

Calm ,breathe and let's think, I'm in one of the most dangerous worlds possible but at least I have some consolation, let's check if there is something useful for my survival", thinks Henry as he looked at the options of the system.


Level : 1 [ Human race]

EXP : 0% EXP

[Human Standard : 10 points statistics]

[Human pinnacle : 40 stats points ]

Strength [ Strike Force, Lifting and Hold ] : 14

Agility [ Flexibility, Attack speed and movement ] : 15

Defense [ Mental and physical ] 12

Spirit [ Curse defense ] : 17

Luck : 9

[ Skills ]

- Expert in Unarmed Struggle Nv 33

- Extreme Will Nv 23

- Observe max

"This at least confirms that my training brought me results, taking away that ability to observe, let's go to the next interface"

[ Inventory ]

- Unlimited cash card

- World identity

".... I may have to put something in it to see how it works"

I thought taking a nail and began to question how to put it in inventory, to his surprise disappeared from his hand when thinking about it and doing otherwise the nail returned to his hand.

"It works with my will and thinking, sure will be useful, let's go to the next interface"

When trying to open the next interface that would be the missions, realizes that it is gray along with the system store.

Deciding to leave this question for later, Henry leaves the old hut, finding a small sunny town and little busy.

Walking through the city he began to think that he should prepare himself, knowing the world where he is, knows that there is little tranquility that the city exudes, is not true..

Henry finally arrived at the gun shop after asking for information about the site several times, opening the dusty old shop door.

"Hello Sir, I came to buy some weapons, could you recommend some?" ,

Inside the store he comes across a middle-aged gentleman, gray beard and average height across the counter, performing what appeared to be a maintenance on a pistol.

"Hello young man, welcome to old Billy's shop... I see you're new in town for your clothes!"

Replied the old man looking at Henry with some caution, his modern clothes contrasting with the environment.

"Sir Billy, I'm really new in town.I came to see my family as I was passing by Lawrence on business, I was wondering what weapons you have?"

"Well, I have some weapons of short and medium range, nothing too fancy. I've got some guns and splatters, feel free to look as long as you don't shoot"

Old Billy exclaimed, with a grin on his face.

After looking at some weapons Henry ended up choosing a Colt 1911 and a splash of sawed-off barrel, great to shoot while moving, even if he did not know how to shoot yet.

After paying off old Billy, he went to the nearby grocery store and bought salt, water and other supplies before returning to the hut.

Arriving at the cabin and organizing the materials, Henry realized that he had about a year before the events of the series began.

He did not want to leave in the hands of others their destiny and that of the world,"If this world is one of several abandoned by Chuck, I'm simply screwed!".

Taking the key to the 2003 Chevrolet, Henry set out for the road where he knew exactly his next goal.

"I need to learn and gain knowledge about the supernatural beings of this world, luckily I know an expert...".

(Hello young readers, this book is being translated by application so surely there will be many grammatical errors, but I need the opinion of fluent in the language to leave some comments on the translation, thank you.)