
TRAVELING across the world

what will happen when a lazy otaku gets the ability to travel across the world. ------ English is not my first language. I. Bad Grammar too. If you can keep up then continue to read. ————————————— This novel is 70% Hentai, 10% adventure, 15% Slice of life, and 5% killing. ---------- tag: movie, anime, novel, hentai, strong to stronger, multiverse, harem like Pokemon,

dewon07 · アニメ·コミックス
26 Chs

chapter 1

On a hot summer day, there was a sudden burst of lightning and thunder in the cloudless sky in City A . In an instant, the dark clouds covered the top, and in the blink of an eye, heavy rain mixed with lightning bolts poured down.

On the second floor of a small independent building in the urban village, a slightly fat figure was cursing and grabbing the clothes that he had placed on the corridor on the second floor.

"Damn it, it's hard not to let people stop for a while on a rest day!"

alex, a single dog in his early thirties, as a post-80s generation, he never went to college. After graduating from high school, I dropped out of school for family reasons, which is also not true. With his grades, even three books are a bit difficult.

I came to the society at the age of seventeen, without a single skill. He has worked as a security guard, worked as a cook, and set up a stall on the street. He is currently a glorious online businessman.

In one sentence, he summed up the first half of his life, that is, what he did and what he could not do, and what he had eaten was not enough.

Originally, the income from setting up a street stall was pretty good. He could barely make an income of fifty or sixty thousand yen in a week. Based on this calculation, maybe after working for ten years, Zhou Ye could still buy one in second- and third-tier cities where housing prices are not too expensive. Not too big a house, marrying a not too beautiful wife, from then on to the peak of not too high life, thinking about it is a little excited.

It's a pity that the city management in my food-loving country is too powerful. As early as two years ago, the small merchants and hawkers in this city were managed cleanly.

So Zhou Ye had no choice but to follow the trend of the times and follow the development of society. He joined the leadership of Mr. k and became a glorious online businessman. He sold some small accessories produced by friends' small factories on a treasure website, and his income was so-so. A City, a first-tier city, can barely make ends meet, and he basically misses out on something as extravagant as falling in love.

Speaking of which, alex is not bad. He is 1.8 meters tall. He has become a little out of shape due to lack of exercise in the past two years. He has big eyes and a chubby face. He has become fat. It will give people an inexplicable sense of joy, including alex of course.

It's a pity that in this era, people don't talk about feelings, they only talk about money. If you have money, you have feelings, but if you don't have money, you have no feelings. Therefore, alex, who has a mediocre income, is still a single dog.

At this time, alex had rescued the clothes he had been drying on the aisle and returned to his rental house, which was less than 20 square meters. He casually took out a bottle of Coke from the second-hand small refrigerator he had obtained from the waste collection station in the house. He opened the lid and snorted, and it was about half the bottle. After eating the frozen Coke, alex seemed to feel that his whole body was much cooler. .

Although there was already lightning, thunder and heavy rain outside, but because there was a canopy on the window and there was no wind outside, alex dared to open his window at this time to save himself some electricity bills.

"Huh!" With a long breath, alex sat down at his computer desk by the window. Looking at the still motionless scarlet Johansson on the screen, he knew that he probably didn't have a single sale this morning.

"Forget it, watch a movie for entertainment!" He opened his movie software and wanted to find the latest movie to pass the time. Suddenly, there was a continuous explosion of thunder outside.


Frightened, alex flicked his hand and clicked on the small advertisement on the movie's broadcast page. He cursed angrily, "Which fellow Daoist is transcending the calamity? It seems that this evil has been made a lot, and it has to be said less. It's a murderer and a **** pestle!"

At this moment, there was a loud explosion of thunder outside, as if it was drifting towards alex. Looking from the sky, I saw a group of comet-like rays of light dragging its long tail down from the sky. Bombarded on the ray of light, as if swearing to destroy it invisibly, and the ray of light swayed down and ran unrelentingly downward, and when it was finally about to fall to the ground, a lightning as thick as a bucket struck. down. He slashed the ball of light into Alex's open window.

"I'm going, could it be that I'm going through a calamity...!" alex felt a pain all over his body in the dazzling thunder, followed by numbness, and then he didn't know his personnel.

( i just first chapter fom a novel I am recently reading. later chapters are my own written. )