
TRAVELING across the world

what will happen when a lazy otaku gets the ability to travel across the world. ------ English is not my first language. I. Bad Grammar too. If you can keep up then continue to read. ————————————— This novel is 70% Hentai, 10% adventure, 15% Slice of life, and 5% killing. ---------- tag: movie, anime, novel, hentai, strong to stronger, multiverse, harem like Pokemon,

dewon07 · アニメ·コミックス
26 Chs

chapter 19

"You're a beast...but you're really beautiful. My first twenty-six years were like living in vain..." Sylvia just lay on my chest and pressed her fingertips. She swiped down in a circle in front of her, and at this moment, she suddenly seemed to become panicked, and pulled up my left arm, and asked anxiously, "Why do you have no time..., I'll give you fifty years first..."

As she said that, and grab my right hand and began to transmit the time to me. Before I could stop it, the time was already transmitted...

I noticed on my left hand where is no time shown before, 1,874,593 yrs 11months, 23 days, 17hrs 29mins 40 seconds, appears. so after breaking through my powers and with help of Saiyan and others' bloodline and psychology, not to mention demon mark and core with it. I can live quite well.

" oh my God, you are already richer than my father. " Sylvia got surprised and confused after all. after all, I don't have time before.

" well, I will tell you everything so don't be surprised anymore."

Sylvia nodded her head in confusion, I tell everything about my purpose for coming here, where I live, and my strength. I also offer her to come with me.

" so, are you willing to come with me to another universe?" I proposed to her.

" of course, can't live without you dear bear". Sylvia kiss me on the lips saying that.

" don't call me a beast. call me with another name. call me dear or husband. "

" ok, dear husband," Sylvia said shyly, after experiencing excitement. and given already to me. how can she leave?

"so, will you help me?" " I can try to help you. but do you need"

" Nothing much, get to your father information about those banks around the world. so we can have billions of time for you and your sister. " " sisters?" " yeah, you know "

Sylvia understood after all her father also has

lovers. but it explains that it's either I am rich or excellent.

" But I can't distract my father alone, he always stays in his office. I need my mother's help." " but will she help?" of course I can put her father to sleep or do other things to distract him. but since Sylvia has an idea, let's hear it first.

" you don't need to worry. my mother like me doesn't have much affection for my father. she only married him cause he is rich. as long as I convinced her. she will agree."

" well, you are quite confident in her. but as insurance, I will give you this." taking out a knight chess piece that directly got into her chest. I chose to reincarnate her as a fallen angel. " it didn't agree with you. show her your power. still didn't agree to take her to me." didn't know what I will do with her mother. she still agrees. after all, she knew I will not kill her nevertheless.

" so how long will it take you." " I will tell you everything tomorrow, evening." " Okay, also try to control your power as much as possible." nodding her in agreement. as her strength inc.

I take Sylvia back with me. I go to the slum area where mc lives. while Sylvia goes back home. as she often pranks those bodyguards and left them behind. his father didn't care. Sylvia goes to her mother to discuss the matter.

I found a random bar and sat down there. as it is noon not many people have time to waste here. only 6 or 7 people under 25 are here including me. I order a few Hamburgers and a coffee. price is a week. while I am eating.

a black-haired beauty comes to me. she will be around 27 yrs old. she said to me " hey lad, do you want to play some 'exciting' game"

" oh~ what could it be." I also got interested.

" Just follow me" she hooks her finger at me, gesturing me to follow her. I followed her behind her. she took me to a warehouse which looks like empty for a long time.

we enter the warehouse where 8 men are there.

" so, this is an exciting game you are talking about."

" Hey, man can you give us some time. don't worry we will not hurt you" saying that he took out a steel pipe.

"it looks exciting, but I am more interested in bondage games," I said to them. which confused them. before they can process more. I disappear and tie them with rope-like prisoners except for the black-haired beauty.

" Who are you? what the f--k do you want?" she got frightened as all people were tied up except her. she fall to the ground

" hum~ do you forget we are going to play an 'exciting' game. " I came near her and lifted her chin. " do you have a boyfriend, husband, or anything similar."

" ye, yes I have a boyfriend. he is it." she pointed at the leader of this gang.

" before him. " I ask with curiosity.

" no, I don't have anyone"

" then do you love him". " of course, I am."

" it's good to be in love. do you do that with him?" " no, we decided to do, it after marriage." she answered me in confusion and embarrassment.

" it's good then we can start our exciting game" saying I rip her clothes.

" Kyaa!!"

" what are you doing bast--d? don't you have guts? what use of bullying a woman. come at me." Mr. Green said angrily

" looks like I have to fulfill your wish after I did with her." taking out a snake from my pants, I let it enter a wet cave.

" kya aa" as she got stabbed. an unknown thing enters making her fear, excitement, and lust. I give her a suggestion in her subconscious mind.

" so, you are a virgin. lucky me. so how does it feel like with your first man inside you? hey, why are getting wet? I thought you innocent, but it turns out you are a shaker." as I am moving. I can feel my snake squeezing by walls, while I am talking to her.

" kyaa, ah, no it's not true. you are, ahh, lying"

" damn it, stop it. plss" Mr. green eyes got red.

" damn, you keep talking Mr. green. she getting even tighter and wet. "

" no, he is aaahh lying" " no, I am telling truth. I put my finger near the cave, where the snake is roaming. and touch there. showing girl and Mr. green my wet fingers.

" See, now you believe me."

" no no no" Mr. green shakes his head to deny this reality.

" hum. I like it. she got wetter Mr. green, please keep talking."

------- after 4 hours------

I left there, leaving behind. woman with my white sauce. while all members are playing with each other except a woman who I played 'an exciting game'.

it's quite exciting to me. do I have this fetish? anyway, this isn't harmful to me or my family members.

as I walked around for 2 hours. it's getting late, I reach the bus station.

" pls, wait" someone calls me from behind.

I see the girl who I played with. limply walking towards me.

" Are you not that girl who I played with"

" yes, I am Emily. can you take me with you? " " I can, but why should I take you"

" I want to be with. as you are already done with me. I don't feel I can be with anyone else. it's fine with any relationship."

" hum, ok from now on your slave for me. start calling me faster."

" yes, master" I nodded in response. and use gentle ki to heal and reinforce her body.

" how about your boyfriend and others."

" I take away their time. after limped on the ground" she responded to me immediately. for fearing getting dissatisfied.

I don't care about them anyway.

as we are talking. a bus got to a stop and left behind a woman who is screaming at the bus.

I read her mind. it turns out the Rachel sales, the mother of the hero of the movie. got late. but the bus driver takes a diverging road, which increases the amount of time she had to pay. she only left behind 10 mins.

" you bastard." she curses getting away bus. " damn, even if I run I can not be able to reach home."

as she looks around she sees a man and woman looking at her. Although it makes her embarrassed, she still has to ask for time. " sir, can you give me some time, I am running out of time. please lend me some time. my son has time."

" How pitiful, but why should we lend you our precious time. we are not related. and it's also our first meeting."

" no, please today is my birthday. I want to celebrate with my son. can you lend me time"

" so, today beautiful lady birthday. then it's not a problem. to give you some time. but what can you give me right now."

" can you give me time? but I don't have anything right now."

" no, you have. you have to become mine." I smiled at her as an angel from an outsider's view of point. but to Rachel, this is a devil smile.

" I will not be your wife."

" I think you misunderstood something. time is life in this world. so that means if I am giving you time, means I am giving you a life. so in the equal transaction, I give you the time you will give me your life. not to mention decades or century year time, I can give you. so you have to become my maid or slave in return for a lifetime."

" impossible, if you don't give me time, others will give me." saying that she run away towards her home. she check her time seeing only 5 minutes left. running fast as she could. hoping to find someone.

but reality slap her. as no one was around at this time. now only 1 minute left. In desperation, she thinks of the previous offer. I got behind her with Emily.

" Okay, I agree with your demand. I will do whatever you just give me ******* time. please." Rachel's face has full of tears.

I clean it with my hands. " that's a good choice. " saying I transferred one hundred years.

" uuuuu." Rachel got lost in her voice in surprise. seeing so much time I give her. she started to cry more than just stop.

this time I didn't stop her. after all I already forced her into a difficult position.

Emily looks at all of this. seeing how her master forced a woman in her desperate moment. but she didn't feel anything. after all she also was one of the targets that got played. but feel strange.

as she stability her mood. I lift her chin. " you look ugly. from now on I don't want to see this face. as a master of you. you should look beautiful. understood?"

" yes, I am master's maid. I will not make this ugly face" saying Rachel clean her face with her sleeves. but a strange emotion was born. didn't why either cause she didn't have to live with the burden of life. or cause she now has a master's. who will decide everything for her? .... I also put a psychological imprint on her.

" Okay, since you decided. let's visit your home." I suggest to her.

" but I.... have a..... son live there."

" what the Matter with it. it's not like I will do anything if he is honest." I reassured Rachel.

" okay" saying that she takes me towards her home. along the way, Emily starts talking with her new partner. which surprise reached she thought Emily is my girlfriend.

I slap their ass." okay, stop talking. there will be time for you to communicate in the future, now let's go to Rachel's son, today is Rachel's birthday. I have a gift for her too" I squeeze her ass. which causes her to moan.

I am looking forward to seeing the movie hero's expression after seeing his new father-like figure. Hehehe

on another side

Will is very happy. Yesterday he rescued a rich man who was targeted by time robbers in a small bar. Then the two stayed overnight. Finally, the rich man gave himself more than a century. He chose to end his own life.

Although Will is a little saddened by the death of a friend he just met, living on the brink of death all the time, he doesn't understand why those rich people give up their long lives and choose to commit suicide. But that didn't stop him from getting excited about this big windfall.

He first went to his best friend, gave him ten years, then bought a bunch of flowers and came to the station to surprise his mother, because today is her birthday.

But there was no last bus, and another bus didn't. Until the last bus arrived, he still didn't see a trace of his mother. Will's heart was full of bad feelings...

At this time, he desperately ran to the house... but there was no home. The unwilling Will desperately ran along the road where his mother went to work. He lost his father when he was more than one year old, and his mother was his only one. his relatives...he doesn't want to lose his mother.

Just when he was getting more and more desperate, he suddenly saw the figure of his mother. She was leaning close to a man, letting the man put his arms around her waist, and there was another woman on the other side of the man...

A feeling of being betrayed arises in Will's heart. He is so worried about her, but she is here to have fun with a man. he doesn't know, even though the man looks handsome... The feeling of grievance spreads in my heart

"Will..." Rachel stared at her son, not knowing what to say.

"Hi, you are Will!" I took a step forward with a smile, stretched out my hand, and said, "My name is Alex and I'm Rachel's friend..."

With a "pop", Will patted my hand away.

"Will, what are you doing? Hurry up and apologize to Mr...." In the mentality of protecting the master, Rachel stepped forward and yelled at her son.

"Mom... You scold me for this man!" Will's eyes suddenly turned red. His mother never scolds him since he was a child, but now he scolds him for a man. The bouquet fell to the ground, will turn around, and ran away

"Master!" Seeing her son running away sadly, Rachel threw herself into my arms.

"Children will grow up one day!" I stroked Rachel's soft hair and comforted her in a low voice. "Now let's go home!"

The three people who came to Will's house grabbed something to eat and then started a carnival... Maybe it was because both were threatened with death today. Today's Rachel seems very crazy.

next morning

I managed to get up from the entanglement of soft arms and legs when he heard a knock on the door...I smiled slightly knowing who it will be, walked to the door, and opened it. Standing outside the anti-theft network is the movie hero Will, who is full of red eyes and smells of alcohol.

"Yesterday...you live here?" Will's anger skyrocketed when he saw that it wasn't his mother who opened the door, but the man last night.

"Are you surprised?" I said with a smile: "Your mother kept me here last night. I have to say, your mother is nice..." I gave Will a man who could understand eyes...

"Damn bastard, I'm going to kill you!" Will was furious, shaking the anti-theft net desperately as if he could kill me

"Will—" Rachel, who came out in her nightdress at this time, yelled at Will. "What are you doing? Look at how you look now!"

"No...Mom...you never quarrel with me before..." Will, who was reprimanded by his mother, turned around and ran frantically as if he had suffered a 10,000-point crit...

"No...Master, did I do something wrong?" Seeing Rachel running away again, she began to feel overwhelmed...

"You didn't do anything wrong!" I patted Rachel's shoulder lightly and said, "It's just that a child can't accept a man other than his biological father!"

I help her forget about will again which makes her calm down.

then, The three of us ate breakfast and enjoy ourselves, I look at the time. It was almost time to meet Sylvia. I didn't forget about the main purpose of coming to this world.

I picked up the two girls and flew to New Greenwich. After arriving at New Greenwich, Zhou Ye took the two girls to a five-star hotel, opened a room, and settled them here temporarily, telling them not to Go out. Although both were surprised, at how I can fly. but they didn't ask.

today's New Greenwich will be very, very messy.

The two girls nodded obediently, and I turned around and flew to Sylvia's house...

After meeting with Sylvia, the two directly followed the chart and sacked all the time banks in New Greenwich within an hour, winning a total of 1.2 billion years...

I directly recharged the lifetime of mine and Sylvia to 100 million years and years and the remaining billion years into time storage.

I took Sylvia to the room where his two female slaves were staying, and when it first gave the two girls one million years of life, so moved that the two girls almost took off at that time~repaying...

Then I took three females partners and started my new career of looting the world. I got a total of more than 100 billion time which were stored in 1000-time storage... This world with time as the currency system will collapse, but How could I possibly care about these things...

I store this time storage in my subspace where my other things are present. it didn't get multiple until I wanted to.

Rachel beg me to give his son some time. I let Rachel meet will last time and let her give him 10 million time.

we return to Sylvia's home. where we meet Sylvia's mother. one of our accomplished. Michelle weis isn't beautiful like her daughter. but she is still beautiful.

" so are sure you want to come with us. leaving behind your rich husband," I ask with a serious face. of course, I can take it away, but I want to look serious.

" haha" Michelle laughs softly." don't worry about him. I take away his time leaving him no time. who told him to look for lovers, till can't stratify any of them. now you and Sylvia and the other two rob all national and international time banks. legal system collapse. if I don't run away, what awaited in front of me is death, either by law or angry crowd."

" What a smart woman"

" but it is also my dream to travel to another world," saying Michelle kiss me on the lips.

" thank you for taking me in advance."

" good" then I activated my ability and returned to dragon ball world.