
Travel in search of pleasure and fun.

My first language is not English, and the grammar is bad. Mc is a degenerate and don't expect anything good from him. That yes, he adores his wives. It is My first fanfic, the mc, it will travel through different parts of the world of the universe of anime, manga, Japanese and Chinese novels, etc. Manipulative MC. MC female finder, great harem. He will not hesitate to manipulate to get the girl he wants. The protagonist complains a lot about the rest of the MCs in the other novels. He will not hesitate to sexually blackmail women that he hates or is his enemy. Lots of time jumps, I'll try to be as accurate as possible, spelling mistakes I'll try to correct over time. Hypocritical MC sometimes. The story begins in the real world, he is born in China, but then he is sent to Japan and grows up there. Current worlds, real world, devil 2, oregairu, avatar. He will have the ability to summon some characters from League of legends, but he will not go to that world, this fanfic will NOT focus on the world of Diablo 2, which is part of the system. This fanfic was created for self-satisfaction.

Odyosis · アニメ·コミックス
136 Chs

Cap 131

Rouxi walked hugging Leon's arm, it didn't bother him, on the other hand, he felt more comfortable than going alone. Her heart was too self-conscious, her mind was still cloudy due to the image of her mother, she wondered if she was still alive, and if so, why would she leave her.

Calm down Rouxi, think of something else, you have important business to attend to, you cannot fail, let alone show failures before that despicable being, damn lustful men.

She understood how relevant this business is to her company and her employees, she could even give them a nice bonus if all goes well. Rouxi is a great boss, adored by her employees due to her great leadership abilities, and of course, her incredible cold beauty.

In the eyes of women, Rouxi was an example to follow and a model of life, her beauty and intelligence were outstanding, at the tender age of 20 she took command of the company and with all her effort I took it to the top.

The men were no less, for them, Rouxi was an unattainable and pure goddess that everyone wanted to have, but no one dared to desire, very few were those who tried to flirt with her, all were fired for being unprofessional.

She is not interested in small talk, but when they insist on a moment of work, she would get angry and not hesitate to fire employees, profits are important. She may seem like a tyrant at times, but people like the way she is, that's the charm of the protagonist, a unique aura that always protects them.

They may seem like a screaming, ungrateful witch, a peerless bitch, however, they will love her.

Rouxi looked at the place, and she nodded satisfied, she had come before and she liked it. The food was delicious, the people nice and above all, a lot of privacy, since it consisted of several isolated cubicles.

The site was very popular with the big tycoons of local industries, nobody wants other people to hear about their business, much less when they talk about women, we must admit that when several men get together, many things happen, especially when talking of women.

If someone were to record or listen to them, their reputation would take a nosedive. Reputation is important when it comes to business, and marriages.

As Rouxi entered the door, accompanied by her gallant husband, another man already aware of her arrival was none other than Xu Zhihong, who had a look of hate and obsession on her face. Today was going to be a great day, she would go on a date with her goddess and insult her bum husband to her face.

She would make him look very bad, as a man of little culture and uncivilized, unworthy of the great goddess and her perfect lover.

It would all be fun, a win-win. However, life dictated otherwise, early in the morning he saw a woman who rivaled Rouxi, or rather, she was more beautiful and mature, he had never seen a woman like her before.

She couldn't bear her wishes, that woman had to be hers.

From her point of view, it would not be difficult, the woman did not seem to be rich, nor from an influential family, if she were, everyone would speak of her as one of the five most beautiful flowers in the region. With so much beauty, it would be hard not to recognize her.

Also, the girl next to her should be her daughter due to the resemblance, if so, the woman might be a fallen noble, and disowned by her family, she will most likely fall in love with a peasant, and ran away with him.

And like every tragic love story, the pig that wanted to eat swan meat, abandoned her after knowing that she was pregnant, this act is very typical of a noble woman, she is in love with the simplicity of a poor man, thinking that he is different from everyone, and that he found something incredible, wonderful, something worth fighting for.

Zhihong laughed at these women, they were naive, believing that money did not buy happiness.

Zhihong continued to analyze the situation, he was very intelligent, not for nothing was he a villain with a million dollar company.

He supposed that the girl's family would not hesitate to use such a beautiful woman as a bargaining chip for political marriage. It is worth mentioning that Lán, León's mother, seems very young, barely 25, what makes her look older is her maternal aura that surrounded her.

With that in mind, he planned to use money to take her home and play with her, if he failed, he would use coercion, he had a little girl by his side, it was seen that he loved her very much, a defenseless woman, he could not fight against four bullies.

Even if she screamed for help, no one would help her, unless she was a protagonist, with plot armor, everything is possible.

Clearly, all her plans failed in a second, the little girl broke one of her balls, and Rouxi's husband broke her nose, although of course, she didn't realize that until now . That's why she hated Leon so much, she stole his wife from him, and she broke his nose.

Worst of all, the woman seemed to be his partner, he didn't understand what a woman like that was doing, with a penniless pig.

Xu Zhihong didn't take his eyes off Rouxi, he licked his lips and swallowed at how desperate she was. Today was his big night, and nothing would ruin it, he would use any means necessary to make Rouxi his.

At first he wanted to take her time to win her over, pave her way to Rouxi's lap. Everything changed with Leon's arrival, she couldn't bear the humiliation she received from him, she had to collect the debt at any cost.

Even if his goddess hated him, it didn't matter anymore, today she would be his, and forever, he won't be able to escape from his clutches.

Leon, who was chatting quietly with Rouxi, looked up and stared at Xu Zhihong, he could feel the malice in him, Xu Zhihong started sweating when he saw those characteristic red eyes looking directly at him, he tensed up due to fear, he seemed to be a little boy. about to be devoured by a wild beast.

Hairi ball, his bodyguard and his loyal dog, looked at his master carefully, seeing each of his reactions, he was a little worried, his master was sweating a lot, trembling slightly. Due to the blows received, he went to the middle and received a quick treatment, he did not stay long, since he had to get to dinner.

"Are you alright, young master?"

-"Shut up, prepare everything, and don't forget to pay to have that added."

-"Young master, are you sure, downstairs..."

Hairi ball looked at the crotch of his young master, he really wanted to laugh, he was just for money, his concern was nothing more than losing his pay.

-"It still works, not at full power, but it will serve the purpose."

Xu Zhihong, who was on the second floor, went down to greet Rouxi, with a big business smile, forgetting all of the above. Leon laughed secretly, it wasn't worth it in his eyes, the only good thing is that he could release some stress, and take one more step to enter the heart of the cold CEO.

Leon looked at Rouxi before asking.

-"Will this take long? I'm bored talking about business."

-"Two hours if everything goes well. If you get bored, play with your cell phone. All I ask is that you don't interrupt when we talk about business."

Rouxi made her face serious, contrary to her expectations, Leon couldn't help but kiss her before continuing, her cold expression only added charm to her beauty.

-"And how do you want me to scare him away? If you don't want me to talk."

Rouxi pursed her lips, and took a second to respond, trying to forget the warmth of his lips, Leon's kisses are like a drug, she knew he was wrong, but he was very addictive. With all the seriousness in the world, he answered him, trying to strain his true feelings.

"Give me your hand, put your hand on my lap, hug me, kiss me from time to time, just don't interrupt important things, make sure you don't bother during the meal. It shouldn't be hard to be a shameless, that's your profession, right?" No?"

Leon nodded and said no more, he wasn't worried about Xu Zhihong, all his interest was in the woman he was waiting for at home, ready to give her first time.

After a minute, Xu Zhihong arrived in front of Rouxi, bowed slightly and saluted politely, without his smile disappearing, ignoring Leon with all the available willpower, just seeing him made his stomach turn.

He must be patient, he couldn't do anything in public, Zhihong thought.

Rouxi frowned at Xu Zhihong's cheek, he didn't like that she didn't show a face and didn't greet her husband. He could be a perverted asshole who made her very angry, a vile and brazen man, shameless, cheater, and many other things, but he was still her husband.

Other than cheeky and unfriendly, what happened to her face and arm, she never expected a young master to get into fights, or maybe he was a repressed lover who couldn't take it anymore. It may be, these young teachers have no shame, taking advantage of their employees, who have no way to defend themselves.

Regardless, people like this, they don't care about the opinion of people below them, well, it's not my concern, as long as it doesn't affect the business. I hope León is not the same as these idiots, and at least he takes responsibility. Rouxi thought, trying not to show emotion, and not to react to Xu Zhihong's injuries.

-"Young master Xu, it is a pleasure to see you." Rouxi greeted with his flat emotionless voice, showing how little interest he had in his host.

-"The same goes for Rouxi, I hope tonight is to your liking. Your father talked a lot about you, saying that you were busy, he's a good man. It's good that you found time to see me, it's a great compliment to me personally."

Xu Zhihong answered, without flinching and without many sweet words, he wanted to get in quickly to speed up his plans, he didn't know how much longer he would hold out the desire to kill Leon, every second by his side the blood boiled with courage.

Rouxi raised an eyebrow, it seemed that Zhihong was threatening him with his father, and he didn't like it.

"I hope my father won't cause too much trouble, and if he owes some money, I'll pay him back."

-"Not at all, I'm always the one who invites, it's a pleasure to be by his side, his father is a good man, he likes wine and good women, like every man." He answered quickly, he didn't want to avoid misunderstandings, he just wanted to stop wasting time.

Rouxi nodded with his fake smile, and pushed Leon forward.

"If so, let's put that aside, and let me introduce my husband, he should be honored, he is the first person to meet him. Even when we celebrate our wedding, he will be the first to receive an invitation."

You fucking disgusting bitch, you won't have that fucking smile for long, and that idiot, don't think your fake marriage can stop me, I'll steal your first time, and it will be mine! Zhihong thought, not knowing that Rouxi was no longer a virgin, he still thought that the marriage had not even been consummated. He would never guess that her goddess would be desecrated by such a vulgar man.

Leon didn't even smile, he just looked at Zhihong, he was more fascinated by the clothes of the maidens of the place, he wondered what Rouxi would look like with a similar one.

The cheongsam is a body-hugging dress that makes a woman's figure shine, and reveals one's long legs, there were some more provocative ones, with a deep neckline and an open back, just imagining Rouxi in such a dress it made it hard

-"I never expected Rouxi to get a husband, it's very surprising, if I knew, I would have prepared a gift, it's not like that, Hairy ball."

-"Because of him, my young master is always very cordial with people, he would not hesitate to give a car if necessary, or a house for the newlyweds. If they cannot afford it."

Leon snorted with his nose, the insults were very weak, not being able to afford a house?, he had a mountain full of precious jewels, he even captured a meteorite full of rare materials for Charsi, he had money left over.

But he wouldn't mention it, it's not worth it, it was better to act like a playboy and take advantage of Rouxi, she wanted that.

He grabbed her waist and kissed her in front of everyone, responding with confidence:

-"It is not necessary, my dear wife will give me a new car, telephone and a house, you see my clothes, she bought them."

The master and servant pair froze, they didn't think he would be an unfiltered scoundrel. No self-respecting man would say such stupidity, no one would respect him if they knew he was a man kept by his wife.

Everyone would assume that she is in charge at her house, and that he can only keep her head down whenever her wife talks about her. León seemed to be a hired son-in-law, and those do not have a good reputation, just read the large number of novels that have that theme.

Rouxi didn't say anything, she smiled as if nothing had happened, if she got angry at everything she said to her or towards Leon, she would have gray hair before she was thirty.

"Ha ha ha, that's funny, how about we go in and have dinner." Zhihong laughed dryly, trying to end the conversation, Leon was too brazen to insult him.

Leon narrowed his eyes, approaching Zhihong, he seemed thoughtful, as if he was remembering something. Rouxi watched curiously, wondering what her husband would do to her, she was watching if she should stop him, she still had business to attend to, if she wanted to use violence, let it be after the fashion show.

"Wait a second..., haven't I seen you before?"

This asshole, I don't think he wants to reveal the fight, it would affect both of us, and it would destroy my plans, if Rouxi leaves, I won't be able to continue. Zhihong thought with a drop of sweat and a pale face, having Leon so close brought back bad memories and a little fear.

"N-no, I have a good memory."

-"Sure?" Leon insisted, moving a little closer.

Rouxi covered her mouth, hiding her smile, she found Zhihong's haggard appearance amused, though, she didn't understand why, then she would ask Leon, as long as he didn't harm his business, all good.

Seeing that her young master was about to collapse from anger and fear, Hairi ball did not hesitate to intervene, stepping in front of Zhihong, releasing a bit of his aura to intimidate the toad that wanted to eat a swan.

-"If the young master says no, it is no. We better go ahead, the food is ready to serve."

Hairi ball was a little stunned, Leon didn't seem to be affected by his bloodlust, he was still standing firm and calm. He began to doubt a little, a man who lives off his wife should not have a strong character.

He should tremble at the experience of death and violence.

This kid…is it normal? Even experienced soldiers trembled at my gaze, though I didn't go all out, he still must have wet his pants, at the very least. Thc!, I think about it too much, he's just a brat, he got lucky. Hairi ball reflected, ignoring his primal instincts, he was an arrogant old man, he would never feel afraid before an inexperienced youth.

Xu Zhihong smiled again and led the way to the private cubicle, Rouxi and Leon followed from behind, Hairi ball was next to his master. The place was spacious and elegant, the ladies in labels, who were in charge of giving beauty and directions to the place, looked like something out of model magazines.

They were all matchless beauties, lucky for them, Leon showed no interest, apart from his clothes, they weren't worth it. Compared to his women, all maidens were mediocre, one of his women could rule an entire continent if they put their mind to it, even entire worlds.

It took them a minute to arrive, the room had a table and two chairs, Xu Zhihong wanted to make it clear that Leon was not welcome, he couldn't say it clearly, due to etiquette issues, there was nothing left to do but give subtle signals.

Leon grabbed a chair and sat down, grabbed Rouxi's waist, who wasn't expecting him, and put him on her lap.


-"There are no more places, you don't want to eat standing up, do you?"

-"Cough, Hairi ball, bring another chair. Sorry Rouxi, I didn't expect another guest."

Rouxi quickly waved his hand, to indicate that it didn't matter, he didn't want them to see his blushing face, and that Leon nimbly put his hand inside her skirt, he couldn't believe how fast he was, he pushed her panties aside and caressed her lips. lower.

She wanted to get up and kick him for being so cheeky, it's one thing for him to touch her thighs and kiss her, but to touch her private area? He wouldn't care if they were at home and in his room, but they were in public and with his business partner. He didn't want trouble.

León continued to mock Rouxi, he put up a barrier so that the master and servant duo would not see anything, besides the table covered them, they did not deserve to see the soft skin of his wife. No one deserved that right.

(To be continue)