
Travel in search of pleasure and fun.

My first language is not English, and the grammar is bad. Mc is a degenerate and don't expect anything good from him. That yes, he adores his wives. It is My first fanfic, the mc, it will travel through different parts of the world of the universe of anime, manga, Japanese and Chinese novels, etc. Manipulative MC. MC female finder, great harem. He will not hesitate to manipulate to get the girl he wants. The protagonist complains a lot about the rest of the MCs in the other novels. He will not hesitate to sexually blackmail women that he hates or is his enemy. Lots of time jumps, I'll try to be as accurate as possible, spelling mistakes I'll try to correct over time. Hypocritical MC sometimes. The story begins in the real world, he is born in China, but then he is sent to Japan and grows up there. Current worlds, real world, devil 2, oregairu, avatar. He will have the ability to summon some characters from League of legends, but he will not go to that world, this fanfic will NOT focus on the world of Diablo 2, which is part of the system. This fanfic was created for self-satisfaction.

Odyosis · Anime & Comics
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136 Chs

Cap 130

(It took me a long time to get back to the idea, I didn't even remember where I was going, and I didn't know where to go either, that's why the delay, from now on we should return with two chapters a week, which was the weekly average, I hope so.

Lastly, if I can't, I put out some short chapters, better than nothing. That's all, hope you are well, and thank you all for your support)

Leon and Rouxi exchanged her clothes for a new one, because they played with Lanlan, they had to leave her with her grandmother before leaving. They had a dinner to attend, Rouxi was reluctant to go, but business is business, no matter how much you detest the other party, if it brings benefits to your company, you will have to smile and shake hands as good friends.

That's how business is.

Leon thought it was stupid, if you hated someone, you hated him, period, it didn't matter if his friendship generated benefits, he would kill him without hesitation, he couldn't bear to have to live or make friends with his enemies.

Although of course, his point of view is not normal, he does not need money or influences to support him, just move a finger and the world will move as he wishes, the more power you have, the more dominant and selfish you become.

Some will say, what about heroes? Aren't they people who selflessly help everyone? They also have power and use it for good. False, that is a concept idealized by the novels, do not forget that most of the heroes in light novels are all under 16 years old.

What do you expect from teenagers who can barely control their hormones, it is obvious that they will do what they are told, if they say save the world because it is their duty, they will do it, most of them are hot-blooded idiots who do not think things through.

Lastly, people who gain power, become corrupted, once you become strong, and gain control of your destiny, everything changes, your gaze changes, the world changes.

And León knew it, that's why he hated heroes, or rather, León is apathetic with everyone, for him, everyone is toys and tools, except his women, with the rest of the people he is a quite selfish and irrational, could kill you just on a whim.

As Rouxi drove to the restaurant, Leon opened his lunch box containing several sweet rice balls, he was a little hungry, and the road was boring, more with the traffic, he could easily pass it if he used magic, but he didn't feel like it, enter later. will come, the angrier Xu Zhihong will be.

Rouxi, who was just as bored, looked at her husband out of the corner of her eye, she couldn't believe how careless she was.

Leon had some crumbs on his shirt and tie, he looked like a 5 year old as he ate. Leon kept devouring his appetizer, ignoring the icy look his driver gave him, if looks could kill, Rouxi's would freeze you to death.

Our protagonist wondered how long that look in the mirror had been practical, or if it was natural, perhaps a family thing, but he denied that thought, Rouxi's mother had a kind and affectionate look, with a touch of seduction.

To be honest, Leon thought his mother was more beautiful.

It wouldn't hurt to add her to his harem... and why not? Leon thought, reviving the dead isn't difficult, he could easily create a new body for her, and then put the soul inside, he wouldn't even have to change the face and body, as she was too beautiful to change.

Even in his mind he had an idea of ​​how to start everything, once resurrected she could create a story similar to that of Xia Qingyue's mother from agains the god.

There are cultivators in this world, it wouldn't be a bad idea, but well, it's filed for possible ways to annoy his pretty wife, it's not necessary to implement it right away, though if he can plant the idea in Rouxi.

Although..., I don't like Rouxi's mother very much, she sees that she cheated on her husband and she gave birth to another man's daughter, while she was married. If she was my daughter, and I was the one who cheated, she wouldn't have a problem, but..., hmm, let's save it for later, lastly, you can make her my servant or slave. Leon thought.

-"Leon, don't dirty your clothes" Rouxi demanded, with a resentful voice.

-"Then I clean up, besides, you don't hate that idiot, for me I would go in shorts and slippers, not giving him a face should be more fun, don't you think"

If you were wearing slippers I'd beat you to death! It would be very humiliating for me, give me some face, stupid husband... ufff, calm down Rouxi, if you talk you'll end up losing. Rouxi mused inside his head, although his fists were honest, the leather-embroidered steering wheel had marks on his slender fingers.

-"Of course I hate it, but I need your help for the next fall parade, I don't have enough funds to do it alone. Besides, it's too late to find someone new to cooperate."

Leon shrugged his shoulders, quite disinterested in business, Rouxi said no more and turned his gaze to the road, seeing a long line of cars, with a tired sigh, he took a handkerchief from the glove compartment and cleaned Leon, there was still a long way to go, it was better to take care of her husband.

She needed him impeccable to annoy and push Xu Zhihong away, she was tired of her suitors, she couldn't understand why they wouldn't give up, she gave various signs that she is not interested in him, even contemptuous looks, still he keeps insisting.

She wondered if the idiot was a masochist, maybe all her suitors were, they all acted the same, Rouxi could kick them in the balls and they'd come back wagging their tails, they'd even apologize for dirtying their feet, just thinking about it gave her chills.

That was too much, thanks to that, she never found a worthwhile man, everyone fawned over her and licked her feet, no one was able to be honest, until now. Looking at Leon with her cold eyes, she couldn't help but give her a thumbs up.

Leon is handsome and masculine, he didn't hesitate to tell the truth up front, and reprimand her if necessary, if he wasn't a hopeless pervert, he would be a perfect match for her, you could say that Leon is her kind of man, but she never did. I would admit.

-"What are you looking at so much, I have something on my face." Leon asked, touching himself with his fingers.

Rouxi looked away, and asked, ignoring the above.

-"How could you get such a beautiful girl, as your lover."

Rouxi was curious, the woman that Leon brought to her office was very beautiful, and without a drop of makeup, not even the best models could compare to the girl, such a woman could easily achieve fame as a top model.

-"I doubt you're jealous, your question is due to pure curiosity, right?"

Rouxi agreed.

-"There are several ways to make a woman fall in love, the first, as a Chinese protagonist, show that you are better than her or show your strength. Two, as a Japanese protagonist, be kind and dense. Three and last, as a Korean protagonist, ignore her all the novel and in the end you marry her.

Hmm, all three are pretty cliché, or generic, but none of them fit her personality, Leon is direct and perverted, maybe he has sex with her until he gives in and ends up staying with her. Rouxi thought, not realizing that this was her situation.

-"And which are you?"

Our protagonist turned around in his seat and looked seriously at Rouxi, taking some suspense.

-"Like our ancestors, I take a club and take her to my cave, she is the most effective"

A vein appeared in front of Rouxi, she was quite angry, he seemed to be so serious, explaining several things to her, and ended with something that was nothing to see, she couldn't believe that she took it seriously, knowing her problematic personality.

He took the quill from her notepad and held it up with killing intent, if Leon was beta, he would be sweating, and he wasn't, he was calm.

-"I was kidding, don't get mad, and keep that pen, you don't want to commit matricide 4 days after your marriage, do you...?"

-"Oh, of course I will, you don't know how much I hate you"

-"Error, you don't hate me, you're just angry and upset, if you hated me, you would gag every time you kiss me, and you would have killed me while we made love, and then you would have killed yourself, hate is not the same as Rouxi's anger." He explained solemnly, as if he were an ancient sage.

Rouxi was surprised at such a change in attitude, so much so that under her pen, she calmed down, actually she wasn't that angry, she even wanted to laugh a little because of how idiotic her husband was. Besides, Leon was right, she didn't hate him, there was no reason to do it, the first time they had sex, it was something they both agreed on, she was a little drunk that day, but still in her right mind to refuse.

Although of course, the second time it was a somewhat shady deal, but she wasn't too angry either, it was her husband, and Rouxi is a traditional girl, although she doesn't notice it herself. Her first man will always be the most important and the only one for her, even if she hates him.

For Rouxi, relationships are relevant, remember his father, in the original story he insults her, calls her a bitch, almost hits her, and despite all that, throughout the novel she protects him and continues to love him, because he is her father. .

When she dies in the novel, Rouxi feels sad and sorry, even guilty for not being by her side, she even gets angry with Yang Chen.

-"You're right, I don't hate you, but you make me very angry."

Rouxi grabbed the steering wheel, tapping it rhythmically with his finger, thinking about Leon and her relationship, now that they were alone, she could ask him several things that she had in mind, besides clarifying her fake marriage.

León, noticing that Rouxi was in her world, continued eating, admiring the beautiful landscape of thousands of stopped cars, they had the bad luck that later there was a traffic accident. That's life, when you want to arrive early, something unforeseen happens, when you're not in a hurry and go early, nothing bad happens.

After a moment of silence, Rouxi asked what she was most worried about.

"Once this fake marriage is over, will you take Lanlan away from me?"

Although her voice was flat, in her eyes there was a hint of nervousness and seriousness, he didn't understand why her, but Lanlan was very important to her. Let's not forget that Leon only left that feeling in her, when he eliminated seventeen.

"First of all, what kind of men do you think I am?"

-"A pervert" Rouxi replied without hesitation, looking at Leon's face, which did not have an iota of shame or annoyance.

-"Exactly, I'm a pervert who seeks to have fun in life."

Rouxi gave a contemptuous smile and sneered.

-"What a good life goal, haven't you seen movies? All those womanizers die alone."

Leon grabbed Rouxi's thigh and kneaded it gently, she bit her lip and remembered all the fun things she did, in bed, Leon was a champion, and she couldn't deny that.

-"That happens with normal men, I'm special, or do you think that someone normal could do all those things in bed?"

Rouxi closed her eyes for a second, enjoying herself a bit, and thinking of it as a serious topic, she ends up in a perverted one, she can't believe the way Leon has to change the conversation towards the obscene side.

She opened her eyes and moved Leon's hand away, if she continued it would stain her panties, she is now more sexually open, but not that much, she wouldn't have sex in her car or as a joke, she still wants to keep the appearances of her.

-"Answer the question." Leon laughed a little, Rouxi wanted to appear serious, too bad her red ears said something else.

Separate us?She, she keeps dreaming she, you will be mine until the end of days, together for eternity, once mine, always mine. I'm too possessive to let my women go, how could I let another idiot have her, I've invested so much in them.

I even give them eternal life, they will never grow old, that is already a lot. Leon thought, but he couldn't tell Rouxi that, not yet.

-"All up to you."

Rouxi raised an eyebrow, if it was up to her, of course he would let her. The problem is that Lanlan does not trust her, they hardly speak, the few interactions are thanks to her mother-in-law or León. Rouxi adores her adoptive daughter, from the first time he saw her he fell in love with her, he wanted to see her grow up, teach her to write, study, take her to kindergarten.

But those dreams are difficult, especially when their relationship is so unstable, and depends on León. She knows that Lanlan is dependent on Leon, and very obedient, she adores him as if he were her real father, she idolizes him.

And that fact worries her a lot, once they divorce her, and Leon takes her away, she has no chance of winning a trial, not when Lanlan will choose Leon's side without hesitation.

She could use dirty means to win, but Lanlan will hate her for life, and she doesn't want that.

-"If it were up to me, I would live with her forever."

-"And you can, as I said before, it all depends on you, if she sees in you a mother, why would she take her away from you? I'm a pervert, not a heartless bastard."

If the people who died at his hands heard that, they would curse him until they spit blood, wondering where his heart was, when he killed and murdered them left and right he seemed to have none. Let's not forget that Leon nearly wiped out the Protoss, one of the four main races in the StarCraft world, as well as nearly destroying a world entirely, though no one else will be able to live there either.

Rouxi touched his chest and sighed in relief, he knew that León always kept his word, Lián reminded him of that over and over again, until it was recorded in his mind, beware of mothers-in-law! partner of their children.

-"You can tell Lanlan to trust me." Rouxi asked, Leon shook his head in disappointment, and answered,

-"Do you want me to tell a girl with trust problems, to trust you? What a good idea Rouxi, I had forgotten that she collected coins in the street to live, and they beat her every day."

Rouxi was quick to deny it, it wasn't his idea.

-"No! That's not what I mean, I want you to help me gain her trust, not force her, I just ask for opportunities to get closer"

-"Oh, if so, I will do it. Although I don't understand a thing, why are you in such a hurry? so we can make one

Rouxi ignored the last part, and pondered for a moment before replying.

-"I like the girl, maybe that's why I don't think things through and rush everything, sigh, you're right, I'll take it easy, there are still 3 years of fake marriage left, it shouldn't be difficult to gain her trust and affection."


Three years? In a few months I will submit you completely. Leon thought, full of himself and his narcissism.

The minutes passed and the traffic jam finally moved on, Rouxi sighed in relief, she had to call her secretary to send a message Xu Zhihong that it would take time to arrive, she did not have her private number, it would be asking for a headache unnecessary.

She didn't want to have her mailbox full of stupid messages for no reason.

Rouxi, who was driving paying attention to the road, was interrupted by Leon's voice.

-"Now that I remember, when I saw your mother's photo I remembered that I saw a woman very similar to her, it was a year ago, in the Himalayas. She was a really beautiful woman, very similar to you, with an aura of maturity and curvier, her skin was soft like a baby's."

Now that I mention it, I remember a novel where the author says that the inside of the girl is as soft as that of a baby, it was quite strange to read that, I mean, how do you know how the inside of a baby feels... ?, I better say no more. I'm a pervert, but even I have limits, I sigh. Leon thought, that he always has pretty random thoughts.

Rouxi did not seem very surprised, she met Lian, who looked a lot like her mother, there may be another person who is similar.

-"My mother died 15 years ago, she was little when she left me."

-"I did not know, I did not know it."

-"We don't know much about each other, you said it, we've known each other for less than a week."

-"You're right, we should take a day and talk about us."

-"Maybe..., and that woman, what was her name?" Rouxi asked out of curiosity."

-"I greeted her, I even invited her to eat, but she never told me her name, she acted very mysterious, we spent a whole day together, and I didn't find out much about her, in the end, I couldn't take her to bed. She disappeared the next day. "

Rouxi pursed her lips, thinking of a strange idea, she couldn't get it out of her head, so she asked.

-"León, don't you have an Oedipus complex? That woman is similar to my mother, and my mother looks like your mother, and I look like my mother..." Rouxi looked at León through the rearview mirror, he wanted to see if he got nervous, it wouldn't hurt to find something to make fun of, too bad Leon was still the same, he even seemed curious.

-"Impossible to deny that analogy, it seems that my perversion has no limits..." Leon answered, as if he had discovered a new world.

Rouxi rolled his eyes and didn't say anything else, her husband was very perverted, it wouldn't be surprising if she wanted to sleep with her mother. If she knew ...

As Rouxi drove and stopped at a traffic light, Leon reached into his pocket and took out his phone, checked the gallery and found the photo he was looking for, or so he appreciates doing, actually he was just taking it, it's not difficult to fake a photo with his power.

-"Look, she's the woman."

While the traffic light was red, Rouxi looked at the photo and her eyes widened in surprise, the woman was identical to her mother, not similar or similar, it was as if they were twins, there was not the slightest difference.

The only thing different, it could be her dress, in the photo she was wearing a traditional Chinese dress, that which cultivators wear. Her mother always wore the formal office attire, even at home she wore her thigh-high skirt, showing her serious and seductive side, not forgetting that she was always a caring but strict mother.

-"It's...!, identical!, it's as if it were her..., wait!"

Rouxi began to enlarge the photo and looked at the woman's hand, there was a very small scar, Rouxi remembered it. When she was a little girl, she took a letter opener and accidentally cut her mother on the back of her hand, leaving a very characteristic small scar, as it looked like a small lightning bolt.

Her mother was able to use some creams for that, but she never did, she said that it was a memory that she would always carry, to never forget her daughter and that she never forgets her, that she remembers how much she loves her, as much as to forgive her.

Let's not forget, that for an extremely beautiful woman, that her skin is beautiful and perfect is very important, having a small scar can make some women depressed.

Rouxi was upset, as could be a photo from a year ago, if her mother has been dead for several years, it's impossible.

-"It can't be an old photo, or you would be a child. And it wouldn't have such good definition. Is it a doctored image?" Rouxi asked nervously, hoping it was a joke in bad taste, because if it were real, what would her mother do in that place, because she is still alive, who is in her grave, so many unanswered questions.

-"Look at the data in the photo, I wouldn't have to lie to you either, it's not like she really was your mother, is it?"

Rouxi looked at the photo data, and it was correct, the photo was a year ago.

-"She has the same scar as my mother."

-"Are you sure?"

-"Of course, I did it, the pattern is the same, a little lightning, like the one in Harry Potter."

Leon took the cell phone from her and took a closer look at the photo, acting a little or he would look suspicious.

-"Hmm, it's true, but if that were the case, what would your mother do in that place, didn't she die when you were little?"

Rouxi nodded, closed her eyes and leaned back in her seat, ignoring the hundreds of honks from the drivers behind her, several of whom insulted her and yelled like crazy. If her windows weren't tinted and you couldn't see inside, no one would yell.

Who complains to a beautiful woman, hardly anyone, most would forgive a beautiful woman, just because she is beautiful.

Returning to the topic, Rouxi was upset, she didn't want to believe her eyes.

-"Wait, my mother is very young in that picture, she should have at least some wrinkles." she asked, trying to find an excuse that it's not true.

-"It's true, although I didn't think so, she looked 30 when I saw her, and I didn't doubt her age. Rouxi, leave this for later, you have a business to close, and I have a bastard to kill."

Rouxi fixed his hair behind his ear, performing a breathing exercise to calm down, the information was not precise, he couldn't be sure of anything. If she wanted an answer, she would have to ask Wang Ma and her father, as a last resort, to visit her mother's grave, and see if her body is there.

-"You're right..., hey!, don't kill anyone, no violence"

Leon shrugged at his wife's seriousness, and asked.

"Don't you want me to scare him away?"

-"Without using brute force!"

-"How boring, if you're afraid that the deal will fail if I use force, I can force him to sign the contract while I hit him, what do you say?"

Rouxi shook his head, stepped on the accelerator and headed for the hotel. He couldn't waste any more time, he would close the deal first so he could focus on his personal issues, if the photo was real, he would look for the answers he needs.

In his head many theories abounded in his head, some quite crazy, like that his mother is part of a government experiment, how to blame her, his mother looks as young as 15 years ago, it's how he remembered her.

Another theory would be that fantasy novels are real, and sects full of cultivators exist, but that is more impossible than his previous theory, if there were hidden beings and supernatural forces, the whole world would know about it.

The theory that fit the most is that it was an image mistake, and that the woman looked a lot like her mother, after all, it is said that in the world at least every person has her doppenlanger.

A few minutes later, León and Rouxi arrived at the hotel, got out of the car and León took her by the hand.

-"You need to take my hand and interlock your fingers."

-"We are husband and wife, a young couple, holding hands is the most normal, or do you want to be like those old couples and walk 3 steps behind me?"

-"No, and you?"

-"Ha! Honey, what's the point of you being three steps behind me, that would be stupid! I want you by my side"

-"What a surprise, I didn't expect you to have such a romantic side." Rouxi replied pleasantly.

-"Obviously, I prefer to have you on top of me, or below, from the same side it works"

Leon smiled and patted Rouxi's butt, she jumped like a cat having her tail stepped on, turning around in the air, giving her husband a cold look.

-"Ahh, stupid Leon! We are in public.

Leon grabbed her around the waist and brought her to her side, whispering in her ear.

-"I couldn't help it, your butt is so curvy and firm, I can't stop touching it."

Rouxi looked away and continued walking, letting Leon touch her waist, knowing Leon, if she kept fighting they would never end, it is better to follow the routine and show Xu Zhihong that they are a united couple.

-"You know the good side of you walking by my side."

Rouxi crossed her arms and leaned on Leon, they seemed like a loving couple.

-"I don't want to know"

Leon ignored her refusal and answered.

-"I can feel your breasts."

Rouxi looked at the sky, and sighed tiredly, of all the men she could choose, she got the most brazen, although she didn't feel so bad, she knew that León was taking care of her in her own way, trying to make her forget the previous problems.

A small smile appeared on her face, causing all the men who saw her to be shot with arrows, Cupid had run out of arrows just with that smile. There is nothing more beautiful than a sincere smile, especially when it is given by a woman as cold as Rouxi.

Rouxi is more human next to León, showing her emotions unintentionally, very different from the original novel, where she was a little disgusted to take Yang Chen by her arm to enter. But why does this phenomenon happen?

Because of Athena, in the original story Athena controlled her to be her pawn, Yang Chen was her chess piece and she was forcing her to get close to him, hence why it was so hard to get close to Yang Chen, there was a certain revulsion within her conscience, knowing that those feelings were not his.

Very different from what happens now, Rouxi no longer has seventeen inside her, and Athena is in a deep sleep, with no one to control and misrepresent her feelings, Rouxi is free to be herself and show emotions.

She no longer has three personalities trying to take the whole cake.

Leon looked at Rouxi, and smiled sweetly, the girl was not difficult to conquer, his new toy was very funny, he would not let her go for the world, as soon as Athena, he will see what he does with her, first he has to wake her up, but that can wait, there is so much to do, and so many women to steal, that it is not a primary objective.