
Chapter 7: Bandit arc end.

Under extreme anger and extreme pain,

One we cannot imagine with our small brains.

So much so that we will never be able to know...

How much of a easy way it is to make the character flaws show!

Its easy empathy,

As we lose relevancy,

How unrelatable is he!

Under so much pain,

Yet he cannot refrain,

But be looked up too

Using powers from hell and back,

Dashing forwards and then dashing to attack,

What is there to be?

A main characters who's only strength is his masochiny!

Oh look at how free!

Someone who is absolutely unrealistic can be!

Able to feel all of this pain!

And not only will he not refrain...

He will smile deranged.

As he's bathed in blood...

Author: It's kind of funny how every main character seemingly is able to "withstand pain unimaginable in which any normal person would break under" yet still have a weak and relatable personality at the same time.

Also author: I don't think it's strange at all, I mean why would anyones personality be warped by intense pain and torment?

Author: ...

Everyone: ...

cloaked_poetcreators' thoughts