
2)forced to be the villains

Date of creation:june 21 2024

Number of chapters: 4 chapter

Chapter 1.


The story goes like this.

A hero, a savior, a king, a swordmaster, it's all of Leon Bryan nickname at the game that I played.

[Calamity Raid] an RPG open world games about the main character Leon Bryan adventure.

people who played the game said.

- the game story is perfect

- the fight in this game is really exciting

- I love the character design

And the thing that i like about the game is how the interaction with the npc goes.

And I hope someday I can go inside the game, and goes on adventure with the main character.

Well that what i thought until... my wishes came true.

Yes, I was going inside the game but not as the main character friend.

But i ended up as the middle boss of the game.

Knowing the fact about what will happen if I'm choosing the wrong way, I might change the story completely.

I don't have choice but being forced to be the villains .

Chapter 2

(The villains)

"Januar Delwyn because of the problem that you do, you will being suspended from entering the school for one month."

Say the old man infront of me.

What just happened, Januar Delwyn? Who is that? And where am i?

I'm looking at my surroundings and see a lot of people wearing the same uniform, from the uniform I can see that I was inside at some sort of school.

Just to make sure that Im wearing the same uniform or not I'm looking at the clothing that I wear, it was an red colored uniform with a little bit of gold for it's decorations.

'Yep it's the same,but I think I've seen this uniform before'

Well it was from my favorite game [Calamity Raid] an RPG open world games.

The game story is about Leon Bryan a orphan that was chosen as the Hero that will save the world from the demon king.

The game story is good, really good until it make me want to lives inside the game, I never thought that I really going inside the game though.

After a long concerns, I think i made the old man mad and make him kicked me out from the room.


Outside of the previous room.

I was sitting at the bench that was placed near the previous room.

How am i going to survive in this game, I don't even know who am i right now.

Is there anyway to check my identity?

Wait there is.

"Status window"

Im looking at the air with a hope that a window system will appear.

And it did, a hologram like things is appearing right infront of me, and at the hologram I can see a word that was written in it.



Name: Januar Delwyn

Gender: Male

Race: Human

Job: none

Level: 0

Strength: 4.4

Agility: 3.7

Stamina: 2.9

Vitality: 5.8

Intelligence: 1.6



Looking at the stat window I can sure one thing, that I was weak.

Yeah extremely weak like look at that stat, from all of that stat the highest stat is luck, Wich is important, but the farmer NPC stat is even higher than this.

Well let's train this stat later, and let's think about who is Januar Delwyn.

From what I see, Januar must making a big problem that make him getting suspended for one month, so he must be an important character, or an supporting character at the very least.

Well I can sure about that after I look at this man face, let's see if there any mirror at his bag.

Im opening the bag that was placed right beside me, and thank God there's a mirror at this bag.

After grabbing the mirror that I get from the bag, I look in the mirror to see my face.

The reflection that the mirror made was the face that I have, a young man, with a jet black hair, a black colored pupil, a face that was a little above average.

I think I've seen this guy before but where, I'm trying to find this character until I remembered.

That this guy was the middle boss, at the first act of the game, I was cooked.

What should I do?, should I ran away or something, but what will happen with the story?

The fight between Januar and Leon is an important fight,if Leon not defeat Januar than he will not get the first Hero sword.

Lunfa, a pure black colored sword, the first Hero sword that Leon get

If he not take it, then what will happen?

a lot of thing will happen, around the 1st and the 3rd act if Leon not using lunfa he cannot pierce through the boss shield, because it's need the lunfa anti magic energy to pierce through.

The 1st act will start around 3 month from now,Okay so before that, let's prepares for the battles.

Well that only can be done after I found a place to stay for one month.


Chapter 3.

( The Place to stay)

The Delwyn family or can be called the genius family, it was the family where Januar is born in.

Why did the family called jenius?

It just because every person that born at the family always have a wonderful achievement ,even januar has one.

The achievement that Januar has is when he saves the live of all students at the marna academy.

There is a time when all the students is sleeping, there is an intruder that infltrate the academy, with the intention to poisoned all of the student.

And just when the intruder take a step to the dorm Januar that just came from his training meet with the intruder and capture them.

That how he get the achievement, but now he made a problem that make the school really mad at him and make him getting suspended for a month.

So yeah, i need a place to stay for a whole month.

But where, if I go to the Delwyn family mansion I think i might get a big trouble.

So that lead me to the conclusion of camping at the forest.

Near the marna academy there is a forest called the alas forest, inside the forest there is a lot of monster but also a lot of animal.

If I go camping there I can get a food supply also a lot of exp.

And wit that plan that I made i go to to the forest for camping for a whole month.

*At the forest*

After a lot of searching for a good spot for camping ,I found a spot near a river.

If I make a camp here I can get a food and water supply for the whole month.

"Okay this is the right place, I will live here for the whole month"

Well... I can only do that after making the camp.

Opening the bag that I brought with me, I see a lot of clothes and some tool that I can use for make a camp here.

I take a big white blanket from the bag and a rope to tying the blanket, jus when i about to tie it i forgot the most important thing to make a tent.

A wood.

Without a wood I cannot make a tent but how did I get a wood when the tool that I has is only a knife and a shovel.

Hmm... Oh yeh I forgot the status window, I can use skill to chops down a tree.

Let's see.

"Window system"

After saying those word a hologram appear right in front of me.



Name: Januar Delwyn

Gender: Male

Race: Human

Job: none

Level: 0

Strength: 4.4

Agility: 3.7

Stamina: 2.9

Vitality: 5.8

Intelligence: 1.6



"Skill list"

After saying the new word another hologram is appearing, but different with the previous hologram this one has the list of the skill that I has.



- wind blade mas:3

- ignite mas:2

- craft mas:7

-[][][][] (locked)

-[][][][] (locked)


Just Three skill, that's bad but I think I can made a use of this wind blade.

Pointing at the tree that was placed right beside me Im casting my skill.

"Wind blade"

- wush

After the skill manage to cast, a wind that has an insane speed is flying toward the tree that I pointing at and it scratch the tree.

But it didn't manage to cut the tree.

"Holy shit that's weak as hell, well looking at this guy stat, it only has 1,6 intelligence, I think that's why"

"So what I need to do yo cut that tree down"

After a lot of thinking i only have one plan

"It's the only way, I need to use this skill over and over again"

And that what I did I cast the spell over and over again until it chop down the tree.

Morning turn into daytime, and daytime turn into afternoon, after casting my spell over and over again I finnaly manage to cut the tree down.

- bruk

The tree is falling to his left side.


I collapse after hours of using the same skill over and over again.


Chapter 4.

(Day 2)

*I change the word hologram to panel*

After waking up I found my self lying at the ground.

I stretch my body that was sleeping at this cold forest.

After checking my surroundings I found out that the panel system is poping out even when I'm not calling it's name.

At the panel I can see a word that says.

[The skill cold resistance is added to your skill list]


I opened my skill list to check if the information is real.

"Skill panel"



- wind blade mas:14

- ignite mas:2

- craft mas:7

- cold resistance mas:1

-[][][][] (locked)

-[][][][] (locked)


"It really are being added"

But how did I get this skill when i even don't have a skill book.

Meh, let's think about that later and let's start to making the tent.

I cut the tree into several pieces using wind blade.

"Wind blade with 14 mastery is really useful huh"

Well... i think my wind blade mastery is growing really fast because i use it over and over again.

After cutting the tree i make the tent frame and put my white blanket on top of the frame.

To secure the blanket from falling, i tie the blanket with the rope i got from my bag.

"It's done, it takes me around 45 minutes to make this"

Well i always go camping with my friend In my previous live, and it just take me 15 minutes to make it back then.

Well considering my bad stat, 45 minutes was quiet fast.

[ A simple tent c+ +12 poin]

So every time i create something i will get a poin, that's neat.

"Well let's eat something."

When I'm about to get a food i suddenly can't move.

"What is happening?"

When I'm about to check what happened, the system panel is suddenly pops up with the word that says.

[ You used all of your energy]

[Entering EXHAUSTION state]

"What? How I'm gonna eat like this"

I forced my self to walk, but it really take a long time just to take a food from my bag.

Im searching for a food from my bag but i found nothing, but just two piece of bread.

'how am i gonna live for 1 month with just two bread"

After thinking of what should i do, i can only think of one plan.

Eat one bread and use the second bread as a bait.

After i create the plan i eat the first bread, and make a fishing rod.

[Bad fishing rod F+ +3 poin]

Well it just a stick and a rope so i cannot blame the system.

After waiting for 30 minutes i get my first fish.


I pulling the fish with all of my strength and i manage to take out the fish.

"Its big"

The fish size is about the size of an adult head.

I'm searching around the bag until i found a strange looking book.

"What is this book"

I opened the book out of curiosity just to found out.

That the book was blank.

"It just blank"

When I'm just about to throw the book to the river suddenly the book is gone from my hand.

"Where did that book go?"

I'm searching around looking for the book, after around 5 minutes of searching i gave up.

"Meh i don't care anymore,It's wasting my time"

I continue searching my bag but i found nothing.

"I guess i just smoked the fish"

I'm gathering some wood to make a campfire, after i gather all of the wood i start to light up the wood.


A fire suddenly appear at the wood after i casting my spell.

I tie the fish at the tree branch above the campfire to smoked the fish.

After that i just continue fishing until i get enough fish.

And i making some stuff like a spoon a plate and other stuff using the remaining wood that i get from the tree, and a knife that i get from my bag.

That's the thing that i do on day 2.