
trash of unused story

作者: Moai69
連載中 · 768 ビュー
  • 5 章
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What is trash of unused story

WebNovel で公開されている、Moai69 の作者が書いた trash of unused story の小説を読んでください。you may read or not read this novel.cus this is just piles of my dropped novel.that's all the synopis that i can tell you about...


you may read or not read this novel. cus this is just piles of my dropped novel. that's all the synopis that i can tell you about


The Apollo Twins

Hey there, readers! I've got something really special for you today - my brand new novel, "The Apollo Twins." This is a project that's been brewing in my mind for ages, ever since I binge-watched "Top Boy" and got completely sucked into the world of British street crime. [Yeah, I know, I'm a bit obsessed. But hey, when inspiration strikes, you've got to roll with it, right?] So, what's the deal with "The Apollo Twins"? Well, imagine this: two brothers, Ethan and Alex Blackwood, kicking ass and taking names in the gritty, neon-soaked streets of Manchester. These guys are the real deal - born and raised in the shadows of the city's criminal underworld, they've clawed their way to the top through sheer grit, cunning, and a whole lot of busted knuckles. On the streets, they're known as "Reaper" and "Snowman" - Ethan, the hulking enforcer with fists like sledgehammers, and Alex, the cunning mastermind with a mind like a steel trap. Together, they're unstoppable. But when a drug deal goes south and the twins find themselves on the wrong side of, well, pretty much everyone, things get really interesting. Suddenly, they're caught in a deadly game of cat and mouse, with cops, criminals, and everyone in between hot on their heels. And that's where you come in, dear reader. I want you to join Ethan and Alex on this wild, adrenaline-fueled ride. I want you to feel every punch, every gunshot, every heart-stopping twist and turn. [And let me tell you, there's no shortage of blood and gore in this story. If you're squeamish, you might want to keep a bucket nearby. But if you're like me and you love a good, gritty, no-holds-barred crime thriller, then you're in for a treat.] I've poured my blood, sweat, and tears (okay, maybe just a lot of coffee and late nights) into making this story as raw, as real, and as gripping as possible. If you're a fan of bone-crunching action, complex characters, and plots that keep you guessing until the very last page, then "The Apollo Twins" is the book for you. [And if you're wondering why I decided to write this story, well... let's just say that "Top Boy" really got under my skin. I couldn't stop thinking about the world of British street crime, and I knew I had to put my own spin on it. So, I took the grit and the grime of "Top Boy," and I cranked it up to eleven. I added more stakes, more danger, and yes, a whole lot more blood. The result is a story that's not for the faint of heart, but one that I think will keep you on the edge of your seat from start to finish.] Writing this novel has been a wild journey for me, and I can't wait for you to experience it too. I've put my heart and soul into every page, and I genuinely believe that it shows. So, if you're ready to dive into the seedy, dangerous, and utterly thrilling world of Ethan and Alex Blackwood, then buckle up, buttercup. It's going to be one hell of a ride. Thanks for giving "The Apollo Twins" a chance. I promise, you won't regret it. And if you do, well... I guess you can always use it as a coaster for your coffee mug. (Just kidding. Please don't do that. I worked really hard on this thing.) Alright, enough rambling from me. It's time for you to meet the twins. Happy reading, folks. And remember - keep your head down and your fists up. It's a dangerous world out there. Golden Essence

Golden_Essence · 都市
17 Chs


When Arne was eleven years old, he was told by his mother, “The animals lie sometimes, they lure you into something that’s a lie, and you forget where you are, you have to beware of that, stay away from them.” Until one day when Arne finds an injured flaming red rabbit and looks into the pair of the most beautiful eyes he has ever seen, it's eyes golden yellow the shade of the afternoon sun with a circle of brown chandelier centered in them, and he can't help but pick it up to sneak it off into his home and nurse it back to health. He was 19 now, and he didn't tell his mother, that at nights and days he had sneaked off before and made friends with animals, they never lied. Until..... Until one day he woke up and suddenly found a man with those same yellow and brown eyes looking at him as if he could snap Arne in half. When he asked the most dangerously beautiful man he had ever seen, "Who are you?" The man's voice whipped through the air like a lash, his yellow brown eyes hissed at Arne filled with hate and distaste, the man said, "You are not allowed to make any statements when I take you there, you are to be taken straight to the palace under the rules of the kingdom. Your mother has been arrested under the imputation of taking you from the King without assertion." "What, what are you trying to say?" Arne had stepped back from horror and confusion, "Where is my mom, where is my rabbit, what have you done? Mom!!!" He bellowed. No response came back. "Who are you?" he roared to the stranger standing with naked chest in his room, the man had countless abs and muscles, his body hard and glowing stark under the dim light of the room but Arne had his own strength, he was taller than the man, and he ran, every day, surely he could handle the man if he tried hard. He prepared himself for a fight and launched himself at the man, the man dived easy as air and picked up Arne with tight strong burning hands as if Arne weighed nothing, throwing him on to the bed. The last thing Arne remembered before losing himself to a bright orange haze that made his body languid and chest hurtle, was those vicious yellow eyes seeping, the man's golden pale face covered with flaming red hair, inches above him raking goosebumps on his skin. And those words, spoken with a hiss of a snake, "You are a prince, and you don't even know how to fight." WARNING: Will contain mature, sexual scenes. Read at your own risk. @ALL THE COPYRIGHT BELONGS TO ME.

Skindledreams · ファンタジー
15 Chs

Pria 2018

*Berdasarkan kisah nyata. Citra Mustika Meisya Rina— tak pernah menyangka sebelumnya bahwa ia akan melanjutkan sekolahnya dibangku Sekolah Menengah Kejuruan yang selama ini ia inginkan. Berkat bantuan dari salah satu gurunya — ia berhasil mendapatkan beasiswa penuh untuk bisa melanjutkan belajarnya sampai kelulusan tiba. Selama itu pula didalam pikiran dan benak Citra hanya terpikirkan untuk belajar dan belajar. Mengejar prestasi guna mempertahankan beasiswa yang sudah ia dapatkan. Tak pernah terpikirkan olehnya sekedar untuk berkenalan dengan seorang laki-laki. Sosoknya yang pemalu juga pendiam membuat Citra sedikit mengalami kesulitan untuk bergaul. Sampai Tuhan mempertemukannya dengan laki-laki berkulit sawo matang dengan senyumannya yang manis bernama Fatih Andrean. Tuhan menitipkan rasa itu dalam hati Citra. Perasaan cinta yang bertahan hingga bertahun-tahun lamanya, tak kunjung menghilang meski sudah berpisah. Berpisah karena memang sudah saatnya. "Pisah? Padahal kita belum ada apa-apa." Citra menggumam. Banyak orang disekelilingnya mengatakan untuk, lupakan, lupakan dan lupakan. Tetapi, omongan orang tidak semudah itu untuk Citra lakukan. Bertemu dengan seorang laki-laki bernama Fatih Andrean seperti Citra menemukan cinta pertamanya. Meski setelah perpisahan itu, Citra berusaha untuk melupakannya. Mulut bisa berbohong tetapi perasaannya tidak bisa melakukan itu. Citra masih mengharapkan Fatih. Citra masih berharap supaya Tuhan mempertemukannya lagi dengannya suatu saat nanti. Apa perasaan ini hanya ada dipihaknya? Atau juga dipihak sang pria? Fatih dan Citra, akankah pada akhirnya mereka bersatu selamanya?

Iccii_Mochii2 · 若者
2 Chs


  • 総合レビュー
  • テキストの品質
  • リリース頻度安定性
  • ストーリー展開
  • キャラクターデザイン
  • 世界観設定

this is a honest review from a honest author. you may already know about what's the main idea of this novel is, yep this is a pile of my dropped novel. by the time i upload this review there was 3 novel that i has dropped and add as this novel chapter. hope that i will never never added a new dropped novel here.


