
1)foolish Gladiator

Date of creation: june 6 2024

Number of chapters: 1 chp

Chp 1.

(the day the world change)


Today is the new year, all sort of people is gathering up at the city center waiting for the count down of the new year.


When the clock show the time what comes out is not a fireworks or voice of people but an angel.

It has a beautiful face of a woman with 2 wings on its back, the angel wearing a full white clothes that represents the outfit of a saint.

People is Amazed with how beautiful the angel looks, the angel is staring at the people with a warm sight.

- is that an angel

- she's pretty

- if i ask her out will she answer yes?

- stupid ! There no way a being like her take an interest on you.

While people's talking about the angel a handsome man with a blonde hair is step up and ask the angel.

- bows down

"May i ask? Who are you?"

The angel smile at the man that ask her questions, the angel is interested with how polite the man is.

"My name is Uriel, and i was the one that manage the game at this country"

"What do you mean by "game" Miss angel?"

After hearing another question from the man the angel is opening some sort of panel at the air.

"The game that i talking about is about this world, this world has came to it's end, but because of the beings that didn't like that this world has to end, comes up with the idea of making a game that all of the people has goes through with."

A man from the crowd is putting his hand in the air and ask.

"And what if i don't want to"

Hearing the question from the man in the crown, the angel close her eyes and put a smile on her face.

"If you don't want to... *Snap*"

After the angel snap her finger suddenly the head of the man from the crowd is suddenly explode like a balloon, and make that man blood cover the people around him.

People that see what just happens is screaming, some are pass out and some are crying.

With just a sigle move of the angel can make the whole crowd a mess.

And just from that single move can make everyone understands how absolute the angel is.

Seing the reaction from all the crowd the angel shows a smile that everyone can't forget about.

A creepy smile.

The handsome man that bows down to the angel is now afraid of the angel, the man is taking a step back from the angel, but when he just about to step back the angel is snapping her finger.

- snap

After hearing the snap everyone is expecting another person died, but what they see is not a blood but a panel.

The panel shows a question that has to be answered.

[ will you join the game?]

[Yes] [No]

Everyone is shocked by the panel sudden appearance, knowing what will happen if they declined everyone is choosing the yes button.

But doesn't like other people a man is choosing a no.

The name of the man is Evan Minar and that's me.

"Sigh... I should be serious"


My name is Evan Minar a novelist, what i writing right now is my new webnovel that i created.

I actually made 7 webnovel already but from all of that novel they all has a bad ending.

For example my first ever novel [the way to play] a regression type of novel, the ending of the novel is, the world is explode without any trace's left.

And that's quiet the ending that i used to all of my novel.

And i determine to make this novel seriously like my favorite novelist [IMOAN], he always take his creation seriously without any bad ending.

Well let's stop that and let's focus on my computer.

*Several minutes later*

"And... It's done"

The last thing i need to do is just upload the chapter and create a new one.

When I'm just about to make a new chapter a panel suddenly show up.

The panel say a thing that oddly familiar to me.

[ will you join the game?]

[Yes] [No]

Seing the panel there's is only one thing that come to my mind, "did my novel become a reality?"

That would be cool, i can become very OP just by knowing a few information from my novel.

Haha... But let's be real, what is this thing, yeah i know it's a window system like all the cliche novel, but what I'm asking is what is this 'game'.

While thinking the meaning of the panel , i walk to my window and see at outside of my Apartment.

What i see is not a house a person or a bird, but what i see is a weird creature.

It was short his skin colored green with an ugly face, after seing all of that characteristics there is only one creature that come to mind.

It's a goblin

But why did a goblin suddenly show up at the middle of city.

The goblin that I've been watching for a several minutes is now approaching a woman and her kids.

After the goblin is close enough with the lady, the goblin take a dagger from its back and killed the women's children and then raped the women.

After seing such a view i vomit to my floor, i know that i pathetic but I'm not that cool to be okay after seing that thing.

Back to the topic what should i do with this panel.

And after a few of consideration i declined the over and wait.

After waiting long enough i suddenly teleported to a place that looks like an arena.

At the seat that was placed high up from the place where i standing there where a people?or a creature a sitting at the seat and watching at the arena where i right now standing.

After waiting a few second suddenly another panel is showing up, it says.

[Because of your fool act toward the system, you will now being thrown to the colosseum where you will fight with another gladiator]

[Well hope you can stay alive you Foolish Gladiator]