
Transmigration into being a better mother

She woke up into another woman’s body. She went from being rich to poor. From badass to weak. She went from being single to being a mother. Lydia Lin had no idea how to parent a child. In fact, it seemed as thought the original host of the body was the exact same. However unlike the original host she would try to become a better mother.

Dianna_M · 若者
4 Chs

Little Cherub

I felt numb. The air around me had a stifling aura as if I was being weighed down by a ton of rocks. I felt A small hand reach out and clasp my hand tightly, trying to catch my blurry gaze. The hospital smell of disinfectant seemed even more prominent and caused me to wrinkle my nose in disgust. I shook off the hand that attempted to grasp mine, and held my now trembling body tightly.

"Why did I feel so cold?" I thought to myself quietly. The bright lights that blurred my eyesight before seemed to slightly dim as my eyes adjusted to luminosity. I blinked rapidly to finally clear my vision and saw what appeared to be somewhat familiar faces. My body felt as though It knew the people in the room, however, I knew that was impossible. I had never seen nor met these people in my entire life of being successful business mogul, and I remembered faces quite vividly.

"Who.. who are you people?" I questioned delicately, not wanting to ruin the hopeful atmosphere. I saw a small, cute child look at me timidly as I spoke these words. His light chocolate brown eyes seemed to be filled with unshed tears, and his rosy cheeks puffed up as his bottom lip quivered slightly.

"M-mommy?" I heard the cherub looking child ask. His timid, and slightly scared voice seemed to trigger something inside me, and before I knew it, various memories started entering my head— memories which weren't mine.

My head pounded as the memories flooded into my brain. Little by little I realized that this was not my body and instead was a body of a young, abandoned mother. A mother who struggled to provide for her child and resorted to harming her child more than helping it.

Unknowingly, tears started to fall from my eyes. I felt a small hand grab mine firmly and attempt to crawl onto my hospital bed. The cute child's eyebrows furrowed as he used my thin arm to pull his weight onto the bed. His cheeks puffed out even more, making him looking more and more like a small dumpling. Before I knew it, I started laughing at the innocent child which looked at me in confusion. Gently pulling the child onto my bed, I caressed his soft cheeks. The smell of vanilla immediately hit my nostrils and strangely I wanted to hug the adorable little boy even more.

"'Mummy don't cry..." the boy whispered as his chubby hands gently wiped my tear-stained face. "I will protect you." He stated firmly making me wonder who would hurt such a filial child.