
Transmigration into being a better mother

She woke up into another woman’s body. She went from being rich to poor. From badass to weak. She went from being single to being a mother. Lydia Lin had no idea how to parent a child. In fact, it seemed as thought the original host of the body was the exact same. However unlike the original host she would try to become a better mother.

Dianna_M · Teen
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4 Chs

Sister and Mother

"Mommy is okay little dumpling" I slightly smiled and gave him a little boop on his nose. The little boy in my arms cutely laughed and suddenly hugged me tighter.

"Mommy this time I will be a good boy. Don't leave me, okay?" The tiny boy asked softly for confirmation, as he burrowed his face into my hospital gown. I could feel the sudden pain in his voice and felt my heart slightly ache for this boy whose mother was no longer present. Instead I was in place of her, and I was sure that I would not let anything harm this little dumpling ever again.

"Mommy made mistakes little dumpling... Can you forgive her? Mommy promises to be stay with you forever." I softly whispered to the little bundle of cuteness in my arms and couldn't help but slightly pinch his cheeks when he looked up. His big brown eyes scrunched up slightly as he smiled at me with an adorable grin. But as if he realized something, his face immediately became more serious.

"Mommy promise not to meet daddy again, okay? I don't like daddy." The boy sternly said as if he was a little teacher trying to coach a disobedient student. My heart immediately warmed towards the bun in my arms and I nodded obediently. I remembered who his father was, and knew he was the reason I ended up in this hospital in the first place. What an ignorant man.

A sudden cough came from my side and I finally noticed the other people in the room. It was the host body's sister and mother who were now looking at me with fake pity. My experience in the business world allowed me to see straight through their thick masks.

Now it looked like I had to cleanup a few bugs before me and my little bun returned home. I simply raised my eyebrows at the two figures and looked at them, questioning their existence in my hospital room. From what I knew the host and her relatives were never really close. They kicked her out of the house once she got pregnant and left her to fend for herself.

"Sister... are you alright?" My fake, but pretty looking, sister asked softly. I could see her eyes flash with malice as she looked at the little bun in my arms, before reverting back to her original fake face.

"I'm in a hospital. Do you think I'm alright?" I sarcastically replied, causing her lips to quiver and small, clear tears to fall from her doe eyes. I hate green tea bishes, and that was exactly what my new sister was in this world.

"How dare you say that to your sister! She came here especially for you." My mother yelled at me mercilessly, as if my sister had done me a big favor. I could already picture the reason why they came to the hospital in my head: they probably wanted to anger me to death.

"Mom... it's not sister's fault. She's just sick" my fake sister pitifully replied to my angered mother, fanning the flames of her anger even more.

"HA! So what? Sick or not she can't look after herself or her child... you know what? Just give the child to us..." my mother stated greedily, already holding out her arms towards the tiny boy in my arms. My baby simply shook his head quickly, and looked at me with widened, fearful eyes. I patted his back reassuringly and told him to rest.

"Your sister would make a better mother than you. Just give the boy to your sister and let her raise the child. You can visit it once every year or so..." my mother started spewing her crazy ideas, as if she thought I would easily comply to her. The little bun was not a burden to me but a blessing. If it was the previous host she might have conceded, but there was no way the bun was going to my devious mother and sister's arms in my watch.