
Transformers. Marvel

Downey was a cargo driver until he crossed to Marvel. As soon as he opened his eyes, he saw Hulk and Abomination enthusiastically carrying out the demolition work on the streets of New York. He suddenly turned black and awakened in shock. With the variant ability of “, he began to modify his minivan, which he named “Optimus Prime” step by step.

Maxis_Ark · 映画
66 Chs

Cracked shadow

Several hard-to-cut blood chains bound Downey firmly.

  Dickon stared at Downey, greed and obsession in his eyes. He is a vampire, and because he is an acquired hybrid hybrid, he works harder than other vampires, which gives him the talent and ability far superior to other vampires.

   He keenly discovered Downey's difference, and found a dagger in the bar specially, and got a trace of Downey's fluke that was not burned to study it. A mutant with the ability to create? Creation is the authority of the legendary gods! A mere high-level mutant, how good is he?

   As a result, Dickon went crazy.

   Downey's blood contains a certain kind of magical substance, which has the effect of sublimation and evolution. It seems that there is a certain mysterious biological code hidden in Downey's blood. Dickon is a vampire. He has been dealing with the blood of various creatures all his life, and he can unearth the secrets in the blood to the maximum.

He was a little crazy. Downey's traces of dead blood sublimated the blood of the Daywalker, which was not enough in his hand, to an extraordinary level. This subverted Dickon's three views. He realized that Downey There must be a huge secret in his body, lurking in the depths of Downey's blood. The end of the essence of life must have some magical source.

  He wants to catch Downey! Dissecting him! Study him! He wants to find the secret of that source!

   Downey's face was sullen. The anticoagulant, which can be called a big killer, was useless, and his heart sank suddenly. Anticoagulants are useless, so how can you kill Dickon, an infinitely resurrected monster?

   Really said like he joked before, killing hundreds or thousands of times? They would be exhausted before they could kill enough, telling Downey intuitively that it would be a dead end to fight Dicken at this time.

   The blood yoke gradually tightened. The thick blood has amazing toughness, and the rope is actually stronger, becoming a death chain that binds Downey.

  Downey's armor suddenly assembled a large number of blades, cutting off all the blood in an instant.

  This time, Downey was really anxious. The failure of the anticoagulant gave him a blow, causing him to unconsciously use all his strength to break free, no matter how to defeat the blood god. Breaking free is the most important step.  In the brain domain, the source of fire that is between existence and non-existence, jumped for a moment, bursting with dazzling light! A steady stream of fire can be transmitted out under Downey's control, and it is naturally attached to the armor.

  "It's useless, this kind of ridiculous physical attack is of no use to me at all!" 

Dickon looked at his prey, jokingly looking at a lamb waiting to be slaughtered. This is a feeling of power that makes Dickon, who has been pursuing power for his entire life, mesmerized! Instead of him who was a few hours ago, he would only turn around and leave when confronted by Downey. He was so stupid that he would face-to-face with the famous war machine, the mechanic.

  These years, without two brushes, who would fight Downey, a mutant who can make mechanical soldiers? Relying on the number of people and heavy weapons to pile up is the right way.

   But now, he has the ability to fight Downey head-on! And it is easy to crush!

  The cut blood will always return to its original state in the first time. Dickon laughed wildly. He would catch Downey and study the secrets of Downey.

  There was another sound, Dicken's laughter stopped abruptly, his eyes were somewhat frozen, and the whole person seemed to be frozen there.

The blade attached to the fire energy cut off the blood like cutting vegetables, but the blood never recovered as quickly as before. Instead, it seemed to have encountered a terrible thing, was wiped out, and fell weakly on the ground, turning into one. The beach is dead water, dry and dead.

 "It seems to be useful!" A big knife was completed in no time, and it struck Dickon's arm that had turned into a shackle!

  The blood arm broke at the sound and fell weakly to the ground. The thick blood twitched a few times and seemed to be struggling, but it quickly lost its vitality and quickly withered from the fracture.

  "How is this possible... how is this possible! How can you have this ability! I am a blood god, I am immune to any attack, and I am an unkillable god!"

  Dickon stared at him, very confused, why is there such a thing? It was obvious that Downey was at a loss before, why did it suddenly become like this?

Downey jumped far away, and two little Transformers surrounded him, staring at Dickon. He looked at his hands, faintly understood. He believes that his ability is to make Transformers. If you want to have Transformers, you must have a source of fire. But he has always attached fire energy to the material itself of Transformers.

 To activate a Transformer, the most basic requirement is that the original has a relatively complete energy loop, and then it is activated a little by his fire source.

  There is only one exception...When the abomination was killed, it was the only time that the seed exploded. The cost was painful, leaving a deep scar on the source of the fire, and it has not recovered so far. Downey has always been afraid that the explosion of the Phoenix Qin will destroy his personality, and his explosion will greatly burn the source of the fire. If he explodes a few more times, will his whole person be burned and completely abolished?

For a long time, Downey's use of the fire source has been applied to the material of Transformers, and he did not consider or dare not consider using the fire energy itself as an active energy. He stubbornly desperately upgraded the material level. , To make them harder, but never thought of adding a pair of energy armor to this material, not wanting, or not, his fire source could not help being consumed like this.

At this moment, Downey laughed, and the shadow that had always been stuck in his heart seemed to have torn a little bit open, and he was able to meet the sun.

"I'm really stupid...like a timid fool." Downey smiled cheerfully. He hasn't been so cheerful for a long time. He has always been cautious in using his abilities. was afraid of repeating the same mistakes. He was afraid to release the source of fire unscrupulously, and once again burned the source of fire. The scene of the past has left a huge shadow on him until now.

   But he was wrong! He is afraid of using his controllable ability, how can he use its power!

  The source of fire... the miracle that accompanied him to this life was stronger than he thought! The fire source will be strong as he is strong, and fragile as he is fragile!

"Asshole, don't be proud, I will kill you, I will kill you myself!" Dickon was irritated by the laughter, his scarlet eyes were frantic, and the other arm grabbed towards Downey and turned into Leaving the blood river, with great power, suddenly rushed towards Downey.

  Downey no longer avoids, he is wearing a new shield, which can also be armored by fire! He decided not to hide, and he didn't need to hide anymore. Downey rushed forward facing the blood river!

  Downey is extremely small in front of this blood river, but such a small person rushed fearlessly at the huge waves surging ahead!


The huge forces collided with each other, and there was a deafening noise! Downey is like a rock in the ocean, and I won't move if you let the waves hit the sky! He drew the knife again, waved it several times, and chopped off a large amount of blood, weakening the blood **** little by little.

"Impossible, how can you do this, I am the blood god! How can you absorb my vitality?!" Dickon couldn't believe this scene, and the overwhelming river of blood was blocked by a small rock.

   to gain vitality?

  Downey sneered, and didn't explain much, and he didn't need to explain to Dickon. His source of fire is the authority to create, not the authority to destroy things. Where does the ability to absorb vitality come from?