
Transcended as God Usopp

A man gets transported into the world of one piece as Usopp. what will he do with his knowledge of future events will he follow the same route as original Usopp or will he create his own new legend in the world of pirates?

_shinigami_san_ · アニメ·コミックス
19 Chs

Training plans

'If I go according to cannon then luffy, Zoro and nami are supposed to arrive in between five to four years which is a long time from now and captain kuro will arrive in two years so i should atleast have two year's to prepare for it'.

'So the first thing i need to do is befriend Kaya so that i could get financial help from her and she is studing to become a doctor so that would quite useful as well'.

'But before that I need to strengthen my body as well because Usopp's physique isn't that great as he never trained before'.

'But his skills in sniping was unmatched as he could be said to be one of the best sniper's that exists so i need to train in that as well as i cannot let his godly talent go to waste'.

After thinking all this Alex now In body of Usopp got out of his house as he was hungry.

So he went to the restaurant to eat while on his way he saw that the people had a weird look in there eyes.

He thought that it was probably due to all the lies that Usopp says.

It must really be annoying for them to listen to the same lie again and again about how pirates were coming.

He first began this practice when he started yelling to his ill mother that pirates were coming in the hopes that it would strengthen her spirits enough to keep her alive.

After his mother died, he just continued to do so because of the pain of having lost both parents one way or another, leaving himself alone.

Many of the villagers made a show of chasing him and throwing things at him for running through the town, but they were used to his antics.

Some villagers even used his daily run through town as a sort of alarm clock.

Ussop sighed as he continued his walk to the restaurant. After few minutes he arrived at the restaurant and ordered for the food as he sat on his seat and he began to think how he would train.

He remembered the Marines rokushiki techniques which If he is able to learn it somehow would increase his strength by leaps and bounds so he decided that after eating he would start training in that.

while he was in his inner monologue suddenly three kids came inside the restaurant. i saw them and asked them ''yo what are you guys doing here". "We were searching for you"said pepper as he told me that they came here so that we can play pirates.

'I wanted to train but if i suddenly started behaving different they might get suspicious so I agreed with them and went to play with them after eating'.

'It really felt good be able to live as a kid again'. 'After playing around with them for few hours i returned home and started training'.

'I tried to check what my current limit is as i realised that it was quite low'.

'I was only able to do fifteen pushups fifteen squats and 2 kilometres run to get exhausted'. so after exercising for today i went to sleep.