
Transcended as God Usopp

A man gets transported into the world of one piece as Usopp. what will he do with his knowledge of future events will he follow the same route as original Usopp or will he create his own new legend in the world of pirates?

_shinigami_san_ · アニメ·コミックス
19 Chs

Marshall D.Veyron

'After looking at me seriously judging wether to trust me or not. It looked like he had had finaly decided to trust me'.

"My name is Marshall D.Veyron"

"What!!" I was shocked at this revelation of him having a "D" in his name, that might have been the reason of his conquerors haki'.

'But he also had Marshall in his name isn't it same as that of black beared there is a chance that he might might be related to black beared somehow but this is just a speculation though, I could be wrong but the chances ain't zero either.

'This guy is a trouble big trouble, but I like the opportunity that might open up if this guy is with me'.

"So Veyron who were those guys that were chasing you and why?" I asked as I started looking at him seriously to get the answer which I wanted'.

"Well those guys were the goons hired by a basterd of a noble. and the reason they were after me was because I punched that noble" (Here what he meant to say is that he punched a normal rich noble not a celestial dragon)

"Why would you punch a noble there must be reason behind it if you did it, so can you elaborate more about that" I said as I thought that no sane person would want to get himself in trouble for stupid reasons'.

"Well it all started on that day three years ago. I lived happily with my parents. my parents had there own restaurant and it flourished quite well everything was nice. we had a happy life''.

"Until one day An ugly rich noble came to our restaurant not with the intention of eating food but rather he had other ulterior motive, he walked near my mother and catched her hand and said that he liked her and wanted to take her for his pleasure".

"Upon seeing this act of the noble my father tried to make him understand that she was already married to him and that he cannot take her away from him as she is his wife".

"The noble got angry after hearing this and in a fit of anger he shot my father twise in the head and dragged my mother to his mansion against her will".

"At the time of this incident I wasn't at the restaurant so when I returned I was shocked after I heard about this from the people who had witnessed this incident".

"My whole world had shattered I felt that it was all my fault if only I had stayed at the restaurant maybe I could have had done something".

"But from inside I knew that even if I had stayed there it wouldn't have changed a damn thing because I was weak, so I stoped my wailing and went to nobles mansion. I cried and begged for him to release my mother from his confinement".

"But at all my tries at Begging him he only Laughed at me and mocked me, I kept begging him everyday till one day, I heard from one of his maids that my mother had died!!".

"That was it, I went and confronted the noble."Ha Ha ha your mother she was pretty I can't deny that but her constant crying and wailing about her dead husband was starting to get really annoying, so I fed her to my crocodiles." he said as he started laughing like a piece of shit that he is.

"At that moment something snapped in me it was as if I didn't have control over my body, I wanted to kill him tear him apart from limb to limb, I jumped on him and started raining down punches upon punches on him but unfortunately I was stopped by his gaurds".

"They tried to capture me but I somehow escaped from them and ran away from there. The rich noble wanted my head at any cost so he told all his men to capture me and bring me back to him and the person who does that will be rewarded handsomely".

"Since then I have been on a run for a whole year." Veyron said as he looked down at the ground'.

"well I am sorry to hear that but what are you going to do now, I don't think talking revenge on that basterd will be easy let alone with the way you are now" I said pointing towards his figure.

"I will do it somehow, I will kill that basterd and all those world nobles for what they have done to me and my family" he said with a roaring anger and a burning Passion.

"Well If you are so adamant about that then I have a offer for you, I will help you get your revenge and in return you join me."I said with a grin on my face.

'He started pondering for a bit then agreed "sure from now on I will be in your care, but first about your promise of providing me as much as food as I want" he said as he tried to get up to which I offered my hand which he caught and got up.

"well now you now you know about me as I have answered to all your questions but who really are you" he said as he dusted his clothes.