
Transcended as God Usopp

A man gets transported into the world of one piece as Usopp. what will he do with his knowledge of future events will he follow the same route as original Usopp or will he create his own new legend in the world of pirates?

_shinigami_san_ · アニメ·コミックス
19 Chs


'After few seconds I regained my conscious and got up from the ground and looked around, the area of our fight was totally decimated'.

'I see Captain Chainsaw laying near me covered in the pool of his own blood knocked out'. I started walking staggeringly and sat down near a tree.

I was the only person left conscious right now as everyone else was knocked out due to my Conqueror haki'.

'At the matter of consciousness, I remembered, I had finally awakened a form of haki and not just any type of haki it was Conqueror Haki, although I am pretty sure I can't Actually control it as of yet'.

'The next thing is that I had finally learned how to perform air walk which opens many possibilities for me'.

'Anyway, these Pirates aren't dead yet they are just unconscious so I need to do something to deal with them before they wake up and I am not in the mood to kill them one by one'.

'So I will just tie them all up together, I thought, as I went to grab a rope from someone's house and started tying every single one of them'.

after trying them up I went to the village. there I saw everyone lying unconscious on the ground so I went and started to wake them up'.

'After waking up, all of them started asking many questions'. "Hey Usopp what happened, how did we all get unconscious, what happened to the Pirates who came to the village, and what happened to you, how did you get wounded this badly".

"Well wait a second will you, I will give the answers to all your questions one by one," I said with a sigh.

"So first of all I don't know how you all got unconscious" I lied to them as I was not going to tell them that they got unconscious because of my Conqueror haki, as I ain't taking risks.

"As for your second question about the Pirates, Well I defeated them and tied them near the shore and that's also the reason for all this wounds," I said calmly while fingering my ear'.

"""" WHAT YOU DEFEATED THEM ALL BY YOURSELF"""" they asked/ shouted shocked'.

"It's hard to believe, how can a kid like you defeat those pirates" said a man as he stepped forward'.

''Well it's indeed hard to believe but it did happen''. I said calmly'.

"But if you still don't trust me then you can ask them yourself they are tied on the shore so you can find them there and by the way don't get too close to their captain, he might be tied but he is still dangerous''. I said with a smirk'. 'The man who had stepped in front started sweating profusely'.

"well i need to go now so can you guys please move aside" I said to them as i started walking towards Kaya's mansion'.

"At reaching the mansion I see that the guards are still unconscious so I wake them Up and tell them that I want to talk to kaya'.

'They are hesitant at first but I somehow convince them so they take me to kaya'. the guards knock on Kaya's door but doesn't get a response'.

'I sigh realising that even kaya was knocked out by my Conquerors haki, so I tell them that I think even kaya was knocked out like the rest of them'.

'So we forcefully open the door, After entering the room we see kaya unconscious in her bed, I walked near her bed and woke her up'.

"Hi Usopp" she said as she started regaining her consciousness. "What happened how did I get Unconscious" she asked innocently tilting her haid'.

'I sighed at that'. ''well I will tell but first can you tell your gaurds to leave the room" I said while looking at the gaurds who looked reluctant to leave the room'.

"Oh! Sure thing. Hey guards, could you please step out of the room for a minute?". the guards although reluctant leaves the Room'.

"Okay, now that I'm alone in the room with you, please tell me what happened'. she asks while looking at me'.

"Well long story short. some pirates came to the village I fought to protect the village and defeated them but while I was fighting them i lost control of my Immeasurable power so it leaked out a bit and everyone on the Island got knocked out due to it''. I said with a huge grin plastered on my face'.

'And like every other lie she believed this one as well Although this time it was the truth'.

"So I wanted to ask you a ship so that I could go to the nearest marine base to cash in the Bounty of the pirates". I said to her with a smile'.

"Well I could give you a ship but i need to ask my father first". she said as she got up from her bed'.

'I totally forgot that her father didn't die yet'. 'sigh well anyway let's hope that he agrees'.

'After that kaya and i went to meet Kaya's father who luckily agreed to give me a ship'. 'It was the same as going marry as it had same goat shaped head and everything'.

'It really brought back so many memories, as a drop of tear left my eyes'. after checking the ship for a while I loded the tied pirates on the ship'.

'I asked Kaya to send some of her workers who are good at piloting a ship with me as i didn't know how to pilot a ship'.

'After everything was ready we set sail for the nearest marine base'.