
Tranquil Storm

All my life I had two dreams, One was to be able to leave this cruel world behind, completely disappearing from my horrid existence. The second was to be reborn as what could have been: what should have been. What if I could just be the person I am inside? What if I did not have to hide my true self any longer? These thoughts cross my mind and I ponder, but no matter how many times I think these things, a thought is still a thought; that is, until it became my reality... ——————————— A tale about the secrets within and how to overcome them.

BlueOrchids · ファンタジー
33 Chs


Phoenix's Viewpoint:

For some reason I always attract trouble and yet another prime example is this moment.

The boy spoke, "You're the transfer eh? I got you a little something."

He held out a cup filled with liquid that was in the cups used for the cafeteria.


As I was about to grab the drink, he squished the cup in his palm which made the liquid splatter all over me. Dripping wet, I stood and held out a five dollar bill, "Here, for the drink."

I smiled. Quill got out of his seat and walked over.

He stopped by my side, "Why are you letting him do this?!"

Now, for a guy who is five foot six inches to say this, it takes guts. Quill is a kind person by nature but also shy, for him to stand up for me like this...

"I don't think you two know your place yet, well let me tell you. You think you can walk into my school like you own the place when you need this pathetic little loser here to stand up for you? pathetic."

I mumbled under my breath, "Enhancement: Speed."

"What was that transfer? You should look someone in the eye when you talk to them."

In an instant I appeared in front of the boy and released my blood lust. An inch away from his face I stared into his pupils with a cold, dead gaze, screaming with malice. The way he shook in fear reminded me of a frightened lamb.

"Let me make myself clear. You can insult me all you want but if you insult my friend ever again, you're DEAD. Got it?"

I smiled in a way that put a shiver down his spine and he nodded without words.


I retracted my blood lust and I could hear him and his entourage breathe like they hadn't in several minutes. They ran, "You'll regret this!"

There was silence... BAM the entire room exploded with commotion!

"Amazing, you actually scared him off!"

"How'd you do that? You were so fast!"

"So cool!"

All this noise and praise yet I heard none of it. I hurt everyone I touch. I hurt Quill, just by being his friend i hurt him.

A voice snapped me out of my thoughts, "Thank you, Phoenix."

In front of me was a blushing Quill as shy as ever. I placed my hand on his head, "What are friends for?"

Even though I couldn't see his face I could feel him smiling.


Nova's Viewpoint:

"Nova... Nova!"


"Nova, are you good?"

"I'm good Melody, I just blanked for a second there."

'What was that feeling? I'm not angry so why did I feel like that?'

Mr Willows yelled, "Go!"

Both of our teams sprinted to the wall.

I chanted, "Accelerate!"

My teams movements became faster now.

I yelled to my teammates, "On my signal, jump!"

they all responded with tenacity, "Okay!"

I wasn't expecting that response, I guess they all trust me. I unknowingly smiled.

The wall approached closer, "Now!"

Everyone jumped on my command.

Cynthia was the first to realize, "W-we're floating!?"

Everyone else instinctively looked down and saw it. The ground was getting farther and farther away!

Jack was trembling, "I'm afraid of heights."

Cynthia hopped up to her feet, "Nova, what is this?!"

"It can wait 'till later, don't break my concentration."

'This spell takes all my concentration to keep it active, I'll have to train more after this.'

Cynthia was about to yell again but Melody stopped her, "Do you want to plummet to your death? Don't make Nova lose focus."

'Thanks Melody, I owe you one.'

Five minutes had past yet there was no end in sight.

'Something's not right.'

"Melody, use sound magic and aim it at the wall."

"What, why?"

"Just do it please."

"Okay, Sound Tunnel!"

After a few seconds Melody opened her eyes, "That's weird."

Cynthia was curious, "What is it?"

"The sound I sent out went through the wall faster then it should have considering the materials it's made of."

'Just as I thought.'

I made us move towards the wall at a fast speed.

Cynthia was clueless, "Are you trying to kill us! Stop moving!"

The wall came closer and closer but we never hit it.

"Huh? Why didn't we crash?"

I explained, "There was never a wall."


"Mr Willows was trying to teach us something; don't trust anyone."

Melody finished my thought, "For example, what if there were a spy among our ranks? What if an enemy disguised themselves as a friend?"


Jack interrupted, "This is a great teaching moment but can you bring us down now!"

"Sure thing but you'll have to stop us."

"What do you mean by th-"

I released the spell and we all went into a free fall.

"Nova, are you nuts!!!"

"Jack, You can do this. I believe in you."

Jack stopped screaming and went silent. He glanced at my face filled with trust.

'Nova... believes in me?'

["You're a disappoint, Jack. You have an ancient hex and that's all? A waste of my time and money. Don't show yourself before me again until you are less of a failure..."]

'I won't disappoint you!!!'


Suddenly, our descent slowed and we landed on the ground perfectly safe. It seemed Jack pulled through.

I walked over to Jack and grabbed his shoulder with a smile, "Nice work, I knew you were up to it."

Jack had a huge grin, "I really did it!"

"Do you have a death wish!"

Cynthia was breathing heavily and looked like she was going to vomit.

"Don't worry. I had a plan B."

"You...! Ah, whatever. At least we're safe."

"Alright, lets go! Accelerate!"

We ran through the thick foliage for quite awhile but found nothing.

'Wait, I've seen that bird nest before.'

I put out my arm and the others behind me stopped.

"We're lost."

"What do you mean 'We're lost.' You're the leader, so lead us correctly!"

"Cynthia, do you ever shut up?"

"What did you say!?"

I interrupted by whistling with Sound Amplification, creating a loud, high pitched whistle. There was some bushes rustling to our side and out came Lionel.

"What's up Lionel? How have you been?"

Lionel roared, 'I'm good, the others are as well. You summoned me for something?'

"Ah, yes! I summoned you because this part of the forest makes people lost right? I read about it before. The fungus in the area emit a type of hallucinogen that make people wander aimlessly."

Meanwhile, the others were witnessing this as a girl talking to a large spirit animal but only Nova was talking.

"I think Nova has lost it..."

"Cynthia, could you believe in Nova for once?"

"Ugh, fine Melody."

"Hey guys, Lionel will show us the way, he doesn't get effected by the hallucinogens!"

"See, what did I tell you?"

"Lets go!"

Our group ran and ran, then finally we reached the edge of the forest but of course it wouldn't be that easy. In front of us stood an abyss that seemed to have no bottom.

"Thanks Lionel, I'll see you later!"

He roared then returned back into the forest. Now, what to do with this ravine?

"I should have enough spirit energy to get us across safely. Jack, i'm counting on you to float us across if I can't sustain my magic."

Jack responded nervously, "O-okay!"

'Crap, they're here.'

The other team appeared out of the forest and looked at us. It was now a race to the finish. Across the abyss lied the finish line with Mr Willows waiting there for us.

'This time I won't lose!'

"Just as we planned, jump!"

We all jumped onto the air platform I made again and zoomed off for the other side, only this time the other team was right on our tail! They rode a giant rain cloud that was being pushed along with air magic.

"Jack, enhance your gravity magic into my air magic under our feet!"

"You got it!"

As soon as Jack touched the surface underneath him, we moved as if we were weightless. Still, the other team sped up and almost matched our speed.

'That's crazy! How are you keeping up? I won't lose!'

I used all my remaining energy and propelled us farther at a speed that couldn't be seen by the naked eye.

And soon enough, I heard Mr Willows voice, "Nova's team is the winner!"

Sorry for the late post since I know I promised it yesterday. I had surgery done and was too tired to write. I hope this was worth the wait, enjoy!

BlueOrchidscreators' thoughts