
Phoenix’s Story: Shadows In Bloom

If I were you, would I enjoy myself? I've been watching from afar and you don't notice. Is it wrong to envy what you have? A family and friends. Is it wrong to walk alone? I feel sedated in my solitude. You're just another person in this world no different than I. Then how come? Why am I belittled by the likes of you? You have everything I would ask for; everything I covet. So why must I be the shadow and you an orchid? You get the time of day and I am lost in time. So why? Why am I the shadow? Just you wait, It's your turn soon.


Phoenix's Viewpoint:

I woke up to the sound of birds chirping and the rustling of delicate winds giving a response to their calls. I sat up in bed still amazed at how much of a difference a bed makes when sleeping. Looking at the clock I went tense, "Crap, I'm late!"

I jumped out of bed and ran to the dresser to find my uniform. I quickly changed out of my pajamas and into the blue and white sweater vest with black dress pants. I strode to the bathroom where I quickly brushed my teeth and went to the bathroom. I rushed into the kitchen where Logan was waiting for me.

"Phoenix, don't forget your lunch. I figured I'd pack you a large lunch since you won't have time for breakfast. Now get a move on before you miss the bus!"


I grabbed the lunch and put it in my bag before rushing to the front door. I quickly put on my shoes, "I'm off!"

"Have fun!"

I dashed out the door and sprinted to the bus stop that was only a few blocks ahead.

"Come on, make it in time!"

Up ahead was the bus loading the last few people and about to take off.


My feet became lighter and my strides become longer as I bounded towards the bus as fast as I could and before It could leave I knocked on the door. The bus driver opened it and allowed me inside although he seemed a bit grumpy, "Next time try to be on time yeah?"


"Go sit so I can get you to school."

I walked down the isle and many unfamiliar faces stared at me. They all whispered to their seat mates but I ignored them and walked to the back of the bus where a scrawny but good looking guy with glasses sat alone.

"Is this seat taken?"

He replied shyly but loosened up a bit when he saw my smile, "No... you can sit if you want."


He moved his bag onto his lap and I sat.

"My names Phoenix, what's yours?"

His voice was very silent but it was a soothing voice, "Quill... I'm Quill."

"That's a nice name! Has a good ring to it."

"You think so?"

"Yeah! It suits you well."

Quill mumbled under his breath, "You're the first one that has said that to me...."

"What was that?"

Suddenly he became defensive and started to blush, "Ah..I said thanks! Your name is cool too. Especially since your hair is red."

I reached up and touched my hair, "You're right! I never thought about that haha."

I put out my hand, "Lets be friends!"

Quill seemed excited, "Ahh.. Okay!"

We shook and chatted for the remainder of the bus ride. I still couldn't believe its been two months since i've come to this world. Logan properly handled the adoption papers for me since I had no living relatives. The owner of this body had no family just as I did before. Today was the first day of school and because of legal reasons I had to attend even though I wasn't opposed to it in the first place. I'll be attending one of the most sought after schools in the region, Sworn Sword Academy or SSA for short.

I was baffled at how I could attend such a school but Logan elaborated. Apparently he's super rich. I know! I was surprised too! With his rundown house and with his job It's almost unbelievable! However, Logan said that his family is very well known but since he was the younger brother he didn't inherit the family business and instead set out to become what he wanted. Logan still got half the inheritance when his parents past away but he has had no need to spend any of it until now. He wanted a simple life so he bought a simple house and settled down but that's all he would tell me. There were some loose ends but I decided not to intrude and left it at that.

The bus arrived at its destination and let off all of the passengers on board. Quill and I were the last to get off. We walked a few blocks and reached the school. I looked at the marvelous building in front of me and marveled at its grandness.

"This is a school?!"

Quill chuckled, "Yup and considering how you reacted I'd say you're a foreign transfer student?"

I came prepared since I don't look like a native, "Yeah, I'm actually from the America's."

"That's so cool! You have to tell me about it some time."

"Sure, but I have to get to class... um, by any chance do you know where room A-2 is?"

"That's actually my class! It must be annoying to transfer in the middle of the school year. Follow me."

We walked on the cobblestone roundabout that encircled a gorgeous fountain. The other students bustled with talk and I couldn't help but get excited. This is what I envied for so long!

We arrived at the classroom and when we entered... well, i'll let the dialogue explain.

"Is that a transfer student?!"

"He has red hair! He must be a foreign transfer!"

I instantly got bombarded with questions from boys and girls alike. The boys tried to make me their friends and the girls flirted with me. I guess being handsome has its perks. I didn't realize it when I first came into this world but this body was an example of a 'Pretty Boy'. I couldn't find one imperfection on this body, it was as if the most infamous sculptor single handedly crafted my body with the most care. And to top off the handsomeness was my eyes. The silver irises gave a nice contrast between my eyes and hair. And I mean who doesn't love a good hairstyle. I pretty much look like an anime character! The teacher arrived and I sighed in relief.

"Everyone stop crowding the doorway and get in your seats!"

All of the students reluctantly went and sat in their assigned seats and that just left me.

The teacher spoke, "As you can see we have a transfer student with us. Introduce yourself."

I walked to the front of the room and stood next to the teacher's podium, "My name is Phoenix Wyvern and I'm sixteen years old. As you can tell from my hair I am not from here but the United States. I look forward to working with you."

I took a bow but when I stood back up the students began to murmur.

Then the teacher spoke, "Class, Quiet down! Lets see, you can sit next to Quill. Quill raise your hand!"

Quill sat towards the middle of the classroom and I quickly took a seat next to him. He sat on my right while the window was to my left.

The teacher began the lesson, "Open your textbook to page 357..."

Before I knew it, it was lunch time. I took out my lunch but before I could take a bite students surrounded me again.

"Are you really a Wyvern!?"

"Can you get me a discount since we're classmates! I saw a really cute outfit that I want."

"I want one too!"

"Everyone move aside!"

Almost instantly all the fuss turned into silence and everyone dispersed. A guy about my age walked this way with an entourage. He had pitch black hair that covered his right eye and the look of a panther getting ready to pounce on his prey. I could tell from one look that this guy was going to be trouble.

Since I have break I will be posting another chapter on Wednesday. Happy Easter!

BlueOrchidscreators' thoughts
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