
Top of the Wizard

In a world where rules are controlled by wizards, In a world close to other planes, eyed by greedy eyes,In a dark, bloody world of survival of the fittest and constant change,An ordinary person from another world embarks on a powerful journey of even transcending the peak through genetic modification.

RobertSmith · ファンタジー
142 Chs

The Promotion

Time passed slowly, and half a month passed.

A faint buzzing sound lingered in Raymon's room.

Sitting on the bed with his eyes closed, Raymon's face was a mixture of joy and pain. There was a disordered energy field in his presence, and even the air seemed to be distorted like being exposed to the scorching sun.

Sitting on the edge of the bed, Raymon finally memorized all the symbols in the Wizard's Book today. The energy tide he had been waiting for a long time came as scheduled.

Raymon's body was like a sieve. The raging energy tide in his room drilled violently into his body, leaving a large amount of active substances in his body when passing through.

However, this energy tide that occurred when the strength reached the third-level apprentice also brought severe pain to the body. Raymon's exposed skin was torn open in large areas due to the influx of violent energy, and the fresh blood oozing from the skin wounds made Raymon feel the strength of his flesh while suffering excruciating torture.

A large amount of sweat poured out from all over Raymon's body, carrying a lot of impurities in his body. After mixing with his blood, it turned into a strange brownish color, completely contaminating his white robe.

But as the power of the energy tide diminished, the faint aura emanating from Raymon's body also carried some prestige.

However, this naturally formed energy tide quickly disappeared completely with the gradual disappearance of the noise in the room.

Just as abruptly as it appeared, the energy tide filling the room suddenly disappeared completely without leaving any trace of its existence.

Perceiving the complete disappearance of the energy tide, Raymon opened his eyes wide and breathed heavily. The pain from the torn skin all over his body was nothing. What really made Raymon feel painful was the damage to his muscles and bones by the energy tide.

"Check body and query body gene data!"

As Raymon issued the command, the chip that immediately executed made a three-dimensional human model appear in Raymon's sight, slowly rotating under his gaze.

A torrent of data refreshed on both sides of the model. Soon the dim color of the human model in Raymon's sight changed.

The heart and brain were red, the internal organs were azure blue, and the whole limbs were dark blue, like the color of seawater.

"Raymon: Strength 1.7, Agility 1.3, Stamina 1.6, Spirit 5.7, Mana 15.1. Genes: Improving. Physical Condition: Healthy."

Somewhat surprised, Raymon found that his physique had improved somewhat, especially the growth of spirit and mana, which was even beyond Raymon's expectation.

Nearly three months after Raymon entered the Wizard Academy from the surface world, after completely mastering all the symbols in the Wizard's Book, his spirit increased by 1.3, and his mana actually increased by 3.9!

A pleased expression appeared on Raymon's face, but soon after Raymon checked the body gene map provided by the chip, he frowned again.

Raymon was very familiar with the human gene map. The silky lines on the spiral human gene map should be smooth without any burrs. However, when Raymon broke through to the third-level apprentice, the gene map enlarged by the chip on purpose had granular dots on the genetic filaments that constituted the human body.

The originally smooth genetic filaments seemed to have grown some spores like plants.

The chip could not give a reasonable explanation for these sudden changes. According to the chip's analysis results, this was a genetic mutation with unknown effects.

The undeterminable genetic changes made Raymon's face very ugly. After having the chip establish a long-term follow-up task, Raymon shook his head and sighed. "Maybe this is also the reason why wizards are so powerful."

The magnificent energy tide in the room disappeared, but the pungent stench filling the nose soon made Raymon nauseous. As the excruciating pain in his body eased a little, Raymon rushed into the bathroom quickly.

After taking a bath for more than half an hour, Raymon changed into a new robe and stood by his desk again.

The pot of Meditation Grass on the table was greasy green and growing extremely vigorously, exuding a vibrant vitality.

After the chip tracked the growth changes of this Meditation Grass, Raymon already knew some environmental factors that could influence its growth.

In addition to the normal sunlight and moisture needed, this extremely common plant on the surface world, the chip found that its growth efficiency was three times that under normal conditions when the room temperature was maintained at a certain level.

According to the chip's observations over the past ten days, this pot of Meditation Grass actually had some strange reaction to fresh blood and flesh, emitting strong radiation when there was animal blood and flesh in the room.

Although Raymon could not understand what the Meditation Grass meant to express, such an increase in radiation intensity was definitely abnormal. That craving feeling was more like a bloodthirsty beast.

Gently stroking the Meditation Grass, Raymon then watered the Meditation Grass, making the moisture of the soil at its roots reach the chip's requirements. Then Raymon took his waist bag and walked out of the room.

It was only afternoon, and the spacious corridor was quiet. Most of the rooms belonging to the students of the same period were closed tightly, some of which still had protective force fields to prevent disturbance. It seemed that after entering here, these kidnapped wizard apprentices were still very diligent.

But Raymon, who had just walked through the corridor, saw a little black cat with four white paws squatting by the stairs, grooming its fur.

However, as soon as it saw Raymon, it meowed at Raymon immediately, and then raised its paws in a greeting gesture.

A chill rushed up Raymon's spine instantly. Raymon was very apprehensive of any black cat in this castle because their behavior made it impossible for people to treat them as ordinary pets.

Especially that old black cat, which was always held in the arms of the old woman Susie sitting by the fireplace. But that old black cat could speak ancient Gutoris, and judging from its appearance, it was definitely not easy to get along with.

The thoughts that flashed through Raymon's mind instantly made his expression stiff, but he still nodded to the little black cat before speeding up and leaving the white castle.

After successfully advancing to the third-level apprentice, Raymon had many things to deal with. The top priority was to go to the trading area of the Wizard Academy to see, because of the Meditation Grass, Raymon needed to go shopping.