
To Love You Again

Xiong Zhi ran away from her unwanted marriage. That day, Linfeng, her aide, died while protecting her. The man who she held dearly in her heart died in her arms. In her last breath, she uttered, "Never again to be weak...Never again wasted our precious time...I'll promise...In the next lifetime... I will protect you...and..love you..." Full of regrets, she closed her eyes, wanting to be united with the man in the underworld. However, when she opened her eyes, she found herself in her sixteen-year-old body. Realizing she had a second chance, the cold, indifferent, obedient, and meek young miss of the Xiong family was reborn as a strong, sharp, vengeful, bold, and confident woman. In this lifetime, she will fulfill her promise with no regrets. Of course, including seducing Linfeng again. ----------------------------------------------------- This is my first novel and my original. English is not my first language. So please pardon me for any gramatical errors. All characters, name, place and plots are from my own world. Thank you! Happy Reading (*^▽^*) https://discord.gg/Btpq6P4 This is the permanent link for my novel server. Other upcoming novels will be there as well. please join and grace us with your presence hehe p ^^ And thanks to my new editor, who work like a sloth but very amazing, my sis, Letmesleep,. And the kind hearted Rei who help me edit the earlier chaps for free. I can't thank you enough! Though, not all chaps had been edited yet, they makes my novel so incredible. Thank you guys!

Avalondra · 都市
872 Chs

Operation-Seducing Linfeng: The Date (VII)

A comfortable silence existed between the two of them.

Xiong Zhi was still holding Linfeng's hand and has no plans on letting go. Linfeng was holding their stuff with his other hand. They were on their way towards the horror booth.

Of course, this move was included in Xiong Zhi and Song Xuantin's planner. It was a simple plan. Girls tended to get scared easily.

Inside the horror house, girls would be certainly afraid of the dark, afraid of ghosts, monsters, or whatever horror it was, and then jump onto the boy beside them out of fear. This was a chance to hug the boy all the way. The protectiveness of the boy would come out, and so the girl needed to capture it. Make him feel that she needed his protection and care.

Arouse his protectiveness and capture his heart. A perfect plan.

After paying the ticket, and putting their stuff on the baggage counter, they entered the booth.

Inside the horror booth was a dark tunnel. The lights were far away from each other and were flickering. However, it was enough to let them see the bloody and gloomy decorations, as well as the small gaps enough for a person to hide.

Their walk was slow, accompanied by a creepy music.

Suddenly a bloody man came out from the nearest small gap. He has a knife stabbed on his back. He blocked their way and cried with a twisted face and horrified face.

"Help! Help!" 

The two just passed him. No one was even startled.

Xiong Zhi thought, but it was not scary at all. 

In the second gap, a girl with a long black hair covering her face and wearing a white bloodied dress crawled out from the gap. She totally looked like a certain famous Japanese ghost. She then reached out her purplish pale hands stained with blood to touch them. 

Xiong Zhi was undecided whether to act up or not as she was still not scared enough, when the ghost managed to catch onto Linfeng's feet. The ghost crawled and tried to stand up with her hands using Linfeng as her stand.

Xiong Zhi narrowed her eyes, looking at the presumptuous ghost hug Linfeng's knees. She threw away her thoughts, lowered her body, and struggled to pull away the girl from Linfeng. 

Xiong Zhi glared at the ghost who scampered away in fear instead. Even though she was a ghost, no touching Linfeng allowed!

Ghost: QAQ! What kind of 'girlfriend protecting the boyfriend' weird operation is this?! 

Linfeng on the other hand was amused. He was waiting for Xiong Zhi's screams and scared expression, but as usual, she was quiet. Then he was startled a little by Xiong Zhi's action. 

Is she protecting him? He liked the idea. He could not help but smile.

They walked through the dark corridor, bypassing various 'monsters'.

However, Xiong Zhi was having a dilemma. When would she be scared? She was not very good with acting, so she thought to wait until she was really scared off. But the result was...

She wanted to feel scared but it was not scary at all. It was just a dark space with people in costumes. She thought it would be slightly creepy at least, but no. Did it mean she has to act scared? After contemplating a bit, she nodded firmly. 

Since that was the case, she needed timing. 

The blank-faced but determined Xiong Zhi looked ahead, like a warrior readying for war. Two meters away from them was another small gap. She readied herself to scream and yelp. When they were in front of the gap, a ruined bloody doll who seemed to have suffered a lot of grievances appeared suddenly. It has no eyes and was singing in a mechanical voice, like an innocent little child who was abused but still tried to sneak out, wanting to play.

How could people find it scary?

Xiong Zhi looked at the abandoned doll and pitied it instead. It was even blind. How sad. The doll might be offended.

'Sorry, doll.'

A few beats later, Xiong Zhi suddenly screamed and hugged Linfeng's arm, her voice dull and her face still rather expressionless. It was an awkward sight, but fortunately it went unnoticed by Linfeng.

Linfeng was startled at first because of her scream. Then he immediately put one hand over her eyes and another hand encircled her back in a protective stance, and hugged her closely to him. It was an unconscious action and he himself was not even aware of what he was doing.


Xiong Zhi rejoiced. She enjoyed the warm embrace of Linfeng. They stayed like that for two minutes frozen in place, until the creepy doll stopped singing. Linfeng led the way forward in slow steps, protectively guarding the girl in his arms from the monsters that popped out. 

Xiong Zhi was still clinging onto his arms happily.

'Linfeng's body smells really good, his arms are very strong, his chest too, etcetera, etcetera...'

The dark tunnel, the bloody wall, and the creepy music was like heaven to her. She felt like she was in the majestic place strolling with Linfeng, her princely knight. 

She did not mind the ghosts and the monsters that suddenly came out from the gap trying to scare them. From within Linfeng's arms, she secretly even smiled a little at them and if she could, she might probably greet them 'Good Day! Good job!' En! She was really in a good mood!

They were now at the last gap and after that turn, they knew they were nearing the end of the tunnel.

Suddenly, a bloody clown appeared wearing a horrendous big smile. Blood splattered on his ghastly face and colorful costume. He was carrying a knife dripping with blood. A soft and slow music accompanied him as he took a slow step towards them.

They stopped abruptly. 

Xiong Zhi felt Linfeng stiffen and his breathing stop. She looked at the clown and tried to move to the side, but the youth she was holding onto was not moving. Confused, she turned to look at Linfeng who was still frozen on the spot. 

Linfeng stared blankly at the clown, his whole body tensed. His face was a bit pale but looked normal otherwise. He was just...cold.

"Linfeng? Are you okay?" Xiong Zhi tugged at Linfeng worriedly. The guy was scaring her now. 

Linfeng was jolted awake and gulped. He look at Xiong Zhi.

Xiong Zhi felt that the boy's hold around her tighten.

"I-it's nothing..." He swallowed again and took a step forward. However, the bloody clown calmly blocked their way and smiled creepily.

Linfeng stiffened once again. Xiong Zhi could finally see how he was sweating so much. 

It was not hot at all and his temperature was even cold. Was he sick?

Her cold hand touched Linfeng's neck to check his temperature. The latter was startled by the sudden cold feeling on his neck. He shivered and let out a gasp. He quickly backed away from the cold sensation.

However, due to his shock, he out-balanced and dragged Xiong Zhi along. He fell on his butt while Xiong Zhi landed onto his lap. Their bodies pressed against each other, and Ziong Zhi's hand fell on the boy's thighs, nearing the root, and her other hand fell on his chest.

They looked at each other, wide-eyed. Both hearts stopped beating for a moment.

"...." Linfeng, who instantly forgot his fears.

"...." Xiong Zhi, who was shocked at the sudden blessing.

"...." The clown, who was fed dog food.

The clown's practiced smile became stiff. How come the screams of horror that he was waiting for turned into bubbles of romance instead?!

(A/N: duhhh...didn't you read the tag? It's romance! )

***[RR]: who you're talking too?***

(A/N: nothing...just read like you always do.)

***[RR]: so mean....you started it... You just pop out. Get out now! It's their good time!***

Xiong Zhi's face was very close to Linfeng. Though there was not enough light to illuminate them, it still did not hinder the pair to observe closely each other's features in a daze. 

For the first time, in both past and present, Xiong Zhi got a closer look at Linfeng, only a few inches apart. She could see clearly how his dark orbs freeze in shock, an indescribable glint flashed in his eyes, then recognition followed by embarrassment. She could see how his pale face transformed into a deeper shade. 

Probably red, Xiong Zhi thought. She could feel the sudden change of his temperature from cold to hot. Linfeng coughed and apologized in a stutter.

"I-I'm deeply sorry, Young Miss. I was careless. Are you hurt?"

Xiong Zhi was still sitting on Linfeng's lap. She did not intend to stand up. Not after she found such a comfortable position. Besides, this was the first time she has a close proximity with Linfeng in this life. She would not lose this chance. 

Also... Xiong Zhi's gaze at Linfeng became a bit aggrieved. This guy returned to calling her 'Young Miss' again.

Sensing that Xiong Zhi was still not moving from his lap, he gently asked her.

"Did you receive a shock, Young Miss?" Why are you still not standing up?

"Yes. I did. I'm just calming myself." Let me just stay here for a while.

"Oh.... then let's get out of this tunnel to rest. We are near the exit anyway." Please stand up...

"I'm still shocked." Linfeng smells good...

"...." The clown.

Xiong Zhi sniffed at Linfeng's neck in a very close proximity. A little closer—like just two centimeters away—and she will be kissing his long fragrant neck.

Linfeng got goosebumps and shivered. His heart pounded erratically.

He swallowed as his throat felt dry. 'This got to be stopped!'

With his face firming up, he carried Xiong Zhi from his lap to his arm and slowly stood up. Xiong Zhi naturally did not resist, and wrapped her arms around his neck, her face a bit faint but internally excited.

After shooting a glare at the clown who stood on their way, the forgotten clown who was fed dogfood quickly backed away and bowed to their direction unconsciously. He stood up straight after only the couple was gone. 

Eh, why did I bow?

Ahh! And he thought he could have a good show! 

Linfeng was nearing the exit while holding Xiong Zhi in his arms. Xiong Zhi did not complain or struggle out of Linfeng's hold. She was enjoying it. She tightened her arms around Linfeng's neck, and the boy stiffened for a bit before continuing. A suspicious blush was on his cheeks. She stared up at his face with shining eyes.

Oh! This day was her favorite day!

Then she remembered how Linfeng acted earlier.

"Linfeng, are you scared of clowns?" Xiong Zhi blurted out her guess. 

Linfeng stopped for a moment. Then he turned his head trying to hide his face which got redder in embarrassment. How could he answer that question? Was it not a taboo for a man to admit their weakness in front of a girl? Especially if it was mere clowns.

When he was a child, he was exposed to dangerous things countless times. Fights, weapons, small bombs... everything that he needed to learn to secure the safety of his masters. Then one day, a psychologist entered the training area. He would teach them how to fight hypnotism and also help them find out their weaknesses in hopes to overcome them. After many trials to determine his weakness, they already used heights, knives, wild animals, insects, even used 'ghosts' and 'monstrous creatures', but they still did not find his weakness or the things he was afraid of. 

The truth was, he was a little afraid, but did not show it. Until one trial came, they locked him in a dark room, where he saw a clown with bloody clothes holding a knife and murdering someone. He just found out later that it was a mannequin with red paint that he was stabbing at. But at that time, as an eight year old child, to be in the same room with a heartless killer and witnessing a murder, it really scared him shitless and left him traumatized. 

Many other children were scared off by various things, but with the help of psychologists they overcame most weaknesses and did not come to this point. Only because Linfeng seemed unfazed that the trainers thought to try out his limits and did this trial.

Linfeng was a trained child to not let his emotions appear on surface. Until the trial was done, he was silent. He did not even beg the trainers to let him out but only endured silently. He passed the trial with 'flying colors' and hid his fears well out of pride.

The psychologists did not know of his troubles, so there was no deep intervention done.

A tug in his clothes brought him back to the present.

Xiong Zhi's brows were furrowed deeply. Being in close proximity with Linfeng, she saw how his eyes changed from shame to loneliness and various emotions she could not decipher. 

She felt that she touched a memory that Linfeng did not want to remember. This brought a dull stab on her chest. There were many things she did not know about Linfeng. 

What color did he like? 

What was his ultimate wish? 

Nothing, she knew nothing. 

Another stab. 

However, she was determined to know it all. This was the second chance to make everything right!

Xiong Zhi reached out her hand and touched Linfeng's cheek, getting back his attention. Her hand was cold but her gaze was warm.

"I'm here. I'll always stay by your side. If I can, I promise to protect you. So what if you're afraid of clowns? This does not make you a less of a man, but more like a human instead. I don't hate it at all. So don't be ashamed," Xiong Zhi said sincerely.

Her soft voice was a melodious tone in Linfeng's ears. Her words brought an incredible warmth in his heart. 

Again, the feeling like he was full and suffocated resurfaced. His breathing hitched. Her cold hand was burning his system. 

His clear black eyes stared at those starry-eyes that were deep with emotions. He was still a man after all, and now that he opened up a bit for her, he could not help but feel moved...

For the first time, Linfeng boldly stared at Xiong Zhi. Examining her features, memorizing every detail of her face.

She was really beautiful. So beautiful that Linfeng wanted to keep her. There was an urge to claim her, and be his.

If he could... If only...


The two was startled by the sound.

"I think our time here is done," Linfeng said instead. He almost said something earlier. He was relieved that he did not get to say it, but at the same time he also felt a bit lost. 

It was all wrong. 

Yet the seed was already planted, and unknown to him, it already sprouted tiny leaves, and would soon grow until he could no longer hold it in his heart.

"En." Xiong Zhi's only reply.

They exited the tunnel. Xiong Zhi was put down and they retrieved their stuff from the counter.