
To Hot to Handle

"You look beautiful, Camellia. How could a guy in his right sense reject you?" Kendra consoling voice mumbled as she drew her closer. "I don't know but I'll do all it takes to make him mine" she said amidst her tears. Camellia, a young beautiful damsel in her mid twenties fell in love with her best friend's lover and swore to get him by all means even when she had thousand of men drooling over her. What do you think would be the fate of the two friends, Camellia and Kendra? Would Camellia succeed in taking her friend's lover?

Daoist9n8yBu · ファンタジー
12 Chs

We meet again, my love

In a big immaculate eatery, two ladies took a table in the middle of the eatery, they were obviously waiting for someone.

"Why don't you try calling him again?" Elena asked.

"I know he'll be here soon"

"Oh! Here he comes" Elena who was facing the entrance, said

"Speak of the devil" Kendra mumbled.

"I heard that" Gavin joked, though he didn't hear what she said.

Gavin took his seat next to Kendra, taking turns in looking at the two ladies and smiling softly.

"Hey! Look here, lodger. We are not prostitutes so stop staring at us like that" Kendra said, her voice a little raised.

"I never said that"

"You! Have we met before?" Elena asked.

Gavin looked at her, trying to recall if he had met her before but shook his head, "No, I don't think I've met you before I met you at the club"

"Aren't you the guy that helped me the other day? When my boyfriend was abusing me physically?"

"Oh!" Gavin snapped his finger and continued.

"It really is you. I hope you're fine now"

"Yes, thanks you you. Your card dropped that day but I couldn't pick it up because I was late for work that day. Thanks for saving me"

"Wow! You're really a saviour" Kendra chuckled softly.

Gavin called the waitress and ordered some snacks for them.

"Is this what we came for? I mean the compensation, you've not said anything about it" Kendra said, chewing the snack gently.

Gavin dropped the scan in the tray, moved closer to Kendra, tucking away the hair in her face and slowly twisting her long hair with his finger, "What do you think the compensation should be? " he said, now less than an inch apart from each other, Elena coughed.

Kendra slightly pushed him away, breathing hard and blushing, "Just say what you want already, I have to leave."

"Okay, I'll make it short and simple. I want you to be my girlfriend for three months"

Kendra choked on the snack and quickly gulp down the glass of water on her tray, "What? Are you been serious right now? Oh! Because you have money, you think you can just go to the street, pick any random girl and ask her to be your girlfriend?"

"Kendra, calm down" Elena said but this only made Kendra more furious.

"What? Calm down? I mean he's treating us this way because we are mere workers...... " Gavin cut in.

"I'll pay you the sum of $2000 monthly, which of you is in?" his cold words send spines of cold to the ladies bone.

"Let's get out of here, Elena"

Kendra stood up and Elena did the same.

"Then get ready to lose your jobs" his beautiful smile mixed with a weird grin and the cold look on his face was something that infuriated Kendra more.

She grabbed Elena's wrist and made to leave, "You have two days to be my girlfriend, remember that!" Gavin said, sipping his juice.

The two ladies stormed out of the eatery and was lucky enough to get a taxi. They entered the taxi but it was so silent, Elena cleared her throat, "You don't have to take home that serious, I'm sure he's joking"

"I don't think so, he has a motive" she said, not looking at Elena.

The eatery was not far for Elena's apartment so she alighted soon and waved at Kendra. Kendra soon got to her apartment but to her surprise, she saw a black tinted window car parked in front of the house, she thought it was best to ignore it not until the driver stepped out, it was Gavin.

"Hey! Surprised to see me? Get in the car, I'm taking you somewhere."

Kendra chuckled, "Really? Get in whose car? I don't have time for such" she said and made to leave.

"You have all the time in the world, now that you're fired" he said and Kendra pulled to a halt and looked back at him.

"What do you mean by that?"

Gavin laughed softly, "Why not call your boss and confirm?"

Kendra with trembling hand, opened her bag, brought out her phone and dialed a number saved as Flint.

"Hello. Good afternoon, Flint. What's going on?"

"What do you mean by that?"

"I heard a rumor that I'm been fired"

"Wow! How fast news spread! Well, that's true, any problem?"

"What do you mean by that's true? It..... it can't be true. What...... have I.... done wrong?" she asked but Flint hanged up and when she tried calling him again, she realized that he had blocked her number.

She looked up at Gavin who leaned against the car, "So you think firing me would make you have me? You're a dumb-ass" she said and climbed the stairs to her apartment.

Gavin grinned as he watched her walk, he left when she got in.

Camellia wore a baggy gown without no make up, sat on the couch, fiddling with her phone when Kendra stormed in.

"Hey, girlfriend. Take it easy, what's wrong with you?"

"It's nothing, just a slight headache. I'll go in now"

Though, camellia didn't believe what Kendra said, she decided it was not the best time to ask questions.

"I'll bring you something to eat" Camellia yelled at the weak figure as she dragged her feet to the room and she nodded.

Camellia had already baked cake before Kendra's arrival, she took a mug from the glass shelf and some ingredients for tea. She emptied the content in the mug and put a little water in a kettle, then on the gas to boil. While the kettle was in the fire, she brought out a small knife from a drawer in the kitchen and cut out a portable portion of the cake into a plate. The water was hot enough by the time she finished cutting the cake so she turned off the gas and poured the water into the mug, she stared it with a spoon and added a little sugar to it. She placed the plate of cake and mug on a small try and took it to Kendra in the room.

"Here! Get up and eat. I'll go buy you some medicine to use, I'll be back soon."

She left the room. Kendra sat up and reluctantly ate the meal.


Camellia held a white nylon containing the drugs she bought from the pharmacy and was heading home hurriedly. Her phone beeped, she dipped her left hand into her pocket and brought the phone out it was a message from the company she had submitted her application to the night before. Her heart beat increased immensely as she stared at the message, scared to open the detail.

"Your friend is sick and here you are, standing because of a message you ought to open. Even if you don't get the job, that isn't the end of the world." the thought popped up in her head and she shook it off.

She tapped on the message and the first thing she saw was 'Accepted', the next thing she saw was 'interview on the 3rd..... '

She was still glancing at the message, her eyes listed at the first word she saw when a car horned loudly at her, she was startled and fell to the ground, the phone smashing in the process. It was then dawn on her that she stood in the middle of the express. The light in her eyes were shattered as she looked at the phone, her eyes, watering. She stood up to challenge the driver but the back door open and a young man stepped down.

"Have you got a death wish?" he asked, half yelling but Camellia suddenly lost her voice as she was mesmerized by the handsomeness of her crush, standing before her.