
To find her

Everyone think she is dead. But Terrish sure that she will come back and He will wait for her as long as he is alive.

Emily786 · ファンタジー
4 Chs

She is alive

"Tarrish, are u okay! "

My servant Josh must have heard my voice.

I got up from the bed and opened door for Josh.

Author pov:

Josh was cooking breakfast for Tarrish in the kitchen. He is very afraid of his boss. He was only fifteen when he came to this house. He is same age as Tarrish. No one knew Tarrish better than Josh.

Tarrish was not as he is now. In last fifteen years he is changed a lot. No one predict what will he do in next second. But Josh don't want to leave his side beacuse he knew someday he will turn to his real self.

Josh was preparing table when he heard a scream for Tarrish. He knocked and asked Tarrish"Tarrish, are u fine".No one replied.

Josh pov:

Tarrish doesn't replied . I became worried for him. He must have seen her again in his dream.

I am afraid he will again do something horrible like always. Last time he Dissapeared for a month.

I knocked agian and again. I heard footsteps.

Tarrish opened the door.

"Are u okay, Tarrish"

" yeah, I m fine. "

"Did you again dream about her. "

Tarrish was looking horrible.

"yeah, it was same as before. I m sure one day she will come back . "

I want to say something but I don't know what to say. Everyone knew she is dead. How someone who died fifteen years ago, can be alive. But I knew , Tarrish don't want to accept the reality.

"Josh,I knew what u are thinking. "

"But Tarrish u also know what is truth, then why are u not accepting ."

"She is alive, Josh. She is alive. "

"Dammit! I don't know how to explain but trust me she alive. "

Tarrish became furious as always. I am really worried about him but don't know what to do. He is going to listen to anyone.