
To find her

作者: Emily786
連載中 · 2.9K ビュー
  • 4 章
  • レビュー結果
  • N/A

What is To find her

WebNovel で公開されている、Emily786 の作者が書いた To find her の小説を読んでください。Everyone think she is dead. But Terrish sure that she will come back and He will wait for her as long as he is alive....


Everyone think she is dead. But Terrish sure that she will come back and He will wait for her as long as he is alive.

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Evolution has changed us, we were just common men once, but over the years we changed. My Grandma told me Stories of how it all started,  The  "AI" (Artificial Intelligence) Project was a success, the goal was to create a perfect human through the use of Artificial Intelligence, making a Robot with human attributes. Movement, Respiration, Nutrition Irritability, Growth, Excretion, Reproduction and Death. The Company In charge of the project succeeded in producing fifty female Robots. This Robots were tested and allowed to live in the society alongside humans. They soon had a life, married, had Families and Increase in numbers. Humans and Robots living together and making families, the results were sets of offsprings known as Trybots part Human part Robot. This Trybots have abnormal abilities like Telepathy,  the ability to communicate with their thoughts, hear the thought of others and also control other people's thought. Teleportation, is the ability to transport oneself from place to another without any obstruction, also the ability to transport people from one place to another. Telekinesis, the ability to move objects, items, and things, and also the ability to stop, slow, and bring back time. This Super Humans began to multiply, handling positions in governments and making decisions, and not long they became head of government. Our Human Nation was now ruled by Trybots they called the new nation  the Red Nation, they built their own city with well advanced Technology, Good Health Care Facilities, and Good Education. Only Trybots were allowed to live in the city,  and only the Humans who were Trybot slaves and worked for the Trybots, were allowed to live in the city. The other Humans lived outside the city, and were known as commoners.

Shadrach_Okorondu_6227 · SF
2 Chs


  • 総合レビュー
  • テキストの品質
  • リリース頻度安定性
  • ストーリー展開
  • キャラクターデザイン
  • 世界観設定


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