
To find her

Everyone think she is dead. But Terrish sure that she will come back and He will wait for her as long as he is alive.

Emily786 · ファンタジー
4 Chs

Same dream Tarrish pov:

I was looking for her in the forest. There was some noises in some direction. Subconsciously, I started to follow the source of sound. Suddenly, everything started changing. The forest turned into a beautiful garden. She was there. My angel was there playing with butterflies.

I was glad to see her safe. She was there smiling brightly as always. Her smile is the beautiful thing in this world I have ever seen.

But then some weird thing happened. she turned to a little girl and started running away. I want to chase her, but i was unable to move.

my sight chased her until that little girl dissapear into the darken. I was scared to loose her again . I screamed her name with my all might and wake up in terror. Dammit, same dream. Same dream appeared again and agian from last five years. I know she is dead but I don't want to admit this.

someone knocked on the door, " Tarrish, Tarrish! are u fine. "

hello guys, this is my first story and also first writing experience. I hope you would support me and give me ur suggestion.

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