
Rebirth And The Investments


(Do you have any characters that mc Should save? I am one person so I can't remember everyone. So it would be good if you tell them their name and what happened to them. you can Include X-men.)




(btw did you guys know the AI-Scripted Batman comic? I just got that in my recommendations. sh*ts too funny that I had to stop halfway to calm down. it's just two minutes and there are already three orphan jokes.)



I open my eyes to a strange ceiling. What happened? what is this place? I take a look around and realize that I am in some kind of a house. This place is too peaceful.

I feel something pressing on my chest. I took a look to see what it is and it's... Neith? what is she doing to me? And she is naked? Damn, she has a nice body. Not too fat and not too skinny, perfect amount of muscle that shows abbs with smooth and soft skin. Ah, I see. This is not real.

I am in a simulation. Or can it be the afterlife? That gold ass killed me after all. But shouldn't my soul get into another body of mine? Hmm.

So there are four possibilities. One, I am in a simulation. Two, I am dead and this is the afterlife so I am seeing what I want to see. Three, I am in some kind of a magical illusion or dream. Or Four, I am in an alternate reality where I and Neith got together.

But that doesn't explain why my soul is inside of another me. If this is indeed me, I wouldn't have died just by sleeping. so he is not dead. that means option four is the least possible. Hmm. for now I will focus on the other possibilities.

I try to do some magic, but I can't. But that is not enough proof because I never died after I got magic so I don't know the effects of dying to magic. In theory, it is mystic art so I can do it anytime if I know how. But I never really tried it so I can't be too sure.

If this is indeed my "dream" house, there should be guns hidden everywhere. I get out of the bed slowly to not wake "Neith" up. I reach out under the table and check if there are any pistols or data knives. which there are not. Whoever made this place has no idea of my habits. Option two is gone.

I go to the kitchen, grab a bread knife and hide it behind my arm. from the front, you can't see anything but you can from different angles. I get back to the bedroom and wake "Neith" up.

"Good morning sweetheart." I poke her face cheeks with my other hand.

After a couple of more pokes, she finally gets up. *Yawn*"Good morning to you too, honey."

"Do you remember my password to the computer? I seem to forget." Now if she doesn't attack me or get alert, that means she is not real. Because I never tell my passwords to anyone and even if I did, I never forget them. So the real Neith would suspect that I am some kind of a spy or at least mind controlled.

"Huh? Oh. it's '89&5f98Xp<H'." That is indeed my password. So option three is gone too. wherever I am, it doesn't know my hobbies but knows my work laptop's password. That means it can't read memories but it has great sources. I am in a simulation huh... But why?

"Thanks, honey. I love you."

"Love you too. *yawn* now if you let me, I need to sleep a little bit. You kept me awake all night." and she goes to sleep again.

The only ones who could make a simulation this realistic in 1945 are us. Someone put me in here. Betrayal? No, that's not possible. They all signed the paper. Hmm. Let's see where this leads.

/Neith POV/

"He discovered that he is in a simulation!" One of the scientists shouted.

"How?! it hasn't even been an hour!" Another scientist joined him in being an idiot. He is The Captain. Of course, he is going to be smart.

Tch. Useless people. I wanted to see what would Captain do if he found me in his bed. If he tried to do indecent things, I would just never date him. But I didn't think he would discover that was the fake me so quickly! C--Could it be, Captain knows me soo well that he noticed immediately it was the fake? Oh no Neith! Don't let your imagination run rampant!

"Stress levels are rising! Ma'am, what should we do?"

"Ugh. That's why I hate dealing with you guys. Just get him out."

"But ma'am! his stress levels are too high! It's too dangerous! His death caused him to feel enough stress to endanger his life. And now, those numbers are higher!"

"Just get him out! That's an order! At this point, he will get more stressed!" Are they really this stupid? The stress is increasing because he knows he is in a simulation! Keeping him in will endanger his life more.

/Captain POV/

{Sorry for the inconvenience, Captain. We will be pulling you out shortly. Please remain calm. This might hurt.}

The next thing I know, I am in the tubes that store my extra bodies, and the immense pain coursing through my veins! It feels like I am being skinned alive to the bone! God damn it! Why am I the only one who is going through these torturous experiences all the time?!

After a few minutes, I was finally out of the tube. I tried to stand up but I couldn't feel my legs after that pain. so they brought a wheelchair for me after dressing me up.

"It's good to see you again Captain." Neith said with a little smile on her face.

"Good to see you too. Can you tell me why you were in the simulation? Wait, why was I in the simulation in the first place?"

"Well, the research shows that the soul, or at least the mind overheats when dying to the point of insanity. In theory, your soul should calm down and go to the afterlife after death. But you are a special case so we had to put you in a simulation where nothing could bother you. it seems we made it too perfect that forgot to add your habits."

"Understood. I will rest a little bit in my room. it's not every day that one dies and gets resurrected."

"Roger that."

After a few minutes, I open the door to my room. I got on the bed and took my tablet. after that tiring fight, I need to plan on conquering the earth. At least from the shadows. Well, kinda. "Eve, can you make companies on earth, please?"

{What kind of company should the first one be?}

Hehe. I will be rich. Maybe richer than Tony stark. Honestly, that guy seems to have an infinite budget. This company will be needed so much that the world will not be able to live without it. Especially in Marvel where super-powered teenagers run rampant.

"A construction company." this way, I can even purchase important lands that are going to have treasure in them. like the place where Thor's hammer will fall. The hammer is made out of Uru, the strongest metal in marvel. At least as far as I know. It also contains runes which will be pretty useful. Imagine a legion full of runes for protection or Northstar that has gravity runes where it is a lot lighter. well, the hammer itself doesn't contain those runes but with study, we can at least understand how they work.

{What about the workers captain?}

"Hire civilians. We will not use our technology for it so it won't be a problem. Although we will use unique plans, we can just silence those who try to steal them. By the way, when the company has enough money, first, invest in Las Vegas by building casinos and hotels. After that, buy the lands in New Mexico. A hammer will fall in there so we need to hide that thing from others for research."

{Roger that Captain. What about the second one?}

"It will be a company that manages entertainment, media, Games and the internet; Ubisoft, Youtube, Facebook, Twitter, Google, HoloLive, Idols, P**reon, Twitch, Reddit, and many more platforms and groups will be managed by this company. For now, it is impossible but I want you to create when they are possible. I want full control of what people think and want. Make sure to show them as separate companies so countries don't get suspicious about anything. I hate dealing with idiot people. By the way, ask Emily for an unbreachable firewall for them."

{What about the personnel?}

"The company will be only on the internet. after we reach a certain point, we can build buildings and hire some people. But I want everyone's background to be clean as a whistle."

{Roger that captain. Is there a third one?}

"Yes. The third one is not a company but a private military. It will primarily be about protection. Of course, we will just protect who we want. We will have a base in the middle of the ocean under the ground. The plans for the base will be supervised by me so I don't need to explain the details. The group will be activated in the year 2008 after Tonny Stark is kidnapped. If he doesn't get kidnapped somehow, It will be activated in the year 2010."

{What about the personnel Captain?}

"Use our men. We don't need our technology somehow directed to us. Even if they are steal or scan-proof. Better be safe than sorry"

{Understood Captain. What about the names of the Construction company and the private military?}

"Hmm." I thought about it for a while and came up with great names. "How about Iron Marvel for the construction company and for the private military, it is Mithril Wolves."


Speaking of names, Should I change how I am called? My fleet is too big for me to only called captain. Maybe fleet admiral? Like the one in Iron ladies. I always liked that story.




(Tell me what you think about the names. I can still change it but I think they are good. and what about the Captain being called fleet admiral? Or should he be called something else?)