
Acedemy life is Boring

The first year of being in naruto world, time has passed but not without great gains. I have finally beaten the infamous cliff-kun, but that's not all. Naruto and sasuke have also done so too, better yet sasuke unlocked his sharingan doing so. My dangerous training methods ,help mature sharingan good to know. I had him go follow a joinin ,with my family's relic. (A block of wood with symbols on it. It is actually mc's screwdriver, with illusion runes on it; to look like a block of wood. It has an active perception filter on him.) he was to obtain us some ninjutsu with his eyes. His main duty was to get shadow clone jutsu. He was worried of being caught, I told him to say hes the child of the head of the uchiha clan. He just nodded at that slapping his forehead ,mumbling his IQ has decreased because of naruto. Now we are currently tackling the next thing together. I of course started before them, but it is very hard to finish the next step of it. Never mind chakra consumption. We are currently in the forest of death, inside the mini valcanoe they apparently had here. Truley they didnt show the entire forest, during the show. There are 4 biome forest,desert,mountain,swamp. In the mountain biome there was a small valvanoe we went inside it, and I am currently trying to convince them.

"I dont care what you say! This is crazy!!! I am not doing it!" Sasuke yells.

"Fine watch me if you dont beleive me." I then walk on the lava ,with my mastered lavawalking technique. Not only did you need to coat your feet like water walking, but you needed to also make a invisible coat of chakra around your body. So you dont get burned from, the heat of the lava surrounding you. "See this took me a long time to get here ,let's just say when your about to die because of lava. You learn how to do substitute jutsu sealess, or under a second."

At this explanation they both think 'This is you trying to convince us?!' "Oh also, the next step is what I'm still working on. It's to create a thicker coat of chakra, that will allow me to swim in lava." I then cover myself in my cloak and hop into the lava. "Ni-saan!!!" I swim to the surface and say "Its okay gu-" poof My original then turns off the perception filter ,and appears besides them. "Its alright I use a clone for this till I master it, however only naruto would have the reserves to do that. The only reason I failed was I got distracted by narutos shout ,and I still need to perfect it. Really makes me envy tailed beasts ,they have mastery over this stuff. If I didnt have insane reserves ,it would take me decades." Naruto and sasuke sweatdropped and Naruto said "Maybe its not that bad, if ni-saan can-" Sasuke interrupts and starts walking away

"Nope not doing it..." He starts to walk but I stop him and say"You know, I heard that itachi doesnt know how to lavawalk." He turns around and scowls "Tch. That's not going to work this time." He continues to walk away but I finish of by saying "O well naruto we will just have to do this ourselves ,and become super powerful ninja. Just think of it being able to walk on any terrain, and substitute so fast; it would be hard for people to kill you. Shh dont tell anyone I said this, but there are only two steps left before air walking." I say outloud and sasuke stops in his tracks as naruto said "Really air walking! So cool ni-saan! I want to walk on air!!"

"There is only one ninja that can fly that I know off, and he is not itachi. This might not be flying but, if you combine it with wind nature chakra you could." Sasuke then slowly turned around and said "I am not doing this, because of anything you said. It's because of my honor ,that I must follow the instructions set by my sensei." He says with a uchiha emotionless face.

"Yes, yes now get over here I'm going to explain. Okay now when you do this, you need to concentrate very hard. You need to use what we made ,during the aircushion technique. However, you must cover your body while creating the waterwalking technique on just your feet. Now for safety purposes ,I will have a clone watching you with this seal. This is a highlight seal ,they use on fancy restaurants ;to glow up their signs at night. When my clone sees you activate it, with your chakra. He will substitute you, for those stones over there. This is until you get a hang of it, when you do I wont be having my clone watch. As by then you should be able to cast substitution in time, to safe yourselfs. I timed your average substitution timing so untill you get to that level ,he will be watching. Do not tire yourself out to much ,and take breaks when needed. Dont let your competitive nature get you killed. As if you run out of chakra, you won't even be able to signal me. Alright that's everything you need to know, begin."<Shadow clone jutsu> I create 25 clones as that's the limit I set to ensure our safety. As if we were ambushed ,I want to be able to escape with my life. Or at least save theirs, and sacrifice a regeneration to kill them. Although the chances are low, but you never know. I nod at the clones, and they take off diving into the lava except one of them. While I do a workout, but not to straining as i dont want to tire out. After a long day of training me and naruto went to eat ramen, then headed home but I noticed someone following us so I said "Naruto just go. I think I forgot something ,back at the ramen place." He looks back, he was tired so he just nodded and went off. When he was gone ,I walked into an abandoned alley and said "Come out! Whoever you are!" It was itachi that came out and he said "Impressive to be able to sense me ,this well for your age. Even Jonnin cant detect me." itachi says.

"Hmm its you, as for sensing you no I didn't in your sense of the word sensed you. I have really good hearing, if I was in a restaurant I will be able to tell; if everyone is living or dead. Even if they are all moving, like normal. Plus heart beats are of a certain frequency, so it's easy to tell." Itatchi raises a eyebrow then looks at me intrigued and says "Interesting, is that a bloodline or something. Or perhaps your family was from the sound village." He probs

"You could say that. Does it matter? What did you want to talk about, oh and I can tell a lie from your heart beats. It's a cool trick I learned, on accident as I'm used to naruto. He doesnt lie to me, so when I found people having a weird fluctuation in theirs. When they said certain things, I decided to investigate, and found this this to be the case." Itachi is now really impressed by my abilities ,even though he could easily kill me.

"Where do you take sasuke everyday, I haven't said anything to anyone; I just want to know." Itatchi said the truth.

"Oh that, one day he was brought to me at ni-saans and my training area ,and he saw me training. Naruto tried to lie saying he followed him and wont go away, as I told him to not let anyone follow him. So I ended up taking him under my wing, as long as he doesn't let his clan get in his way of progress. You know relying on his eyes instead of using them as a tool. Also the clan is everything, being all stuck up. I taught him to first seek self confidence, before seeking approval from others. Otherwise he will only live in pain ,living under the massive shadow of his exceptional brother. As hearing how stuck up the hyuga and uchihas are. I figured his father might try to compare him, with you and burden him with it." I said this and itachi was shocked still or contemplating either to kill me.

"So you were the one who changed him. I must thank you for that, as I know our father would try to brainwash him. Into the uchiha ways further reducing his potential, but why would you do this. What do you gain out of this?"

"I will only tell you if you sign a contract ,that you wont divulge this information I'm about to share with anyone. As this is for the fate of the world." Itatchi mulls it over and says "Okay. As long as you won't betray the village ,even if you have to die." I then make a timelord contract apear, and all information is provided on what it is and does. Itachi is shocked.

"Th-this is not chakra, it is diffrent more natural but diffrent then nature chakra." He says then doesn't hesitate to sign the contract. 'He must really love his brother.'

"The blood colored moon will send everyone into an eternal sleep, to never awake till all; is no longer their former selfs. That is why I am making allies, trying to make them stronger. To prevent the downfall of the world ,as the second part says. "Brothers in old blood will join to save the day. Even if they fail they will still come, the ancient ones. The clan for long forgotten, from where all bloodlines diverge from. The theifs of the senju tree seed which bears a fruit that creates gods, and is the origin of all chakra that the inhabitants of elementia contain." As I finish this itachi nods and says "Although I can't say anything I'll try my best to stop it ,so my brother can survive a long life." He was about to take off I stop him and say "If you ever gain a sickness even tsunade cant heal, I'll heal it with my special energy no matter the cost. For I respect you not for what you accomplished ,but for your resolve." I said he nodded and took off.

'Ha it's a good thing my perception filter works on ninjas. I only had to do a few tweaks and changes.' I then head home to go to sleep ,as there is a long day tommorow.

It's been two months, and I must truley say I underestimated sasuke and narutos competitive progress. They have completed the lava walking training, naruto is training the lava diving while sasuke is training at the waterfall we found. He is training waterfall walking which is a combination of treewalking and waterwalking ,to walk up it you must use both.

"At least this is alot safer then lava walking, you know how hard it was to explain to my father. Why my clothes keep getting burned , he kept saying I was a failure! To get burned that easy, by my own jutsu. Tch. Your lucky! I didnt cave and try to attack him with all my strength. Plus my ni-saan covered for me ,saying he was training me in the forest of death; killing the fire salamanders." As I heard sasuke say this I said "Oh so he did, did he must like all the progress you made during your training."

At this sasuke lost his concentration, as he was just outed for telling his ni-saan. Blasting of the waterfall falling into the river. He got up and walked out drenched and said "I didnt tell him ,I promise sensei. He must have followed me one day and found out, he asked me to fight him with all I got and I did. I actually managed to hit him once, although I'm not sure if he went easy on me. Or it happened because he underestimated me, but he said he was proud of me and to keep up the good work." Sasuke said trying to defend himself, but forgot at the end due to his pride.

"Its okay. I need you to relay a Message to him anyways. I'm going to try to have a field trip set up for us ,to go out into the world outside the village. I will have it payed for as a SS class mission, so we will have a guard. However to get the child of the head of the uchiha clan, to come on a trip like this.... Is hard even with the money, I might need more political pull. That's were you come in, also itachi knows of this as I told him. He followed me home one night, wondering where I was taking you every day, my allegiances ect. I made him sign a bloodline contract, that we both cant break or we will die for good. I'll be loyal to the village till death, and he will not tell anyone of that night. It's a win, win situation ,and I don't think I want to be on his bad side. Your ni-saan is scary ,when he is in overprotective mode." Sasuke looked stunned then said " Why would you want to waste so much money, not asking where or how you got it. As I've found the hard way, you can convince me of anything. Even these crazy training regimens..."

"Oi. I take offense to that, if you must know I have a scroll that holds my family's inheritance. 10 million yen, this mission will cost a total of 1million yen as it will be an anbu guard. As I doubt your father would accept anything less. There is a bribe included in the price of course, to get the politician's to roll over. Besides I just want to check out this city ,that is said to have a cave; where the legend of chakra Crystal's came from. It should only take 1-2 months tops, besides there is a waterfall there nearby. There is also another technique that I want to test." I explained. Sasuke thought about it and said "Fine I'll ask ,but there is no promises; as my father is stubborn. Besides, it's about time we venture outside the village other then to a war, or life and death battles." He said getting excited at the end. I then return to my colored sand seperating chakra technique, while pondering of what to do next after flying. 'Maybe getting a laboratory running.'

(Hokages office)

"Come in." The hokage says as I then enter. I then used observation on the room, noticing 4 people where there, I was welcomed by the hokage.

"Oh Nova it's you. Whatever would you be comming here for?" He said puffing his pipe.

"To gain 3 favors and to use 1 for now, as for how I will accomplish this. I'm sure this would be an adequate exchange, for the solution of your paperwork proublem huh hokage-dono?" I then see the hokage shift from intrigue to a pleading look. "Oh, and what might that be?"

While the anbu shifted because they considered this as me being disrespectful. The hokage signalled them, with his chakra to stand down.

"Well I'm sure you wouldn't want, the future hokages getting in on this so quickly no? So having 4 people listening in on us, then them turning in favors with future kages. Defeats the purpose no?" I said smirking as the hokage then said "Wait you said 4, there is only 3 anbu in here so where is the fourth?" I pointed at the location of all anbu, and when I did all the others jumped to restrain the rouge. They were too late as he had a way out, suicide by pill.

"Sorry you had to see that boy, now anbu leave the room; I want to talk to the boy alone." He waved them off and said "So what Is the secret to the paperwork problem, and I will give you the favors."

"Shadow clones give you their memories, so you can use them. The only bad side is if you are not diligent enough, you will have to swap clones in intervals. As the clones will loose productivity, if they hate paperwork to the point of quitting or pretending to do something." After this he pulled out a bullseye paper from his desk ,that said"Hit head here" and he placed it on his desk. He began to headbut his desk, when he was done he then said. "Thank you! <Shadowclone jutsu> For enlightening this old man, so what is your favor?" He said genuinely intrigued

"Well first off here is 1 million yen ,I want to take a 1-2 month training trip with sasuke and naruto. As I know there will be upheaval at this, use some of the money for bribes or whatever. I'm sure this is enough for a anbu escourt ,and that escourt should take care of the uchiha clan problems. If not, I'm having sasuke have his brothers approval." After I say this he hums and says "Tricky but you thought of everything, however may I ask where's the money from."

He asked concern.

"Well first I want to inform you, of a problem that Naruto is having and that's preforming the clone jutsu. It seems he would need to have the worlds best chakra control, to do it. Or a clone jutsu ,that requires more chakra in order to do it. Is there anyway you can help?" I look at him with sincere eyes

He puffs his pipe and sighs, he then says "Yes I could solve that proublem but. You two will have to return the scroll ,as soon as you learn it. This is a dangerous kinjutsu ,it can kill you as it consumes alot of chakra; so dont make to many clones. Also dont preform any other techniques, on the scroll. They are extremely dangerous aswell, don't let anyone see it or take it from you. Normally I'd send a guard ,but the chances of me doing something unexpected like this ;noone will suspect it. Now I heard from itachi that you are as great of a sensor ,as a hider. I dont know if it's a bloodline, but its doubtful; as only uzumaki would have something like that. Here is the scroll keep it hidden ,it will be hard to hide as its huge. I'll show you one of the secret escape exits ,of the tower." He hands me the scroll, he had a paperwork clone get.

" Oh the money is from my inheritance scroll ,I have 5 mill left I'm going to invest in my future." He nods at this then says "Doesn't that mean you could have paid for your own food ,and apartment." I chuckle at this and say "I used the money I saved to buy naruto healthy food. As the shops have either banned him or sold him old moldy food, sometimes they just tripled the price of the food."

At this a killing intent leaked throughout the village. "THEY DID WHAT!!!"


<Positive intent towards host and naruto.

Previous Neutral intent towards host as if you dont return the scroll, you will be killed after interrogation.

Make it up to us by punishing the wrongdoers.

Great evil intent towards villagers, most likely going to close businesses and hurt people.>

"Cough Yes I will get your request processed, is there anything else you need from me ;as I need to take care of a few shops."

"No that's all for now, have a good day also here Is a list for you." I give him the list of all the names I kept it incase ,I could use it as another method of favor gathering. I then head out to tell naruto of the good news.

I arrive at the training grounds and I yell "Naruto, Sasuke come here right now!" They both stop what they were doing, and head to my location.

"What is it Ni-saan?! I'm almost done with the cloaking technique." Sasuke hears and says

"Tch. Lucky bastard. Having insane chakra reserves." They were about to fight but I stopped them. "Now, now the field trip i told you about has been accepted by the hokage ,we just need to wait for uchiha clans approval." Naruto gets excited and sasuke responds "My ni-saan says he should be able to convince my father. However the most he could get is one month, and I will have to show some progress." Sasuke says hesitantly

"Hmm that's good. Perhaps if you do the pheonix flower technique, for show and tell that would be enough. Oh and naruto here is a forbidden scroll, you are going to say we learned shadow clone jutsu from it.If the hokage asks that is, as for sasuke he could say he watched us when we were training it. However ,it would be best to be gennin before that. As then you could say as a teammate ,or old friend naruto taught you." They both nod I open it up, they looked. I skimmed through it all.

Impure resurrection

Shadow clone jutsu

Multi-shadow clone jutsu

Blood clone jutsu

Death reaper seal jutsu [Warning soul will be taken by the shinigami as exchange]

List of Wood jutsus

"Huh that's it, well I guess they all have in depth explanations. Oo look naruto that looks usefull, and I brought blood pills with me. I'm going to practice this technique." They both look at me as I'm crazy. "But ni-saan! It says if you mess up by even a drop of blood you will die."

I wave my hands and say "Ma-Ma I got a bloodline of sorts ,and I can calculate and sense things alot more then normal people. So I'll know the exact amount, besides the blood pill will replenish lost blood. So I wont die as long as i dont mess up to bad." I immediately start the jutsu and <Blood clone jutsu> poof.

"Ni-saan you did it so cool." I hold my hand and say.

" If it wasn't for my bloodline I wouldnt do it as, if you dispell it past a week you will go brain dead. For me i could handle two months or more. As you might have noticed, I dont get headaches from the shadow clone jutsu like you." I said this and they both look at me in wonder "Really?!! I never noticed that before."

"Hn. This idiot wouldnt have noticed ,even if though it was done right infront of him.I noticed ,but I assumed it's because your chakra healing ability."

"Hey what is that supposed to mean?!" Naruto yells at sasuke. However sasuke diverts the topic and asks.

"So what exactly you need that clone, to go and do?" This caused naruto's brain to halt and say "Yeah ni-saan, are you doing a prank or something?"

"Well as I told you my bloodline makes me really smart, so I'm going to find or buy a laboratory. Also I'll have him make a shadowclone ,to send the scroll back. Then buy some sealing techniques ect. Then I will begin experimenting on various things, so we will be prepared for anything that comes. Perhaps I could store jutsu into tiny scrolls, the possibilities are endless!"

They both look amazed and interested "When you said smart, I didnt think that smart. If you can do this, it will be world changing; never mind how rich you will become."

"Hold it there. I wont release things till I'm strong enough to defend them. As I dont want a great world war over me and my inventions."

They both sweatdropped while sasuke thought 'Great the last thing we need his crazy ideas getting an ego boost. I just hope our next training exercises ,dont kill us.'

"Tch. You better not get yourself killed by your experiments, as if they are like your training.... I dont want to lose a good sensei, untill I can gain self honour first." Naruto nods his head and adds "I dont want to lose my ni-saan, I wont let you die! Believe it! dattaboyo"

I nod at this and say "Dont worry I will mostly use clones if it's that bad. The only bad thing I would feel, is the pain of blowing up or being burned to death. But I'm used to it as I've invented a new technique, it's called the boom clone. You place alot of paper bombs on the clone ,and he hugs the enemy and goes boom. It hurts alot but I learned to turn of my pain receptors, also no pain no gain." They both drop to the ground and sasuke just says "Remind me to never get on your bad side. As if you would do that to opponents, I can imagine sworn enemy's.<shiver>" Naruto gets up and says

"Yes noone would mess with my crazy ni-saan!!"

"I dont think that's something to be proud of."

sasuke adds.

"Thanks guys I feel the warmth of your words Haha. I'll try not to doe at least till I test if death is real...." Naruto and Sasuke punched me and said "No you dont!" I cover my bloody nose and say "Yeesh guys trying to kill me I just dropped like half my bloo-" After that I got dizzy and passed out. One of my clones came to inspect and said. "Hes alright he just needs some rest."

They both nod and put me on the hammock I made.

I wake up the next morning, to both of them yelling at me to wake up.

"Alright I'm up!"

"Ni-saan! The uchiha clan accepted the terms, they denied at first but with itachi and the hokage they reluctantly accepted." sasuke nodded and added "Tch. I bet it was a money bribe that got them to cave, as I heard my father in another room say. Sasuke has his worth for something at least. My mother defended me and he got in trouble. But my useless father still hates me." He looks sad with two tomoe spinning in his eyes.

"Look up ,his words didnt do only bad things. You now have two tomoe unlocked! Congratulations." After I said that he cheered up as he gasped. "Hn. Useless father has his uses after all." Naruto tries to cheer him up and say

"Let's go were going to be late for anbu-san."

We arrive at the front gates and infront of us ,is a man with silver hair standing up on its end. It was kakashi. "Yo!" I practically yell and say

"How are you here on time!! I heard from Gai-sensei all the time, that his youthful rival is always late to things." To this both Naruto and Sasuke looked suspiciously at him ,while he just rubs the back of his head and says. "Ma-Ma I'm only late when it's not a direct order to be on time, by the hokage. Besides most of the time, there is a certain black cat that gets in my way so I have to go the long way around."

We all thought 'Hows that supposed to make us feel better?!'

"Well I suppose we should leave now, before we are late." he says as if hes always on time.

I gained a tickmark then sighed. "Let's just go this is supposed to be a mini-vacation."

Naruto and Sasuke nod and we leave.