
Transmigration into naruto.

hmm interesting no body must have died.....

Ah yeah that bright light before was lightningkun...

so anyone here.... ... .....

o well let's see if I could do anything magical here, at least make my soul stronger. Well I feel something ,but not from outside maybe I can use this to solidify my soul. Seems impossible if I dont know how, because it dont seem like I've got full control. If I'm going to be here for a while....

Gahh.Maybe if I just replay my bad memories, maybe that will strengthen my soul , if not at least my will power will increase....

i feel a great pull, whisk me away


God: hmm what do we have here ,ah so that's it.

So that must be God or a R.O.B talking.

God: So that's what happened you, as you were not meant to die. That lightning was a mistake on my part, and since this was the case you were not brought; to my attention sooner. Not to mention, you could have been eaten by some powerful being that roam here.

'Shameless use of lightning bolts, owell nothing to change that.EATEN!?'


God:Anyway you do seem to be too powerful for your own good....hmm so feasting on the omniforce by attracting it ,with will power. Okay here's what's going to happen , im going to give you 1 wish no asking to be a God or anything to powerful. In return I'll take the excess energy you acquired, and transmigrate you in a world of your choice. Ill give you a little aura, so people trust you more; without alarming them of course. I'll give you a temporary atm inventory, that will only hold 10mil currency. You can take money out ,but not put in. Also when all money is gone, so is the inventory. You will also be spawned, as you'd call it in the leaf village.

Me: "You killed me!! And I almost got killed by beings here ,could I at least choose my body's aswell." The giant mass of lite flickered red for a second then yellow ,and finally back to it's normal radiant sun-like like color.

God:" I suppose that would be alright. But! Remember they must not be a god, and most of all they have to be MORTAL."

Me: "Hmm okay my wish, world and body are-

Wish: For me to have the power of absolute observation; for instance if I look at a god or anyone really, it will tell me all the basic stuff about them. It will also tell me what their intentions are for me ,evil or good and explain it. It will also so me a status screen, for all who have evil intentions to me.

World: Naruto

Body of the most intelligent Timelord, to have existed. This is from the dr who series, also if you can remove the part when I die I leave behind a timestream. Plus I'm sure you wouldnt want people getting hold of my DNA, causing universes to cease existence because of time instabilities. So if you could, make all samples people try to collect to disappear."

The R.O.B or god turned red then green and then back to normal.

God: "Cheeky bastard! Normally I would be mad and disintegrate your soul, but you spoke the truth of all the matters so..... I will reward you by making it so, when you die instead of regenerating you will be transported into a newly spawned body. This will count as a regeneration, after your first death you will have 10 left. Also it will be teleported to a safe distance away ;from all people who have evil intentions for you. As you said "me" you implied your soul currently ,and when you have your body it will apply aswell. This will be the reward for your wise choice by choosing a body that's not immortal, but is damn close to it; and basically is if they never die. Now you wont get a tardis, but anything else is up for grabs. Just put your hand in your pocket, and summon the item you seek. You get to figure out what it will, and won't work with.Goodbye." I feel my soul get whisked away from where I was.

[I do not own Naruto, Dr who, or any of the affiliate books ,movies, and animes that my MC encounters. Or any other copyrighted names their owned by their own corresponding corporations and authors ,the only thing I own is my mc.]

As my eyes open I quickly shut them again as the light outside was too bright, finally adjusted to it I open my eyes fully and see lots of trees and leaves. Slightly disoriented I sit up, looking around more I notice road past the trees on the left, getting up I start towards it. Once I stand up I notice something else, "MY Screwdriver!" I frantically put my hand in my pocket ,and think of it and now it's in my hand. 'Nice this will be useful.' Spotting a small puddle in the road ,I run to it to view myself. I gasp in realization ,that I am suddenly back to being 5 years old. I also see that I'm also animated, and look like mitsuki with boruto's hairstyle but same whitish silver color hair. I also have a red scarf on with what looks like a snot bubble coming from my nose. 'He did make me handsome ,but being this cute ah fangirls will get me!' I start to look around more. I notice a pair of giant gates that I recognized.


"Hot damn it's not a dream" I gasp out.


It was the gate to the hidden leaf village. Looking closer ,I notice the two guards sitting at the desk and sleeping.


"Oh my god, I'm in Naruto.Yess but not(very dangerous world).I put on a perception filter and sneek my way past the sleeping guards , then into the village. Immediately spotting the hokage tower ,I decide to make my way there.


Finally got close to the door of the hokage office I pant ,and lean against the wall.


"Man! I need to start working out."

'Ha just going through all this knowledge, at an insanely fast rate; it seems my body is born with the knowledge.'

Straightening myself up I see a door just up ahead. My forhead is all sweaty, so i decide to wipe it off my head ;on to my shirt. Reaching the door, I take a deep breath and knock on the door.

"Come in" a deep voice replied.

'Its do or die , please dont be die' I thought


Turning the knob I pushed the door open, to see my assumption was correct. Sitting there in all his glory was the third hokage, lightly puffing his pipe and looked down at me; while his eyes widened in surprise.


"And what can I do for you child?"


"U-umm, I was wondering ,if I could acquire a place of residence?"


"I have no problem with that, as long as you answer a few of my questions?"



"Do you plan on bringing harm to the village?"

"No sir I'm honor bound to help those who help me, till my death!" I answered without hesitation.


"Why is that?"

"My parents from all I can remember of them, always said "To die without honour, would be to die disrespecting your parents and their ancestors" So this is what I believe." I said getting a nod out of Lord third as he let out a puff of smoke and said. "Indeed"

"Are you a spy for an enemy of the leaf village?"

"No sir"

"If I do give you a place to stay, would you allow me to enroll you into the ninja academy?"

I look at him in surprise


"I'm sorry sir but I believe I don't have any chakra, or I wouldn't be so tired so how can i possibly be a ninja" I tell him sadly. He begins to chuckle. "Sir?" 'Lies that are the truth but not really what you want for the current situation.S ince I'm talking about my previous life, it's TRUE.'


"My child. I feel a very large amount of chakra from you, here I want you to try something for me, if you can do it. You will be enrolled at the ninja academy. If not, I will find you a place to stay. As for being tired ,thats because your not using chakra while walking" He said chuckling.

Still slightly shocked at the fact he felt alot chakra from me, I nod my head. 'Is it my time energy? No it cant be that! Perhaps since the body is accustomed to holding ,what I assume alot of time energy. Another type of energy would be like adding a small creak, or river.'


"Good, now I want you to put your hands together like this.Now concentrate, and imagine yourself as someone else, okay?"


I nod and do as he says, and I start to feel something rushing around inside my body, I concentrate harder and close my eyes, thinking of the hokage, POOF! Startled I open my eyes and see that I have a white rob on; looking more I see that I've gotten taller. I hear a loud laugh and look at the hokage.


"See child? I knew you could do it! Starting tomorrow you will be enrolled for the academy. You will be just starting like everyone else, there are quite a few clan children there. Do try to not make enemies ,as when it's a clan matter; I cant do anything." He said seriously also thinking 'I cant let danzo take this one ,his chakra is about as much as naruto. He seems like he came from the land of iron, based on the honour code. To think they would have a hidden gem like this.... He will have more use here ,as they wont allow him to use chakra to its fullest there. Stupidity the samurai are surely wasting alot of potential ,by not learning ninjutsu.'

A large smile breaks across my face and I jump around, when I feel pain shot through me I put my hand on my back.


"I see you got my back pain too, hehe, old age is not the best thing I'm afraid" The hokage chuckles.

"How do I change back?" I ask


"Just think about turning back into yourself"

I nod and do so, I hear another poof ,and look down and see my normal attire again. The hokage stands up and walks to me, and hands me and envelope and a key.

<Observe: intent>

<Intent: NEUTRAL with some selfish intent. Make samurai boy with large chakra reserves, friends with naruto. Keep monitored to ensure hes not a spy, sent to kidnap the 9 tails host. If he makes naruto happy, nurture the two until they learn the will of fire; and help the village thrive. Danzo will be mad at first, but he will get over it; and think I'm using them as tools for the village.> 'Hmm cant tell if he is as evil as I thought ,he was for leaving naruto like that. Considering he has his crystal ball.'


"Here is some money for you to get food and some clothes, I will take you to where you'll be staying, now I warn you. It will be with a boy around your age, he can be a bit eccentric. But this is only until I can find you your own place, to stay" he says with a sweat drop. I nod and look ahead of us, wondering who ill be staying with.(could it be him , no way danzo would get crossed) After about ten minutes of buying food and stuff ,we finally reach a small apartment complex.


As we climb the stairs to the top floor we reach a door, and the hokage knocks on it. Hearing shouts and thumps from the other side of the door ,I start to get worried about what's happening to him. When the door opens, I see a familiar yellow hair whiskered boy with the bluest eyes I've seen.


"Hello Naruto, there's someone I want you to meet" The hokage says.

Naruto looks surprised and turns to me.

"Hi I'm Novarael, you can just call me Nova! I hope we can be friends!" I say with my best smile.


Naruto looks amazed with a small blush on his face.

"Nova here is going to be living with you, for a little bit, at least until I can find him somewhere else to stay. I gave him some money already, for some extra food. Don't spend it all on ramen, I hope you two get along well" the hokage says with a knowing smile on his face ,and walks away. Naruto finally snaps out of it, and puts a blinding smile on his face,


"Hi! I'm Naruto Uzumaki, and I'm gonna be the hokage one day, believe it!"


Unable to hold in my happiness I let out a laugh, but quickly collect myself ,because I remind myself of this cruel world.


"Well they say actions speak louder then words, but if you do become hokage. I'll just call you Naruto-sama"


He looks surprised and gets a darker blush on his face, with a tear in his eye. 'He is nice, and doesn't tell me I'm wrong. I'm gonna protect him like a brother I never had, I promise!' Naruto thought wiping one tear away. Then said

"Hey! Lets get some ramen!" he yells and pulls me along ,before hearing my response. I laugh, and let myself dragged along. 'I hope he won't try to do this everyday.' After we got back it was dark, so I went to bed on the sofa bed that the hokage got me. Then went to sleep, pondering how this world can be a mix of modern and medieval.Anyways tomorrow will be my first day in the acedemy.


Groaning I pull the blanket up over my ears ,to try and block out the screaming of my blond roommate,

"Wrathos! Get up! It's our first day at the academy!" (Naruto keeps being held back so it's still true.)

"If you would quit yelling I'd be able to get up, without my ears bleeding!" I grunt angrily as I glare at him from the bed, "Hehe, sorry, Im excited ,and wanna walk with you there!" Naruto said more quietly than before, rubbing the back of his neck.

"*sigh* Alright I'm up, now leave and I'll get changed." He nodded and shut the door. (MC dont like to change in the same room, with Naruto. Even though they are both boys, with his previous age ;it simply was not going to happen.)

I kick off the blanket ,and stretch my arms above my head preparing to get ready. I walk over to the small pile of clothes I bought yesterday, and flicked through them to see which outfit I wanted to wear. I decided to go with the dark orange and black two piece robes, with a fisherman's strawhat. I also wore a long scarf ,that I had when I came to this world.( kinda imagine the akatsuki robes, but dark orange with black and no red clouds). After putting on the outfit I meet Naruto by the door. He was getting impatient noticing me, a smile growing on his face.

"Are you ready Nova?!"

I put on a smile as well, "just call me Nissan its easier." Naruto starts crying looking down he says in a low tone "really?"

"Yes there is a saying those who will be there for you whenever in need ,is what it truley means to be family. Now chin up, and stop crying. If your going to be hokage, we cant have you cry the first day in the acedemy can we?" Naruto looks up with fiery eyes "No let's go nisan"

Grabbing my hand he rushed out the door ,and pulled me all the way to the academy. Nearing the academy. I stumble on my scarf and almost fall. So he let's go ,as he seen that it could cause me to trip. We then start walking slowly, the rest of the way. Content on walking in silence. Suddenly there's a loud ringing in the distance, making both of us jump, 

"Oh no! we're late, come on, I get us there in no time!" Naruto grabbed my hand, and started running again. Reaching the front doors of the academy, we then rushed to class. Naruto went to his seat in class, while sensei looked at me then said. "Alright class! We have a extra student today!, I want you to treat him ,just like you do your friends, are we clear?" a loud voice sounds, "You may come in now" Gulping down the mouthful of spit I had, and I walk forward through the door. Blinking, I was greeted by the sight of Iruka. Suddenly filled with happiness ,I tried not to let a huge smile show up on my face. Iruka smiled slightly, "Hello, I am Iruka, I will be your teacher until you graduate, which is in a couple years, but if you push yourself you might graduate early. Now if you would be so kind; to introduce yourself to the class?" I nodded and turned toward the rows of kids, soon spotting naruto all alone. "Hello, my name is Nova take care of me please!" still staring at Naruto I see that he went from sadly messing with the table, to sitting up and paying attention, and with a mischievous smile spreads across his face.

"Okay Nova, if you would please pick a seat ,we can go ahead and get started on today's lesson" I nod and make my way to where Naruto is sitting, he has the whole row to himself. Just how I like it myself tbh, no fangirls in sight. I then hear squealing girls, all looking in my direction.However, since naruto is here they dont aproach. Sadly knowing why, i sitdown next to him. I then raise my fist and say "fistbump?" he first bumps me; I then I settle down my things. With my inhanced timelord senses , I hear a few murmurs around the class, "Did he sit next to Naruto?" "Doesn't he know?" "He's soo cute!!!" "Yeah to bad he's not as cute as my sasuke." "No way! he is definitely cute then sasuke, but why is he sitting near Naruto does he not know?" Then I hear them fighting, on who is cuter but I could care less. Not really caring much about them, I whisper to Naruto, 

"I cant believe we are in in the same class!"

"Me either! It's got to be a dream!" I laugh.

Little did you I know I was being stared at, by a certain raven haired Uchiha,

'He chose to sit next to dobe? Must be a loser like him. Tch.. One is enough!' After a boring lesson of brainwashing innocent kids. Me and naruto were heading to the playground ,to play but I stopped him. "Ni-saan this is not the path of a hokage, look I found something interesting when I was playing with leaves earlier. You can make them stick to you and spin, then if you go far enough. You can have a bunch on you. I wanted to stick to a tree like a lizard, so I think if I use this method I can do that. Who knows, I could do something really cool with this. Maybe something, that will make even a ninja jealous.

(In the hokages office)

Currently the hokage was watching ,naruto and his new roommate nova. On his all seeing ball of peeping, he currently had his mouth open thinking. 'Is this really what a ninja technique comes down too, a child wanting to stick to a tree like a lizard. Sigh. The innocence of a child, but call me intrigued; let me see what you can do.

( In a somewhere close to the academy's swing set.)

"Look Ni-saan! I'm doing it, the leaf is spinning like you said it would!" Naruto yelled trying to get my attention, I looked over and said.

"Good, good now just try to-" Boom. I get flung away from the tree, as I messed up in my connection with chakra to the tree;taking pieces of bark with me. Naruto runs to me and helping me up and says "Are you alright?" I nod and say "Yeah just continue what your doing, I think I almost have this. I think I'm getting close, but i have a feeling I'm doing something wrong."

Naruto nods and i go back to the tree. I place my right hand on the tree, and begin to try to climb like a spider on a web. I try a couple times failing. Then I purposely use to much chakra on my hands ,and I flip backwards but I catch myself. I was then standing on the side of the tree, with just my feet.

"Look Ni-saan I did something I think? hmmm. I think I got it! It is alot easier to do it this way as I dont have to try as hard! Brilliant!" Naruto looks at me amazed and says "Wow you did it ni-saan! That's so cool! Teach me please." Naruto said with what looked like baby kitten eyes, begging for a treat.

"Yes but you need to do that first. I just realize now that, this is very dangerous. So you must cover your body with spinning leaves first, and not follow this stupid ni-saans footsteps!"

Naruti just nods and says "Just watch me I'll master this quick! Then I will be one step closer to being the hokage! Believe It! dattaboy" Naruto says ending with his verbal tic.

"Alright when we get tired let's go home and rest. Then we will continue tommorow after school." I tell him and he nods while I think.

'Maybe I should get some seals, and try to make my own using timelord gravity runes. So I can make myself work hard physically, doubling my training efforts while noone is wiser.

(Flashback Hokages office ,while Nova learned how to tree walk.)

The hokage is looking wide eyed, as the young samurai boy just accidentally reinvented treewalking. 'This kid is either a genius, or a bigger idiot then naruto. Finding out it's dangerous, but continuing anyways. If I could I would send a ninja to help him, but with danzo...Sigh i can only watch ,and have a anbu intervene they almost die.

7 months went by as naruto ,and nova were doing various chakra exercises. Naruto was currently at water walking, while I was trying to climb a cliff using chakra. Boom I then began to fall for the 15th time, when falling to your doom you learn quickly that ;the log is life. <Substitution jutsu> I replace my self with a wooden log; that I still have no idea where they come from. Do i care no, one must not question the log; to question the log is like to question ones life. After I replaced with the log, I could see a duckbut haired boy walking here with naruto. Since I get up early, as I recently made a gai-sensei approved schedule; naruto gets here later then me. Naruto then introduces his new friend. "Ni-saan this is sasuke, he seen me heading over here; I told him that I wasn't allowed to bring anyone with me. He just said that he would wait till I went here, and follow me. I'm sorry." Naruto says. 'Oh yeah I did tell him that didnt I.'

"It's okay. I know you tried ,besides I'm sure he is just curious; what his fellow classmates are up to." I see sasuke nod then he says "hn".

'Well it's not like I expected you to say much.' I sweatdropped.

"Well currently we are practicing things that I discovered ,and found out over time.-" I explain about how I found out and ect..... "- So that's how I got to this point ,and as you can see I'm currently cliff climbing." Sasuke thinks over everything I said then he asked "If your helping naruto, then why is his grades still slacking?"

"Well I heard once a ninja needs to be deceptive, so that's what we are currently doing. Besides he needs anything but more attention as all the villagers are hating him, for what I assume is something beyond his control. As if ,he was born with a burden of hate or something." Sasuke hums

"Hn. That does make sense, but I do have a question. Would you mind if you could teach me? As I seen before,how skillfully you performed the jutsu. It's as if you had years of experience, to be able to do it with a one hand seal. I've only seen my Ni-saan able to do something like that." He says with burning passion to learn in his eyes.

Activate timelord shut up technique.

"Fine. But you must know ,we train for our honor first. Not a clans or anything like that, any progress you make you will hide it. As my parents told me before they died, trust in only actions. People in this world betray eachother for greed, and power. Even family can turn on eachother, now I'm not saying this will happen. However, there is a lesson to learn without the worlds attachments ,who are you. Nothing. We all start from nothing no honor, to truley gain honour. You dont seek it from your family, friends ,nor even village. You must find it for yourself, then and only then when you have gained self honor; of the highest degree you could give yourself. You can go and strive for the honor from your roots , and make them grow. For your self honor was your water to make you sprout, now you feed your roots.Only then ,you can you thrive. Then eventually you can make leaves of your own, and know No One no matter how strong; will ever destroy you. As no matter who they kill, you will always have yourself to turn back to. Even if the most unfortunate times come, you will be able to make new roots. If you didnt do it in this way, you would have been destroyed by the innerturmoil. Having had withered away in disdain and regrets, or worse seeking revenge till your death! So I employ you ,forget about any bloodlines you may have. Start from nothing and gain strength, if you rely on your blood alone to live. You may survive ,but you will never live up to your expectations or anyone else for that matter. Take your time to think and make your choice." I said going back to what I was doing before, while sasuke was thinking it all over.

'Maybe if I use chakra on my feet, I can make an aircushion ;so I could survive even large falls. Brilliant! I should try to do this, at a lower height thou so I dont die.' I then try to do it a few times failing a few times, I then get inturrupted by sasuke. "What are you trying to do right now? It looks different from earlier, alot more dangerous too." He said pointing at my cuts and scratches, but they heal themselves closed. As I used my chakra to speed it up. "Oh I just got an idea, to try to make an air cushion using chakra. So when I fall I won't get as hurt, but it seems I need alot of progress." Sasuke was looking in shock at my wounds closing up, I notice this and say "Oh that, neet trick I figured out I can make myself heal faster, like naruto does with his chakra. Hes more of a natural at it, as he never needed to be taught." I responded.

Sasuke then looks deep in thought and says.

"Your really stupid for doing something crazy like that ,even though you can heal. I made my decision ,but before I can be sure I want to fight you." He says sternly.

I nod but I respond "Sure, I'll begin when your ready." Sasuke nodded and got into attack position, while naruto was to be the referee.

"Go!" Naruto said as we started. Sasuke rushed at me ,going for a right hook to my head. I dodged it ,then tapped at the part of his body that left openings for attacks. He then retreated and tried to do a fireball jutsu, but before he could complete it. I took off my weights making a boom. I then outrun the fireball going around it , sasuke sees this but hes to slow to react; then I knock him to the ground. "Looks like I win." Sasuke just grunts and gets up in pain and says "Okay I'll agree to the terms, but dont think you will always win. Also tell me how you got that fast!" He said angry at the gap between us, it's as if I'm a mini itatchi.

"Oh look over there, it seems I left my weights in that giant hole." He looks then sweatdropped and said "Hn." He walks over to try to lift it ,but he finds that he cant. "How much do these things weigh?!!" He asked while breathing out of breath, as he was tired from trying to lift it.

"Oh that I dont know 1kg I lost track after a while, so now I just add more to my workout regimen." I say nonchalantly while sasuke just sweats thinking 'I feel like it's best to not ask about his regimen. As I would regret asking... No I must, otherwise I wont know when i will be at his current level' Sasuke then asks "What do you do for a regimen?"

"Oh 1k pushups,situps,pullups then 10km running around the village. As for the weights I got them from, some weird ninja guy with big eyebrows and shining teeth. He gave them as a gift as he seen how "Youthful my training was", what ever that means. I'm guessing there is a store that sells them, somewhere. Oh that's with my weights on, they grown on me I dont ever take them off. Unless it's a worthy opponent, or I dont want to disrespect someone as this was the current case."I then put them back on. I then look at sasuke who was on the ground mumbling "Crazy training freak."

"Oh I almost forgot did you decide?" I ask him as he recollected himself.

"Yes, I decided I will train with you guys." Sasuke says with fiery eyes then naruto walks over and says "Great! I'll show you all the tricks ni-saan has taught me!" but sasuke stops him and says

"Ni-saan? Are you two truley brothers?" he says asking me "To me some bonds, are stronger then blood. So I consider him family, anyways we live together; in an apartment that the hokage set up. Its not so hard to see things turn out this way does it?" He just nods "Hn."

"Okay now naruto show him the ropes! While I have a battle with this cliff! I will win eventually."

Naruto nods and sasuke sighs and says "Why did I sign up for training, under a crazy person."

"Ahh- come on ni-saan is just what dies he call it.... Aha Excentric anyways he says no pain no gain. Also if you never risk anything you will never become rich." Naruto runs off with sasuke as I battle the infamous cliff-kun.

Next chapter